(A) Two inspections under this subchapter shall be made, the first of which shall be at the time the wiring, connections and installations have been installed in the rough. The second inspection shall be made when fixtures are installed, all connections have been made and work completed.
(B) When any electrical wiring covered by permit shall be found upon inspection by the Inspector to conform with the rules and regulations herein prescribed, the Inspector shall issue a certificate of inspection certifying that the wiring and installations have been inspected and found to comply with the terms hereof.
(C) No person shall use any electrical current in or through any wiring hereafter installed in or on any building or structure until the same shall have been inspected and approved by the Inspector and a certificate herein provided for shall have been issued therefor.
(D) All mechanical equipment and other piping or tube work must be in place on work to be concealed before the electrical wiring is inspected, and no wiring will be considered complete until the piping is in place. Upon inspection of any electrical equipment, the Inspector shall place a certificate at a conspicuous place on the premises where the wiring is inspected, stating that the work has been inspected and found to be in compliance and accordance with the rules prescribed in this subchapter.
(E) No electrical wiring shall be concealed by lath, insulation or otherwise until the wiring has been inspected by the Inspector and notices placed on the wiring that it has been accepted by the Inspector.
(F) The color of inspection tags and certificates shall be as follows:
(1) Power connection, approved: white certificate;
(2) Service only, approved: yellow tag;
(3) Rough-in, approved: blue tag;
(4) Violation of electrical code: red tag; and
(5) Final approval (certificate of inspection): yellow or orange sticker.
(1990 Code, § 6-107) (Ord. 84-946, passed 6-18-1984; Ord. 2000-1964, passed 6-19-2000) Penalty, see § 150.999