Applications for franchises issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be made upon blank forms prepared and made available by the City Clerk and shall state:
   (a)   The name and main business address of the applicant.
   (b)   The names and main business address of any firm, association or corporation of which the applicant is a division or subsidiary.
   (c)   The names and business addresses of all owners, partners, directors, officers and resident agents of applicant.
   (d)   The names and addresses of all stockholders of the applicant who own 10% or more of the applicant’s stock.
   (e)   Such information as the City Clerk shall find reasonably necessary to effect the purpose of this Chapter and to arrive at a fair determination of whether the terms of this Chapter have been or will be complied with.
(Ord. 2428, passed 2-18-1974; Ord. 2899, passed 3-21-1984; Ord. 3486, passed 1-28-2002)