For the purpose herein, the following definitions apply:
DANCE LICENSING BOARD. The Board hereinafter provided for.
PRIVATE DANCE. A dance to which the general public is not invited, permitted, or allowed to attend. Persons attending a PRIVATE DANCE must have been specifically invited or requested to attend, either orally or in writing, by the person or persons sponsoring said dance and the person or persons sponsoring same must be able to submit, on request, to the person charged with enforcement of this ordinance, a written list setting forth each and every person, by name, entitled to attend said dance. Any such dance shall conclusively be presumed not to be private in nature if announcements relative to same are posted in any public location in the City of Flint or if announcements thereof appear in the news media.
PUBLIC DANCE. Any dance or dancing activity to which members of the general public may gain admission with or without payment of a charge or fee.
PUBLIC DANCE HALL. A place to which the public is invited, requested, permitted or allowed to attend, and at which dancing is allowed or permitted.
TEENAGE DANCE. Any public dance to which admission is restricted to persons less than 20 years of age.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968)
No person or organization shall promote, conduct or operate a public dance, and no person or organization in possession or control of any public dance hall shall permit or suffer any such dance to be held thereon, except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance Provided, however, that a dance sponsored by the Flint Board of Education, any private, denominational or parochial school, as defined by Public Act 302 of 1921, being MCLA 388.551 through 388.558, as amended, or any private, denominational or parochial high school providing full-time education facilities for grades seven through twelve, or any college or university providing a full-time, four year curriculum and offering a bachelors degree, and held upon property under the jurisdiction of the same shall not be subject to the provisions of this ordinance.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968)
A private dance as hereinabove defined shall not fall within the ambit of this ordinance; provided, however, that in the event such private dance is attended by fifty or more persons, the location at which said dance is held shall comply with all fire, safety and sanitary regulations as shall be applicable to public dance halls under this ordinance.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968)
In the event the sponsor of said private dance is a bona fide “club” or other bona fide organization, whether said organization be incorporated or unincorporated, the charging of admission for said dance shall not affect its private nature; provided, however, that in the event admission is charged or in the event the dance is attended by one hundred or more persons, the sponsor of said club or organization shall be required to maintain at the location at which said dance is held a full roster of the names, ages and addresses of all members and no person shall be allowed to attend such dance unless said person is a member in good standing. No person shall be allowed to acquire a new membership on the date of the dance and members shall be allowed only one guest. Under no circumstances shall persons under the age of 17 be allowed to attend such dances; provided, however, that dances held at private residences within the City of Flint shall not be covered by this ordinance.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968)
(a) Every public dance hall, as herein defined in § 8-34, shall be licensed as required herein. Application shall be made to the City Clerk by the person or organization in possession or control, and shall set forth the name and address of the applicant, the names and addresses of its officers if an organization, and the street address of the proposed public dance hall. An inspection fee as specified in Chapter 26 of this Code shall be paid to the City Clerk at the time the application is filed.
(b) Before any license shall be issued the City Clerk shall require an investigation to be made of the location of the proposed public dance hall by the appropriate City departments to insure that it complies with all provisions of law relative to sanitation, ventilation, building and fire safety and zoning and to establish its rated capacity for public dance purposes. If the location so complies, the City Clerk shall issue the license, endorsing thereon the rated capacity as established by the investigation.
(c) The license shall be for a period of one year, but in no event shall the license extend beyond the April 30 succeeding the issuance thereof. An annual fee as specified in Chapter 26 of this Code shall be collected by the City Clerk prior to delivery of the license which shall be kept posted in a prominent place in the public dance hall.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968)
(a) Required. No person or organization shall promote, conduct or operate a teenage public dance, within the City, without first obtaining a license therefor authorized by the Dance Licensing Board. No person or organization other than duly accredited churches, civic or service clubs or charitable organizations, and governmental agencies or entities, shall promote, conduct or operate a general public dance within the City, without first obtaining a license therefor authorized by the Dance Licensing Board; provided, that any person or organization may conduct one special event dance in any given twelve month period, without license, upon registration of the same in accordance with § 8-40, and performance of the duties imposed upon dance license holders by § 8-41. Licenses shall be of three kinds:
(1) Teenage dance license.
A teenage dance license held by a business shall be valid for a six (6) month period and shall be renewable upon approval of the Board and upon payment of the fees herein provided.
a. If the business has a liquor license and is classified as a saloon or barroom, then the license holder shall place the license in escrow for the entire day of the teenage dance. The license holder shall do the following:
b Notify the Michigan Liquor Control Commission ten (10) days in advance of its intent to place the license in escrow; and,
c Deliver the license to the Flint Police Department. The license must be held for at least one (1) full day.
(2) Limited use teenage dance license. A person renting a hall for purposes of holding a teenage dance and the hall is not in possession of a teenage dance license shall apply for a limited use teenage dance license that is valid for a single event only.
(3) General public dance license. General public dance hall licenses are annual licenses, covering a one year period, and shall expire on April 30 succeeding issuance thereof, and shall be renewable upon approval of the Board and upon payment of the fees herein provided.
(b) Application. Application shall be made to the City Clerk and referred by the City Clerk to the Dance Licensing Board for action. An investigation fee as specified in Chapter 26 of this Code shall be paid to the City Clerk at the time the application is filed. The application shall set forth the kind of license sought, the name and address of the applicant, the names and addresses of its officers if an organization, a copy of the applicant’s liability insurance of no less than one (1) million dollars, and if a single event, the date upon which the dance is to be held, and the address thereof; in addition, if a teenage dance license is sought the approximate attendance expected and the minimum number of adult supervisors and security who will be in attendance at all times during the holding of any dance.
(c) Dance Licensing Board. A board which shall be known as the Dance Licensing Board is hereby established. The Board shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be the Chief of Police of the City, or his/her designated representative, one of whom shall be the Superintendent of the Flint Community Schools, or his/her designated representative, and one of whom shall be the City Administrator, or his/her designated representative. The remaining members shall be appointed for the term of two years by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
(d) Investigation of applicant. Upon receipt of an application from the City Clerk the Board shall cause to be made such investigation as it deems proper, to determine whether the applicant is a fit and proper person or organization for holding the license applied for. Favorable reports shall be required before approving any application. After completion of its investigation the Board shall endorse upon the application its approval or disapproval, and promptly return the same to the City Clerk.
(e) Fire inspection. The applicant for a teenage dance license shall submit to a fire inspection for each teenage dance license requested thirty (30) days prior to the event.
(f) Issuance; fees. Upon receipt for the Board of any approved application the City Clerk shall issue the appropriate license. A license fee as specified in Chapter 26 of this Code shall be collected by the City Clerk prior to delivery of the license, which shall be posted in a prominent place at the location of any dance held thereunder.
(g) Revocation or suspension.
(1) Any license issued under this section may be revoked or suspended by the Board if any of the following conditions exist or occur:
a. Material misstatement in the license application.
b. Violation of any provisions of this article.
c. The holding of any dance under the license issued which will not comport with the public peace and welfare.
(2) In the event of such revocation or suspension, the licensee shall have the right to appeal from the action taken to the City Council.
(h) Promulgation of rules. The Board is hereby authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary to carry out its duties.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968; Ord. 3200, passed 4-27-1992; Ord. 3746, passed 1-12-2009)
The holder of a general public dance or teenage dance license shall register in writing each dance to be held, not later than five days in advance, with the Chief of Police of the City of Flint. Failure to so register shall be valid grounds for shutting down any such dance. The registration of a teenage dance shall list the names and addresses of the adult supervisors for such dance. All such registration shall state the location and the hours the dance will be conducted, and such other information as the Chief of Police shall request.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968)
The following general provisions shall apply to and regulate all public dances:
(a) No public dance shall be promoted, conducted or operated except in a public dance hall licensed under this ordinance.
(b) The premises identified in any dance registration or used for any public dance shall be subject to inspection by proper City officials at all reasonable times prior to the dance, and at all times during the course of the dance. Holders of dance and dance hall licenses shall conform to all lawful orders issued relative to decorations, conditions of the premises, including the level of lighting, and conduct of the dance.
(c) Good order and decorum shall be maintained at all times during any public dance.
(d) No greater number of persons shall be permitted in any public dance hall at one time than appears upon the license thereof as its rated capacity. Intoxicated persons shall not be permitted to dance or loiter upon the premises.
(e) It shall be the responsibility of the holder of the public dance license to control conduct at any public dance, and comply with the provisions herein. If disorderly, indecent, or rowdy conduct continues at any dance, the licensee, or proper City officials, shall terminate and shut down such dance, and upon their orders the dance hall shall be cleared and vacated. Inability of a public dance licensee to control a dance shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of his license by the Dance Licensing Board.
(f) No person shall loiter around or about the premises of any public dance during the time of the dance or immediately before and after such dance.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968; Ord. 3748, passed 1-12-2009)