In addition to the general regulations for public dances, the following special regulations shall apply to all teenage dances:
   (a)   No minor admitted to a teenage dance shall be permitted to leave and thereafter reenter the dancing premises during the course of the event; provided, that pass-out checks may be issued in emergencies when authorized specifically by the person in charge of the dance.
   (b)   No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, consumed, available on display or on the premises in or about which any teenage dance is held. Admission to any teenage dance shall be denied to any person showing evidence of drinking any alcoholic beverage or who has any alcoholic beverage on his person.
   (c)   No cigarettes or tobacco products shall be sold, used or be on display or available on the premises in or about which any teenage dance is held.
   (d)   Sufficient adult supervision and security shall be provided by the teenage dance licensee at every teenage dance. If the Chief of Police shall determine that the supervision listed in the registration, or the supervision provided at the dance is not satisfactory or adequate, such supervision shall be replaced or supplemented as required. It shall be the responsibility of the supervisors, together with the dance licensee, to see that the provisions of this article and all other applicable ordinances are carried out at every teenage dance.
   (e)   No dancing at any teenage dance shall be permitted after the hour of 12:00 midnight unless special authorization in writing has been obtained for the particular dance from the Dance Licensing Board. Such authorization may be granted within said Board’s discretion, upon the showing of a valid and justifiable reason therefor.
   (f)   No person of the age of 20 years or over, and no person under the age of 15 years shall attend or be permitted to attend any teenage dance as a participant. This shall not prohibit attendance as nonparticipants or chaperones, parents and duly registered supervisors as provided in § 8-39, nor shall it prohibit persons employed as entertainers, musicians, waitresses, attendants and the like at such dances.
(Ord. 2057, passed 6-3-1968; Ord. 3749, passed 1-12-2009)