(a)   When any applicant shall seek approval for a license to sell alcoholic beverages at retail or consumption on premises, or for transfer of such an existing license, the Council shall consider the following guidelines in its deliberations and determination as to:
      (1)   Good moral character, reputation, prior felony and/or any misdemeanor conviction record of crimes related to the person’s likelihood to serve the public in a fair, honest and open manner, and past business history.
      (2)   Conformity of the business, its location, and its physical premises with all applicable Federal, State and local rules, regulations and ordinances.
      (3)   Zoning of the subject premises with less restrictive designations to weight more heavily in favor of approval.
      (4)   The effect that the proposed use would have on traffic conditions in the immediate area, and whether, by virtue of density of traffic or other conditions, the proposed use would constitute a traffic hazard.
      (5)   The sufficiency of lighting, police control or other conditions concerning the possibility that such use might constitute a nuisance or moral hazard.
      (6)   Proximity of the subject premises as it relates to a church, school, park or playground, and in the case of a Class C license, property zoned A, B or C residential, it being the policy of the City that location of such a business within 1,000 feet of such other property or entities is not generally desirable, consideration shall be given to the number of kind of other businesses in the general area; the particular circumstances; the number of residences involved; and the ability of the applicant to take measures to eliminate or minimize the legitimate complaints, concerns and fears of the residents surrounding residential areas, or authorities in charge of the church, school or park.
      (7)   For purposes of determining the effect on surrounding residents, if any, within 1,000 feet of the proposed establishment, the applicant shall be required to attempt to obtain the written consent of at least 66-2/3% of all the owners. If at least 66-2/3% of all such owners shall so approve, there shall be no basis for denying the application on the grounds of complaints or effect on residents. If less than 66-2/3% of the owners shall give consent, the reasons for such failure, including effort or lack of effort on the part of the applicant, number of residences involved, availability of residential owners, and the like, shall be considered in determining whether to approve the application.
   (b)   For the purpose of measuring distances within the meaning of this section, the distance between the contemplated location, the premises proposed to be licensed, and the church or school building, shall be measured along the regularly traveled thoroughfare between two fixed points, determined by extending two right lines, in prolongation of the contiguous side of the buildings in question, to their intersection with the regularly traveled thoroughfare. Where a park or playground is involved, the measurement shall be to the nearest edge of the park or playground. All applications for new licenses or new locations shall be accompanied by a simple sketch showing that the distance, zoning and other location features involved meet the minimum requirements of this article, and certified to be complete and accurate by a registered civil engineer or surveyor.
   (c)   Following review of the application, in light of these guidelines and due deliberation thereon, the decision as to approval or denial shall be made, and the reasons supporting the decision briefly stated. In the event the application shall in fact be within 1,000 feet of a church, school or park, or in the case of a Class C license, property zoned A, B or C residential without 66-2/3% consent, approval shall require a specific statement in the motion for approval as to the other factors that constitute good cause for overriding the locational guideline. This section shall not be interpreted to override other ordinances and statutory provisions such as zoning restrictions and similar requirements.
   (d)   (1)   No application for a new license location to sell alcoholic liquors for consumption on the premises shall be approved unless and until a rectangular notice measuring no less than 24 inches on each side shall be posted on the premises for a period of at least 30 days. The notice shall contain the word “Notice” in letters one-half inch high:
“An application for a license to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on these premises has been filed with the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and the City of Flint.”
      (2)   The notice shall also contain the following information in letters at least three-fourths inch high:
   “Any inquiries or comments regarding this application for a license may be made at:
   1.   City Clerk’s Office
      City of Flint
      1101 S. Saginaw Street
      Flint, Michigan 48502
   2.   Michigan Liquor Control Commission
      7150 Harris Drive
      Lansing Michigan, 48909
      (517) 766-0450”
      (3)   Proof of posting of the notice shall be made by filing of an affidavit of same with the City Clerk, which affidavit shall become part of the application for a license hereunder.
   (e)   Whenever approval of the application is granted despite location of the premises within 1,000 feet of a church, school, park or playground, notice of that fact shall be forwarded to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission with the approved application to allow for review of the locational situation under State law.
(Ord. 590, passed 7-5-1945; Ord. 1174, passed 4-5-1954; Ord. 1513, passed 10-5-1959; Ord. 2041, passed 3-18-1968; Ord. 2381, passed 9-13-1971; Ord. 2231, passed 10-1-1971; Ord. 2642, passed 5-22-1978; Ord. 2885, passed 9-12-1983; Ord. 2935, passed 1-28-1985; Ord. 3452, passed 3-27-2000)