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Article I. Administration
18-28-101 General.
18-28-101.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-101.2 Scope.
18-28-101.2.1 Appendices.
18-28-101.3 Intent.
18-28-101.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-102 Applicability.
18-28-102.1 General.
18-28-102.2 Existing installations.
18-28-102.3 Maintenance.
18-28-102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs.
18-28-102.5 Change in occupancy.
18-28-102.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-102.7 Moved buildings.
18-28-102.8 Referenced chapters and standards.
18-28-102.9 Requirements not covered by this chapter.
18-28-103 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-104 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-105 Testing.
18-28-105.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-105.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-105.3 Required testing.
18-28-106 Permits.
18-28-106.1 When required.
18-28-106.1.1 Work without a permit.
18-28-107 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-108 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-109 Deliberately omitted.
Article II. Definitions
18-28-201 General.
18-28-201.1 Scope.
18-28-201.2 Interchangeability.
18-28-201.3 Terms defined in other codes.
18-28-201.4 Terms not defined.
18-28-202 General definitions.
Article III. General Regulations
18-28-301 General.
18-28-301.1 Scope.
18-28-301.2 Energy utilization.
18-28-301.3 Listed and labeled.
18-28-301.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-301.5 Label information.
18-28-301.6 Conflicts.
18-28-301.7 Electrical.
18-28-301.8 Plumbing connections.
18-28-301.9 Fuel types.
18-28-301.10 Vibration isolation.
18-28-301.11 Repair.
18-28-301.12 Wind resistance.
18-28-301.13 Flood hazard.
18-28-301.14 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-302 Protection of structure.
18-28-302.1 Penetrations of floor/ceiling assemblies and fire-resistance-rated assemblies.
18-28-303 Equipment and appliance location.
18-28-303.1 General.
18-28-303.2 Hazardous locations.
18-28-304 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-305 Piping support.
18-28-305.1 General.
18-28-305.2 Materials.
18-28-305.3 Structural attachment.
18-28-305.4 Interval of support.
18-28-305.5 Sway bracing.
18-28-306 Access and service space.
18-28-306.1 Refer to Article.
18-28-306.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-306.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-306.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-306.5 Equipment and appliances on roofs or elevated structures.
18-28-306.6 Sloped roofs.
18-28-307 Condensate disposal.
18-28-307.1 Fuel-burning appliances.
18-28-307.2 Evaporators and cooling coils.
18-28-307.2.1 Condensate disposal.
18-28-307.2.1.1 French drain.
18-28-307.2.2 Drain pipe materials and sizes.
18-28-307.2.3 Auxiliary drain pans.
18-28-307.2.4 Secondary drain system.
18-28-307.2.5 Traps.
18-28-308 Clearance reduction.
18-28-308.1 Scope.
18-28-308.2 Listed appliances and equipment.
18-28-308.3 Protective assembly construction and installation.
18-28-308.4 Allowable reduction.
18-28-308.5 Labeled assemblies.
18-28-308.6 Reduction table.
18-28-308.7 Solid fuel-burning appliances.
18-28-308.8 Masonry chimneys.
18-28-308.9 Chimney connector pass-throughs.
18-28-308.10 Masonry fireplaces.
18-28-308.11 Kitchen exhaust ducts.
18-28-309 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-310 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-311 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-312 Deliberately omitted.
Article IV. Ventilation
18-28-401 General.
18-28-401.1 Scope.
18-28-401.2 Ventilation required.
18-28-401.3 When required.
18-28-401.4 Method of producing ventilation.
18-28-401.5 Ventilation openings.
18-28-401.5.1 Area of the openings.
18-28-401.5.1.1 Windows.
18-28-401.5.1.2 Skylights.
18-28-401.5.1.3 Transoms.
18-28-401.5.1.4 Auxiliary ventilating openings.
18-28-401.5.1.5 Relief openings.
18-28-401.5.1.6 Air quantities.
18-28-401.5.1.7 Damper.
18-28-401.5.2 Opening location.
18-28-401.5.3 Points of exhaust discharge.
18-28-401.6 Outdoor air opening and protection.
18-28-401.7 Additional ventilation.
18-28-402 Natural ventilation.
18-28-402.1 Natural ventilation.
18-28-403 Mechanical ventilation.
18-28-403.1 Source of air supply.
18-28-403.1.1 Air reduction to actual load.
18-28-403.1.2 Demand ventilation.
18-28-403.1.3 Systems with water economizers.
18-28-403.2 Structural requirements of a mechanical system.
18-28-403.3 Ventilation requirements.
18-28-403.3.2 Refrigerated rooms.
18-28-403.3.3 Dangerous or noxious contaminants.
18-28-403.3.4 Total air supply.
18-28-403.3.5 Air filter requirements.
18-28-403.3.6 Pedestrian passage way.
18-28-403.3.7 Air-to-air heat recovery and air energy transfer equipment.
18-28-403.3.7.1 Materials and media.
18-28-403.3.7.2 Direct exposure of heat transfer media.
18-28-403.3.8 Outside air requirements.
18-28-403.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-403.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-403.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-403.7 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-403.8 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-403.9 Exhaust through direct openings or ducts.
18-28-403.10 Garages.
18-28-403.11 Multi-purpose rooms.
18-28-403.12 Partitions.
18-28-403.13 Public garages.
18-28-403.14 Compliance.
18-28-403.15 Miscellaneous spaces.
18-28-404 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-405 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-406 Deliberately omitted.
Article V. Exhaust Systems
18-28-501 General.
18-28-501.1 Scope.
18-28-501.2 Independent system required.
18-28-501.3 Outdoor discharge.
18-28-501.4 Pressure equalization.
18-28-501.5 Ducts.
18-28-502 Required systems.
18-28-502.1 General.
18-28-502.1.1 Exhaust location.
18-28-502.1.2 Fuel-dispensing areas.
18-28-502.1.3 Equipment, appliance and service rooms.
18-28-502.1.4 Hazardous exhaust.
18-28-502.2 Aircraft fueling and defueling.
18-28-502.3 Battery-charging areas.
18-28-502.4 Stationary lead-acid battery systems.
18-28-502.4.1 Hydrogen limit.
18-28-502.4.2 Ventilation rate.
18-28-502.5 Dry cleaning plants.
18-28-502.5.1 Type II systems.
18-28-502.5.2 Type IV and V systems.
18-28-502.5.3 Spotting and pretreating.
18-28-502.6 Application of flammable finishes.
18-28-502.6.1 During construction.
18-28-502.6.2 Limited spraying spaces.
18-28-502.6.3 Spraying areas.
18-28-502.6.3.1 Operation.
18-28-502.6.3.2 Recirculation.
18-28-502.6.3.3 Air velocity.
18-28-502.6.3.4 Ventilation obstruction.
18-28-502.6.3.5 Independent ducts.
18-28-502.6.3.6 Termination point.
18-28-502.6.3.7 Fan motors and belts.
18-28-502.6.4 Dipping operations.
18-28-502.6.5 Electrostatic apparatus.
18-28-502.6.6 Powder coating.
18-28-502.6.7 Floor resurfacing operations.
18-28-502.7 Hazardous materials – general requirements.
18-28-502.7.1 Storage in excess of the maximum allowable quantities.
18-28-502.7.1.1 System requirements.
18-28-502.7.2 Gas rooms, exhausted enclosures and gas cabinets.
18-28-502.7.3 Indoor dispensing and use.
18-28-502.7.4 Indoor dispensing and use – point sources.
18-28-502.7.5 Closed systems.
18-28-502.8 Hazardous materials – requirements for specific materials.
18-28-502.8.1 Compressed gases – medical gas systems.
18-28-502.8.2 Corrosives.
18-28-502.8.3 Cryogenics.
18-28-502.8.4 Explosives.
18-28-502.8.5 Flammable and combustible liquids.
18-28-502.8.5.1 Vaults.
18-28-502.8.5.2 Storage rooms and warehouses.
18-28-502.8.5.3 Cleaning machines.
18-28-502.8.5.4 Use, dispensing and mixing.
18-28-502.8.5.5 Bulk plants or terminals.
18-28-502. General.
18-28-502. Basements and pits.
18-28-502. Dispensing of Class I liquids.
18-28-502.8.6 Highly toxic and toxic liquids.
18-28-502.8.6.1 Treatment system.
18-28-502.8.6.2 Open and closed systems.
18-28-502.8.7 High toxic and toxic compressed – any quantity.
18-28-502.8.7.1 Gas cabinets.
18-28-502.8.7.2 Exhausted enclosures.
18-28-502.8.8 Highly toxic and toxic compressed gases – quantities exceeding the maximum allowable per control area.
18-28-502.8.8.1 Ventilated areas.
18-28-502.8.8.2 Local exhaust for portable tanks.
18-28-502.8.8.3 Piping and controls – stationary tanks.
18-28-502.8.8.4 Gas rooms.
18-28-502.8.8.5 Treatment system.
18-28-502.8.8.6 Process equipment.
18-28-502.8.9 Ozone gas generators.
18-28-502.8.10 LP-gas distribution facilities.
18-28-502.8.10.1 Portable container use.
18-28-502.8.11 Silane gas.
18-28-502.9 Hazardous production materials (HPM).
18-28-502.9.1 Where required.
18-28-502.9.2 Penetrations.
18-28-502.9.3 Treatment systems.
18-28-502.10 Motion picture projectors.
18-28-502.10.1 Projectors with an exhaust discharge.
18-28-502.10.2 Projectors without exhaust connection.
18-28-502.11 Organic coating processes.
18-28-502.12 Public garages.
18-28-502.13 Motor vehicle operation.
18-28-502.14 Repair garages.
18-28-502.15 Repair garages for natural gas- and hydrogen-fueled vehicles.
18-28-502.15.1 Design.
18-28-502.15.2 Operation.
18-28-502.16 Tire rebuilding or recapping.
18-28-502.16.1 Buffing machines.
18-28-502.17 Specific rooms.
18-28-503 Motor and fans.
18-28-503.1 General.
18-28-503.2 Fans.
18-28-503.3 Equipment and appliances identification plate.
18-28-503.4 Corrosion-resistant fans.
18-28-504 Clothes dryer exhaust.
18-28-504.1 Installation.
18-28-504.2 Exhaust penetrations.
18-28-504.3 Cleanout.
18-28-504.4 Exhaust installation.
18-28-504.5 Makeup air.
18-28-504.6 Domestic clothes dryer ducts.
18-28-504.6.1 Maximum length.
18-28-504.6.2 Rough-in required.
18-28-504.7 Commercial clothes dryers.
18-28-505 Domestic kitchen exhaust equipment.
18-28-505.1 Domestic systems.
18-28-506 Commercial kitchen grease ducts and exhaust equipment.
18-28-506.1 General.
18-28-506.2 Corrosion protection.
18-28-506.3 Ducts serving Type I hoods.
18-28-506.3.1 Exhaust fans.
18-28-506.3.1.1 Fan motor.
18-28-506.3.2 Grease duct materials.
18-28-506.3.3 Joints, seams and penetrations of grease ducts.
18-28-506.3.3.1 Duct joint types.
18-28-506.3.3.2 Duct-to-hood joints.
18-28-506.3.3.3 Duct-to-exhaust fan connections.
18-28-506.3.3.4 Vibration isolation.
18-28-506.3.4 Grease duct supports.
18-28-506.3.5 Air velocity.
18-28-506.3.6 Separation of grease duct system.
18-28-506.3.7 Clearances.
18-28-506.3.8 Prevention of grease accumulation.
18-28-506.3.9 Cleanouts and other openings.
18-28-506.3.9.1 Personnel entry.
18-28-506.3.10 Horizontal cleanouts.
18-28-506.3.11 Duct enclosure.
18-28-506.3.12 Fire-resistive access opening.
18-28-506.3.13 Type I exhaust outlets.
18-28-506.3.13.1 Termination above the roof.
18-28-506.3.13.2 Termination through an exterior wall.
18-28-506.3.13.3 Termination location.
18-28-506.4 Ducts serving Type II hoods.
18-28-506.4.1 Type II exhaust outlets.
18-28-506.4.2 Ducts.
18-28-507 Commercial kitchen hoods.
18-28-507.1 General.
18-28-507.2 Where required.
18-28-507.2.1 Type I and Type II hoods.
18-28-507.2.2 Domestic cooking appliances used for commercial purposes.
18-28-507.2.3 Solid fuel.
18-28-507.3 Fuel-burning appliances.
18-28-507.4 Type I materials.
18-28-507.5 Type II hood materials.
18-28-507.6 Supports.
18-28-507.7 Hood joints, seams and penetrations.
18-28-507.7.1 Type I hoods.
18-28-507.7.2 Type II hoods.
18-28-507.8 Cleaning and grease gutters.
18-28-507.9 Clearances for Type I hood.
18-28-507.10 Hoods penetrating a ceiling.
18-28-507.11 Grease filters.
18-28-507.11.1 Criteria.
18-28-507.11.2 Mounting position.
18-28-507.12 Canopy size and location.
18-28-507.13 Capacity of hoods.
18-28-507.13.1 Solid fuel-burning cooking appliances.
18-28-507.13.2 High temperature.
18-28-507.13.3 Medium temperature.
18-28-507.13.4 Low temperature.
18-28-507.14 Noncanopy size and location.
18-28-507.15 Capacity for noncanopy hoods.
18-28-507.16 Exhaust outlets.
18-28-507.17 Performance test.
18-28-508 Commercial kitchen makeup air.
18-28-508.1 Makeup air.
18-28-508.1.1 Makeup air temperature.
18-28-508.2 Compensating hoods.
18-28-509 Fire suppression systems.
18-28-509.1 Where required.
18-28-510 Hazardous exhaust systems.
18-28-510.1 General.
18-28-510.2 Where required.
18-28-510.2.1 Lumber yards and woodworking facilities.
18-28-510.2.2 Combustible fibers.
18-28-510.3 Design and operation.
18-28-510.4 Independent system.
18-28-510.5 Design.
18-28-510.5.1 Balancing.
18-28-510.5.2 Emission control.
18-28-510.5.3 Hoods required.
18-28-510.5.4 Contaminant capture and dilution.
18-28-510.5.5 Makeup air.
18-28-510.5.6 Clearances.
18-28-510.5.7 Ducts.
18-28-510.6 Penetrations.
18-28-510.7 Suppression required.
18-28-510.8 Duct construction.
18-28-510.8.1 Duct joints.
18-28-510.8.2 Clearance to combustibles.
18-28-510.8.3 Explosion relief.
18-28-510.9 Supports.
18-28-511 Dust, stock and refuse conveying systems.
18-28-511.1 Dust, stock and refuse conveying systems.
18-28-511.1.1 Collectors and separators.
18-28-511.1.2 Discharge pipe.
18-28-511.1.3 Conveying system exhaust discharge.
18-28-511.1.4 Spark protection.
18-28-511.1.5 Explosion relief vents.
18-28-511.1.5.1 Screens.
18-28-511.1.5.2 Hoods.
18-28-511.2 Exhaust outlets.
18-28-512 Subslab soil exhaust systems.
18-28-512.1 General.
18-28-512.2 Materials.
18-28-512.3 Grade.
18-28-512.4 Termination.
18-28-512.5 Identification.
18-28-513 Smoke control systems.
Article VI. Duct Systems
18-28-601 General.
18-28-601.1 Scope.
18-28-601.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-601.3 Contamination prevention.
18-28-602 Plenums.
18-28-602.1 General.
18-28-602.1.1 Technology centers.
18-28-602.2 Construction.
18-28-602.2.1 Materials exposed within plenums.
18-28-602.3 Stud cavity and joist space plenums.
18-28-602.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-603 Duct construction and installation.
18-28-603.1 General.
18-28-603.2 Duct classification.
18-28-603.3 Metallic ducts.
18-28-603.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-603.4.1 Gypsum ducts.
18-28-603.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-603.5.1 Flexible air ducts.
18-28-603.5.1.1 Duct length.
18-28-603.5.2 Flexible air connectors.
18-28-603.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-603.7 Underground ducts.
18-28-603.7.1 Slope.
18-28-603.7.2 Sealing.
18-28-603.8 Joints and connections.
18-28-603.9 Supports.
18-28-603.10 Furnace connections.
18-28-603.11 Condensation.
18-28-603.12 Locations.
18-28-603.13 Mechanical protection.
18-28-603.14 Weather protection.
18-28-603.15 Registers, grilles and diffusers.
18-28-603.15.1 Floor registers.
18-28-604 Insulation.
18-28-604.1 General.
18-28-604.2 Surface temperature.
18-28-604.3 Covering and linings.
18-28-604.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-604.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-604.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-604.7 Identification.
18-28-604.8 Lining installation.
18-28-604.9 Thermal continuity.
18-28-604.10 Service openings.
18-28-604.11 Vapor retarders.
18-28-604.12 Weatherproof barriers.
18-28-604.13 Internal insulation.
18-28-605 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-606 Smoke detection systems control.
18-28-606.1 Control.
18-28-606.2 Where required.
18-28-606.2.1 Return air systems.
18-28-606.2.2 Common supply and return air systems.
18-28-606.2.3 Return air risers.
18-28-606.3 Installation.
18-28-606.4 Controls operation.
18-28-606.4.1 Connection to fire alarm system.
18-28-607 Ducts and air transfer openings.
Article VII. Combustion Air
18-28-701 General.
18-28-701.1 Scope.
18-28-701.2 Combustion and dilution air required.
18-28-701.3 Circulation of air.
18-28-701.4 Crawl space and attic space.
18-28-701.4.1 Crawl space.
18-28-701.4.2 Attic space.
18-28-701.5 Prohibited sources.
18-28-702 Air requirements for equipment located in unconfined spaces.
18-28-702.1 Unconfined spaces.
18-28-703 Air requirements for equipment located in confined spaces.
18-28-703.1 Confined spaces.
18-28-703.2 Indoor air.
18-28-703.3 Outdoor air.
18-28-704 Deliberately Omitted.
18-28-705 Engineered installations.
18-28-706 Forced combustion air supply.
18-28-706.1 Mechanical combustion air supply for oil-fired appliances.
18-28-706.2 Mechanical combustion air supply for gas-fired appliances.
18-28-707 Direct connection.
18-28-707.1 General.
18-28-708 Combustion air ducts.
18-28-708.1 General.
18-28-709 Opening obstructions.
18-28-709.1 General.
18-28-709.2 Dampered openings.
18-28-710 Opening location and protection.
18-28-710.1 General.
18-28-711 Carbon monoxide detectors.
18-28-711.1 Carbon monoxide alarms.
Article VIII. Chimneys and Vents
18-28-801 Scope.
18-28-801.1 Scope.
18-28-801.2 General.
18-28-801.2.1 Oil-fired appliances.
18-28-801.3 Masonry chimneys
18-28-801.4 Positive flow.
18-28-801.5 Design.
18-28-801.6 Minimum size of chimney or vent.
18-28-801.7 Solid fuel appliance flues.
18-28-801.8 Abandoned inlet openings.
18-28-801.9 Positive pressure.
18-28-801.10 Connection to fireplace.
18-28-801.10.1 Closure and access.
18-28-801.10.2 Connection to factory-built fireplace flue.
18-28-801.10.3 Connection to masonry fireplace flue.
18-28-801.11 Multiple solid fuel prohibited.
18-28-801.12 Chimney entrance.
18-28-801.13 Cleanouts.
18-28-801.14 Connections to exhauster.
18-28-801.15 Fuel-fired appliances.
18-28-801.16 Flue lining.
18-28-801.16.1 Residential and low-heat appliances (general).
18-28-801.17 Space around lining.
18-28-801.18 Existing chimneys and vents.
18-28-801.18.1 Size.
18-28-801.18.2 Flue passageways.
18-28-801.18.3 Cleanout.
18-28-801.18.4 Clearances.
18-28-801.19 Multistory prohibited.
18-28-802 Vents.
18-28-802.1 General.
18-28-802.2 Vent application.
18-28-802.3 Installation.
18-28-802.4 Vent termination caps required.
18-28-802.5 Type L vent terminations.
18-28-802.6 Minimum vent heights.
18-28-802.7 Support of vents.
18-28-802.8 Installation shield.
18-28-803 Connectors.
18-28-803.1 Connectors required.
18-28-803.2 Location.
18-28-803.3 Size.
18-28-803.4 Branch connectors.
18-28-803.5 Manual dampers.
18-28-803.6 Automatic dampers.
18-28-803.7 Connectors serving two or more appliances.
18-28-803.8 Vent connector construction.
18-28-803.9 Chimney connector construction.
18-28-803.10 Installation.
18-28-803.10.1 Supports and joints.
18-28-803.10.2 Length.
18-28-803.10.3 Connection.
18-28-803.10.4 Connector pass-through.
18-28-803.10.5 Pitch.
18-28-803.10.6 Clearances.
18-28-804 Direct-vent, integral vent, mechanical vent and ventilation/exhaust hood venting.
18-28-804.1 Direct-vent terminations.
18-28-804.2 Appliances with integral vents.
18-28-804.2.1 Terminal clearances.
18-28-804.3 Mechanical draft systems.
18-28-804.3.1 Forced draft systems.
18-28-804.3.2 Automatic shutoff.
18-28-804.3.3 Termination.
18-28-804.3.4 Horizontal terminations.
18-28-804.3.5 Vertical terminations.
18-28-804.3.6 Exhauster connections.
18-28-804.3.7 Exhauster sizing.
18-28-805 Factory-built chimneys.
18-28-805.1 Listing.
18-28-805.2 Solid fuel appliances.
18-28-805.3 Factory-built fireplaces.
18-28-805.4 Support.
18-28-805.5 Medium-heat appliances.
18-28-805.6 Decorative shrouds.
18-28-806 Metal chimneys.
18-28-806.1 General.
18-28-807 Engine generator exhaust systems.
18-28-807.2 Exhaust systems termination.
Article IX. Specific Appliances, Fireplaces and Solid Fuel-Burning Equipment
18-28-901 General.
18-28-901.1 Scope.
18-28-901.2 General.
18-28-901.3 Hazardous locations.
18-28-901.4 Fireplace accessories.
18-28-901.5 Installation in private garages.
18-28-901.6 Borrowed light concept.
18-28-902 Masonry fireplaces.
18-28-902.1 General.
18-28-902.2 Masonry fireplaces utilizing wood or other solid fuels.
18-28-902.3 Gas-fired log lighters.
18-28-902.3.1 Approval and installation.
18-28-902.3.2 Prohibited installations.
18-28-902.3.3 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-903 Factory-built fireplaces.
18-28-903.1 General.
18-28-903.1.1 Additional combustion air.
18-28-903.1.2 Direct vent fireplaces.
18-28-903.1.3 Vented gas fireplaces (not including direct vent) located in habitable rooms (not including bathrooms and sleeping rooms).
18-28-903.1.4 Vented gas fireplaces (not including direct vent) located in bathrooms and sleeping rooms.
18-28-903.1.5 Unvented gas fireplaces.
18-28-903.2 Hearth extensions.
18-28-903.3 Unvented gas log heaters.
18-28-903.3.1 Decorative appliances for installation in vented fireplaces.
18-28-903.3.1.1 Prohibited installations.
18-28-903.3.1.2 Installation.
18-28-903.3.1.5 Fireplace screens.
18-28-903.3.2 Gas-fired log lighters.
18-28-903.3.2.1 Approval and installation.
18-28-903.3.2.2 Prohibited installations.
18-28-903.3.2.3 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-904 Pellet fuel-burning appliances.
18-28-904.1 General.
18-28-905 Fireplace stoves and room heaters.
18-28-905.1 General.
18-28-905.1.1 Additional combustion air.
18-28-905.1.2 Direct vent gas room heaters.
18-28-905.1.3 Unvented gas room heaters.
18-28-905.2 Connection fireplace.
18-28-906 Factory-built barbecue appliances.
18-28-906.1 General.
18-28-906.2 Natural gas barbecue grills located on balconies of multi-family buildings.
18-28-907 Incinerators and crematories.
18-28-907.1 General.
18-28-908 Cooling towers, evaporative condensers and fluid coolers.
18-28-908.1 General.
18-28-908.2 Access.
18-28-908.3 Location.
18-28-908.4 Support and anchorage.
18-28-908.5 Water supply.
18-28-908.6 Drainage.
18-28-908.7 Refrigerants and hazardous fluids.
18-28-909 Vented wall furnaces.
18-28-909.1 General.
18-28-909.2 Location.
18-28-909.3 Door swing.
18-28-909.4 Ducts prohibited.
18-28-909.5 Manual shutoff valve.
18-28-909.6 Access.
18-28-909.7 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-909.8 Gas-fired vented wall furnaces.
18-28-909.9 Gas-fired direct-vent wall furnaces.
18-28-910 Floor furnaces.
18-28-910.1 General.
18-28-910.2 Placement.
18-28-910.3 Bracing.
18-28-910.4 Clearance.
18-28-911 Duct furnaces.
18-28-911.1 General.
18-28-911.2 Gas-fired duct furnaces.
18-28-911.2.1 Clearances.
18-28-911.2.2 Erection of equipment.
18-28-911.2.3 Access panels.
18-28-911.2.4 Location of draft hood and controls.
18-28-911.2.5 Circulating air.
18-28-911.2.6 Duct furnaces used with refrigeration systems.
18-28-912 Infrared radiant heaters.
18-28-912.1 Support.
18-28-912.2 Clearances.
18-28-912.3 Installation in commercial garages.
18-28-912.3.1 Parking structures.
18-28-912.3.2 Repair garages.
18-28-912.3.3 Installation in aircraft hangars.
18-28-913 Clothes dryers.
18-28-913.1 General.
18-28-913.2 Exhaust required.
18-28-913.3 Clearances.
18-28-914 Sauna heaters.
18-28-914.1 Location and protection.
18-28-914.1.1 Guards.
18-28-914.2 Installation.
18-28-914.2.1 Combustion and dilution air intakes.
18-28-914.2.2 Combustion and ventilation air.
18-28-914.3 Access.
18-28-914.4 Heat and time controls.
18-28-914.4.1 Timers.
18-28-914.5 Sauna room.
18-28-914.5.1 Warning notice.
18-28-915 Engine and gas turbine-powered equipment and appliances.
18-28-915.1 General.
18-28-916 Pool and spa heaters.
18-28-916.1 General.
18-28-916.2 Gas-fired pool heaters.
18-28-916.2.1 Location.
18-28-916.2.2 Clearance.
18-28-916.2.3 Temperature- or pressure-limiting devices.
18-28-916.2.3.2 Bypass valves.
18-28-916.2.3.3 Venting.
18-28-917 Cooking appliances.
18-28-917.1 Cooking appliances.
18-28-917.2 Prohibited location.
18-28-917.3 Domestic appliances.
18-28-917.4 Gas-fired food service equipment, floor-mounted.
18-28-917.4.1 Clearance for listed equipment.
18-28-917.4.2 Clearance for unlisted equipment.
18-28-917.4.3 Mounting on combustible floor.
18-28-917.4.4 Mounting on noncombustible floor.
18-28-917.4.5 Combustible material adjacent to cooking top.
18-28-917.4.6 For use with casters.
18-28-917.4.7 Level installation.
18-28-917.4.8 Ventilation.
18-28-917.5 Gas-fired food service equipment – counter appliances.
18-28-917.5.1 Vertical clearance.
18-28-917.5.2 Clearance for listed appliances.
18-28-917.5.3 Clearance for unlisted appliances.
18-28-917.5.4 Mounting of unlisted appliances.
18-28-917.6 Gas-fired hot plates.
18-28-917.7 Gas-fired household cooking appliances.
18-28-917.7.1 Floor-mounted units.
18-28-917.7.1.1 Clearance from combustible material.
18-28-917.7.1.2 Vertical clearance above cooking top.
18-28-917.7.1.3 Level installation.
18-28-917.7.2 Built-in units.
18-28-917.7.2.1 Installation.
18-28-917.7.2.2 Vertical clearance.
18-28-917.7.2.3 Horizontal clearance.
18-28-917.7.2.4 Level installation.
18-28-917.8 Gas-fired open-top broiler units.
18-28-917.8.1 Listed units.
18-28-917.8.2 Unlisted units.
18-28-917.8.3 Protection above domestic units.
18-28-917.8.4 Commercial units.
18-28-918 Forced-air warm-air furnaces.
18-28-918.1 Forced-air furnaces.
18-28-918.2 Minimum duct sizes.
18-28-918.3 Heat pumps.
18-28-918.4 Dampers.
18-28-918.5 Circulating air ducts for forced-air warm-air furnaces.
18-28-918.6 Prohibited sources.
18-28-918.7 Outside opening protection.
18-28-918.8 Return-air limitation.
18-28-918.9 Gas-fired forced-air, warm-air furnaces.
18-28-918.9.1 General.
18-28-918.9.3 Clearance.
18-28-918.9.4 Assembly and installation.
18-28-918.9.5 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-918.9.6 Furnace plenums and air ducts.
18-28-918.10 Gas-fired horizontal furnaces above dropped ceilings.
18-28-918.11 Gas-fired furnaces located above bathrooms, toilet rooms or bedrooms.
18-28-919 Conversion burners.
18-28-919.1 Conversion burners.
18-28-920 Unit heaters.
18-28-920.1 General.
18-28-920.2 Support.
18-28-920.3 Ductwork.
18-28-920.4 Gas-fired unit heaters.
18-28-920.4.1 Support.
18-28-920.4.2 Clearance.
18-28-920.4.2.1 Suspended-type unit heaters.
18-28-920.4.2.2 Floor-mounted-type unit heaters.
18-28-920.4.3 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-920.4.4 Ductwork.
18-28-920.4.5 Installation in commercial garages.
18-28-920.4.5.1 Parking structures.
18-28-920.4.5.2 Repair garages.
18-28-920.4.6 Installation in aircraft hangars.
18-28-921 Vented room heaters.
18-28-921.1 General.
18-28-922 Kerosene and oil-fired stoves.
18-28-922.1 General.
18-28-923 Small ceramic kilns.
18-28-923.1 General.
18-28-923.1.1 Installation.
18-28-924 Stationary fuel cell power plants.
18-28-924.1 General.
18-28-924.2 Natural gas energized fuel cell power plants.
18-28-925 Gas-fired air conditioners.
18-28-925.1 Independent gas piping.
18-28-925.2 Connection of gas engine-powered air conditioners.
18-28-925.3 Clearances for indoor installation.
18-28-925.4 Assembly and installation.
18-28-925.5 Furnace plenums and air ducts.
18-28-926 Non-recirculating direct gas-fired industrial air heaters.
18-28-926.1 Application.
18-28-926.2 Prohibited installations.
18-28-926.3 Installation.
18-28-926.4 Clearance from combustible materials.
18-28-926.5 Air supply.
18-28-926.6 Atmospheric vents or gas reliefs or bleeds.
18-28-926.7 Relief openings.
18-28-926.8 Purging.
18-28-927 Recirculating direct gas-fired industrial air heaters.
18-28-927.1 Application.
18-28-927.2 Prohibited installations.
18-28-927.3 Installation.
18-28-927.4 Clearance from combustible materials.
18-28-927.5 Air supply.
18-28-927.6 Atmospheric vents, gas reliefs, or bleeds.
18-28-927.7 Relief openings.
18-28-927.8 Purging.
18-28-928 Gas-fired illuminating appliances.
18-28-928.1 Clearances for listed appliances.
18-28-928.2 Clearances for unlisted appliances.
18-28-928.2.1 Enclosed type.
18-28-928.2.2 Open-flame type.
18-28-928.3 Mounting on buildings.
18-28-928.4 Mounting on posts.
18-28-928.5 Gas appliance pressure regulators.
18-28-929 Appliances for installation in manufactured housing.
Article X. Boilers, Water Heaters and Pressure Vessels
18-28-1001 General.
18-28-1001.1 Scope.
18-28-1002 Water heaters.
18-28-1002.1 General.
18-28-1003 Unfired pressure vessels.
18-28-1003.1 General.
18-28-1003.2 Piping.
18-28-1003.3 Welding.
18-28-1004 Boilers.
18-28-1004.1 Standards.
18-28-1004.1.1 Non-boiler external piping.
18-28-1004.2 Installation.
18-28-1004.3 Working clearance.
18-28-1004.3.1 Top clearance.
18-28-1004.4 Mounting.
18-28-1004.5 Floors.
18-28-1004.6 Boiler rooms and enclosures.
18-28-1004.7 Operating adjustments and instructions.
18-28-1004.8 Stationary Engineers and Boiler Tenders.
18-28-1005 Boiler connections.
18-28-1005.1 Valves.
18-28-1005.2 Potable water supply.
18-28-1006 Safety and pressure relief valves and controls.
18-28-1006.1 Safety valve for steam boilers.
18-28-1006.2 Safety relief valves for hot water boilers.
18-28-1006.3 Pressure relief for pressure vessels.
18-28-1006.4 Approval of safety and safety relief valves.
18-28-1006.5 Installation.
18-28-1006.6 Safety and relief valve discharge.
18-28-1006.7 Boiler safety devices.
18-28-1006.8 Electrical requirements.
18-28-1007 Boiler low-water cutoff.
18-28-1007.1 General.
18-28-1007.2 Operation.
18-28-1008 Steam blowoff valve.
18-28-1008.1 General.
18-28-1008.2 Discharge.
18-28-1009 Hot water boiler expansion tank.
18-28-1009.1 Where required.
18-28-1009.2 Closed-type expansion tanks.
18-28-1009.3 Open-type expansion tanks.
18-28-1010 Gauges.
18-28-1010.1 Hot water boiler gauges.
18-28-1010.2 Steam boiler gauges.
18-28-1010.2.1 Water-gauge glass.
18-28-1011 Tests.
18-28-1011.1 Tests.
18-28-1011.2 Test gauges.
18-28-1012 Vessel repair.
18-28-1012.1 Qualification.
18-28-1012.2 Repair.
18-28-1012.3 High pressure boiler inspection and repair.
18-28-1013 Carbon monoxide detector.
Article XI. Refrigeration
18-28-1101 General.
18-28-1101.1 Scope.
18-28-1101.2 Standards for Pressure Vessels.
18-28-1101.3 Protection.
18-28-1101.4 Fuel gas connection.
18-28-1101.5 Signage – General.
18-28-1101.6 Condensate disposal.
18-28-1101.7 General.
18-28-1101.8 Ammonia dump valve.
18-28-1101.9 Maintenance.
18-28-1101.10 Location of condensing unit.
18-28-1101.11 Stairways and exitways.
18-28-1101.12 General limitations.
18-28-1101.13 Refrigerant discharge.
18-28-1101.14 Safety equipment.
18-28-1101.15 Recirculation of water used for cooling purposes.
18-28-1102 System requirements.
18-28-1102.1 General.
18-28-1102.2 Refrigerants.
18-28-1102.2.1 Mixing.
18-28-1102.3 Pressure relief.
18-28-1102.3.1 Discharge piping.
18-28-1102.3.2 Sizing.
18-28-1103 Refrigeration system classification.
18-28-1103.1 Refrigerant classification.
18-28-1103.2 Occupancy classification.
18-28-1103.2.1 Institutional systems – general.
18-28-1103.2.2 Industrial systems – general.
18-28-1103.2.3 Commercial systems – general.
18-28-1103.2.4 Multiple dwelling systems – general.
18-28-1103.3 System classification.
18-28-1103.3.1 Low-probability systems.
18-28-1103.3.2 High-probability systems.
18-28-1104 System application requirements.
18-28-1104.1 General.
18-28-1104.2 Machine room.
18-28-1104.2.1 Institutional occupancies.
18-28-1104.2.2 Industrial occupancies and refrigerated rooms.
18-28-1104.2.3 Multiple dwelling location provisions.
18-28-1104.3 Refrigerant restrictions.
18-28-1104.3.1 Air-conditioning for human comfort.
18-28-1104.3.2 Nonindustrial occupancies.
18-28-1104.3.3 All occupancies.
18-28-1104.3.4 Protection from refrigerant decomposition.
18-28-1104.4.1 Nonconnecting spaces.
18-28-1104.4.2 Ventilated spaces.
18-28-1104.4.3 Closures.
18-28-1104.4.4 Plenums.
18-28-1104.4.5 Supply and return ducts.
18-28-1105 Machinery room general requirements.
18-28-1105.1 Access.
18-28-1105.2 Dimensions.
18-28-1105.3 Doors.
18-28-1105.4 Openings.
18-28-1105.5 Refrigerant detector.
18-28-1105.6 Tests.
18-28-1105.7 Fuel-burning appliance.
18-28-1105.8 Ventilation.
18-28-1105.8.1 Discharge location.
18-28-1105.8.2 Make-up air.
18-28-1105.8.3 Quantity – Normal ventilation.
18-28-1105.8.4 Quantity – Emergency conditions.
18-28-1105.9 Termination of relief devices.
18-28-1105.10 Ammonia discharge.
18-28-1105.11 Safety equipment.
18-28-1106 Machinery room special requirements.
18-28-1106.1 General.
18-28-1106.2 Elevated temperature.
18-28-1106.3 Construction requirements.
18-28-1106.4 Opening protectives.
18-28-1106.5 Pipe penetrations.
18-28-1106.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-1106.7 Egress.
18-28-1106.8 Ammonia room ventilation.
18-28-1106.9 Flammable refrigerants.
18-28-1106.10 Remote controls.
18-28-1106.10.1 Refrigeration system.
18-28-1106.10.2 Ventilation system.
18-28-1106.11 Fireman's dump system.
18-28-1106.12 Hand-operated emergency valves.
18-28-1106.12.1 Hand-operated emergency valve discharge – Group 1 refrigerants.
18-28-1106.13 Provisions for discharge of refrigerants.
18-28-1107 Refrigerant piping.
18-28-1107.1 General.
18-28-1107.2 Pipe enclosures.
18-28-1107.2.1 Location prohibition.
18-28-1107.3 Condensation.
18-28-1107.3.1 Cooling coil condensation requirements.
18-28-1107.4 Materials for refrigerants pipe and tubing.
18-28-1107.4.1 Steel pipe.
18-28-1107.4.2 Copper and brass pipe.
18-28-1107.4.3 Copper tube.
18-28-1107.4.4 Copper tube joints.
18-28-1107.4.5 Aluminum tube.
18-28-1107.5 Joints and refrigerant-containing parts in air ducts.
18-28-1107.6 Exposure of refrigerant pipe joints.
18-28-1107.7 Stop valves.
18-28-1107.7.1 Liquid receivers.
18-28-1107.7.2 Copper tubing.
18-28-1107.7.3 Identification.
18-28-1108 Field test.
18-28-1108.1 General.
Article XII. Hydronic Piping
18-28-1200 General.
18-28-1201.1 Scope.
18-28-1201.2 Pipe sizing.
18-28-1202 Material.
18-28-1202.1 Piping.
18-28-1202.2 Used materials.
18-28-1202.3 Material rating.
18-28-1202.4 Piping materials standards.
18-28-1202.5 Pipe fittings.
18-28-1202.6 Valves.
18-28-1202.7 Flexible connectors, expansion and vibration compensators.
18-28-1203 Joints and connections.
18-28-1203.1 Approval.
18-28-1203.1.1 Joints between different piping materials.
18-28-1203.2 Preparation of pipe ends.
18-28-1203.3 Joint preparation and installation.
18-28-1203.3.1 Brazed joints.
18-28-1203.3.2 Mechanical joints.
18-28-1203.3.3 Soldered joints.
18-28-1203.3.4 Solvent-cemented joints.
18-28-1203.3.5 Threaded joints.
18-28-1203.3.6 Welded joints.
18-28-1203.3.7 Grooved and shouldered joints.
18-28-1203.4 ABS plastic pipe.
18-28-1203.5 Brass pipe.
18-28-1203.6 Brass tubing.
18-28-1203.7 Copper or copper-alloy pipe.
18-28-1203.8 Copper or copper-alloy tubing.
18-28-1203.8.1 Flared joints.
18-28-1203.9 CPVC plastic pipe.
18-28-1203.10 Polybutylene plastic pipe and tubing.
18-28-1203.10.1 Heat-fusion joints.
18-28-1203.11 Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) plastic tubing.
18-28-1203.11.1 Compression-type fittings.
18-28-1203.11.2 Plastic-to-metal connections.
18-28-1203.12 PVC plastic pipe.
18-28-1203.13 Steel pipe.
18-28-1203.14 Steel tubing.
18-28-1204 Pipe insulation.
18-28-1204.1 Insulation characteristics.
18-28-1204.2 Required thickness.
18-28-1205 Valves.
18-28-1205.1 Where required.
18-28-1205.1.1 Heat exchangers.
18-28-1205.1.2 Central systems.
18-28-1205.1.3 Pressure vessels.
18-28-1205.1.4 Pressure-reducing valves.
18-28-1205.1.5 Equipment and appliances.
18-28-1205.1.6 Expansion tanks.
18-28-1205.2 Reduced pressure.
18-28-1206 Piping installation.
18-28-1206.1 General.
18-28-1206.1.1 Prohibited tee applications.
18-28-1206.2 System drain down.
18-28-1206.3 Protection of potable water.
18-28-1206.4 Pipe penetrations.
18-28-1206.5 Clearance to combustibles.
18-28-1206.6 Contact with building material.
18-28-1206.7 Water hammer.
18-28-1206.8 Steam piping pitch.
18-28-1206.9 Strains and stresses.
18-28-1206.9.1 Flood hazard.
18-28-1206.10 Pipe support.
18-28-1206.11 Condensation.
18-28-1207 Transfer fluid.
18-28-1207.1 Flash point.
18-28-1207.2 Makeup water.
18-28-1208 Tests.
18-28-1208.1 General.
18-28-1209 Embedded piping.
18-28-1209.1 Materials.
18-28-1209.2 Pressurizing during installation.
18-28-1209.3 Embedded joints.
18-28-1209.3.1 Steel pipe joints.
18-28-1209.3.2 Copper tubing joints.
18-28-1209.3.3 Polybutylene joints.
18-28-1209.4 Not embedded related piping.
Article XIII. Fuel Oil Piping and Storage
18-28-1301 General.
18-28-1301.1 Scope.
18-28-1301.2 Storage systems.
18-28-1301.3 Fuel type.
18-28-1301.4 Fuel tanks, piping and valves.
18-28-1302 Material.
18-28-1302.1 General.
18-28-1302.2 Rated for system.
18-28-1302.3 Storage tanks.
18-28-1302.4 Pipe standards.
18-28-1302.5 Nonmetallic pipe.
18-28-1302.6 Fittings and valves.
18-28-1302.7 Bending of pipe.
18-28-1302.8 Pumps.
18-28-1302.9 Flexible connectors and hoses.
18-28-1303 Joints and connections.
18-28-1303.1 Approval.
18-28-1303.1.1 Joints between different piping materials.
18-28-1303.2 Preparation of pipe ends.
18-28-1303.3 Joint preparation and installation.
18-28-1303.3.1 Brazed joints.
18-28-1303.3.2 Mechanical joints.
18-28-1303.3.3 Threaded joints.
18-28-1303.3.4 Welded joints.
18-28-1303.4 Brass pipe.
18-28-1303.5 Brass tubing.
18-28-1303.6 Copper or copper-alloy pipe.
18-28-1303.7 Copper or copper-alloy tubing.
18-28-1303.8 Nonmetallic pipe.
18-28-1303.9 Steel pipe.
18-28-1303.9.1 Mechanical joints.
18-28-1303.10 Steel tubing.
18-28-1303.11 Piping protection.
18-28-1304 Piping support.
18-28-1304.1 General.
18-28-1305 Fuel oil system installation.
18-28-1305.1 Size.
18-28-1305.2 Protection of pipe, equipment and appliances.
18-28-1305.2.1 Flood hazard.
18-28-1305.3 Supply piping.
18-28-1305.4 Return piping.
18-28-1305.5 System pressure.
18-28-1305.6 Fill piping.
18-28-1305.7 Vent piping.
18-28-1306 Oil gauging.
18-28-1306.1 Level indication.
18-28-1306.2 Test wells.
18-28-1306.3 Inside tanks.
18-28-1306.4 Gauging devices.
18-28-1306.5 Gauge glass.
18-28-1307 Fuel oil valves.
18-28-1307.1 Building shutoff.
18-28-1307.2 Appliance shutoff.
18-28-1307.3 Pump relief valve.
18-28-1307.4 Fuel-oil heater relief valve.
18-28-1307.5 Relief valve operation.
18-28-1308 Testing.
18-28-1308.1 Testing required.
Article XIV. Fuel-Gas Piping
18-28-1401 General.
Article XV. Solar Systems
18-28-1501 General.
18-28-1501.1 Scope.
18-28-1501.2 Potable water supply.
18-28-1501.3 Heat exchangers.
18-28-1501.4 Solar energy equipment and appliances.
18-28-1501.5 Ducts.
18-28-1502 Installation.
18-28-1502.1 Access.
18-28-1502.2 Controlling condensation.
18-28-1502.3 Roof-mounted collectors.
18-28-1502.3.1 Collectors mounted above the roof.
18-28-1502.4 Equipment.
18-28-1502.4.1 Pressure and temperature.
18-28-1502.4.2 Vacuum.
18-28-1502.4.3 Protection from freezing.
18-28-1502.4.4 Expansion tanks.
18-28-1502.5 Roof penetrations.
18-28-1502.6 Filtering.
18-28-1503 Heat transfer fluids.
18-28-1503.1 Flash point.
18-28-1503.2 Flammable gases and liquids.
18-28-1504 Materials.
18-28-1504.1 Collectors.
18-28-1504.2 Thermal storage units.
Article I. Administration (18-28-101 et seq.)