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If any appliance or equipment is installed on a roof having a slope of 3 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (25-percent slope) or greater and having an edge more than 30 inches (762 mm) above grade at such edge, a level platform shall be provided on each side of the appliance to which access is required in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions for service, repair or maintenance.
The liquid combustion by-products of condensing appliances shall be collected and discharged in accordance with Section 18-28-801, Plumbing. Condensate piping shall be of Type M copper or Schedule 40 PVC and shall not be smaller than the drain connection on the appliance. Such piping shall maintain a minimum horizontal slope in the direction of discharge of not less than one-eighth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (1 percent slope).
Condensate drain systems shall be provided for all equipment and appliances containing evaporators or cooling coils. Condensate drain systems shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with Sections 18-28-307.2.1 through 18-28-307.2.5.
Condensate from all cooling coils or evaporators shall be conveyed by gravity, vacuum or pumped from the drain pan outlet to an approved place of disposal as follows:
1. Units larger than 6 tons (21.1 kW) nominal capacity shall discharge to a sanitary sewer drain, storm sewer drain or a French drain constructed in accordance with Section 18-28-307.2.1.1. If condensate is discharged to a sanitary sewer, such drains shall be indirectly connected in accordance with the Chapter 18-29 of the Plumbing Code.
2. Units 6 tons (21.1 kW) and smaller nominal capacity shall discharge in accordance with Item 1, or shall discharge to a gutter, roof drain or other approved location.
3. Condensate drains from rooftop units shall discharge in accordance with Item 1 or 2, or shall discharge onto rooftops constructed to prevent the condensate from discharging into a street, alley or other areas so as to cause a nuisance.
4. Condensate may be pumped or conveyed by vacuum as long as no other systems are connected to the condensate removal system.
A french drain shall consist of a pit excavated in the earth not less than 24 inches (610 mm) in any dimension and completely filled with coarse gravel. The drainpipe shall extend into the pit not less than 6 inches (152 mm) below grade and shall be securely anchored in place. The drain shall not be covered with sod until inspected and approved.
All components of the condensate disposal system shall be made of cast iron, galvanized steel, copper, polybutylene, polyethylene, ABS, CPVC or PVC pipe or tubing. All components shall be selected for the pressure and temperature rating of the installation. Condensate waste and drain line size shall be not less than 3/4-inch (19 mm) internal diameter and shall not decrease in size from the drain pan connection to the place of condensate disposal. If the drainpipes for more than one unit are manifolded together for condensate drainage, the pipe or tubing shall be sized in accordance with an approved method. All horizontal sections of drain piping shall be installed in uniform alignment at a uniform slope.