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The installation of duct furnaces shall comply with the following clearance requirements:
1. Listed duct furnaces shall be installed with clearances of at least 6 inches (150 mm) between adjacent walls, ceilings, and floors of combustible material and the furnace draft hood. Furnaces listed for installation at lesser clearances shall be installed in accordance with their listings. In no case shall the clearance be such as to interfere with combustion air and accessibility.
Where a duct furnace is installed so that supply ducts carry air circulated by the furnace to areas outside the space containing the furnace, the return air shall also be handled by a duct(s) sealed to the furnace casing and terminating outside the space containing the furnace. The duct furnace shall be installed on the positive-pressure side of the circulating air blower.
1. A duct furnace shall not be installed in conjunction with a refrigeration coil where circulation of cooled air is provided by the blower.
Exception: Where the blower has sufficient capacity to overcome the external static resistance imposed by the duct system, furnace, and the cooling coil and the air throughput necessary for heating or cooling, whichever is greater.
2. Duct furnaces used in conjunction with cooling equipment shall be installed in parallel with or on the upstream side of cooling coils to avoid condensation within heating elements. With a parallel flow arrangement, the dampers or other means used to control the flow of air shall be sufficiently tight to prevent any circulation of cooled air through the unit.
Exception: Where the duct furnace has been specifically listed for downstream installation.
3. Where duct furnaces are to be located upstream from cooling units, the cooling unit shall be so designed or equipped as to not develop excessive temperatures or pressures.
4. Where a duct furnace is installed downstream of an evaporative cooler or air washer, the heat exchanger shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant materials. Stainless steel, ceramic-coated steel, and an aluminum-coated steel in which the bond between the steel and the aluminum is an iron-aluminum alloy are considered to be corrosion resistant. Air washers operating with chilled water that deliver air below the dew point of the ambient air at the equipment are considered as refrigeration systems.