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CHAPTER 13-140
13-140-010   Ordinary masonry.
13-140-020   Definitions.
13-140-030   Masonry design – Exceptions.
13-140-040   Masonry units – Standards.
13-140-050   Concrete masonry units – Standards.
13-140-060   Clay and shale masonry units – Standards.
13-140-070   Stone masonry units – Standards.
13-140-080   Engineered concrete masonry – Reinforcement.
13-140-090   Definition of “with inspection”.
13-140-100   Stress limitations based upon net section.
13-140-110   Strength of engineered masonry.
13-140-120   Minimum thickness.
13-140-130   Grout placement in engineered brick masonry.
13-140-140   Grout placement in engineered concrete masonry.
13-140-150   Minimum temperature to be maintained.
13-140-160   Resistance to progressive failure.
13-140-170   Interior non-load-bearing partitions.
13-140-010  Ordinary masonry.
   Masonry design and construction shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ACI 530-92/ASCE 5-92/TMS 402-92).
(Prior code § 71-1; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-93, p. 43920)
13-140-020  Definitions.
   In addition to the definitions contained in the standards adopted in Section 13-140-010, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings whenever used in the building provisions of this Code in a context indicating reference to masonry or masonry construction:
   “Architectural terra cotta” means plain or ornamental hard-burned plastic clay units, larger in size than brick, with glazed or unglazed ceramic finish.
      (1)   “Calcium silicate brick” (sand/lime brick) means a building unit made of sand and lime.
      (2)   “Clay or shale brick” means a solid masonry unit made of clay or shale, usually formed into a rectangular prism while in the plastic state and burned or fired in a kiln.
      (3)   “Concrete brick” means a solid masonry unit having the approximate shape of a rectangular prism and composed of inert aggregate particles embedded in a hardened cementitious matrix.
   “Buttress” means projecting part of a masonry wall built integrally therewith to furnish lateral stability, and supported on proper foundations.
   “Chimney” means a primary vertical enclosure containing one or more passageways.
   Chimney, masonry. “Masonry chimney” means a field-constructed chimney of solid masonry units, stones or reinforced concrete.
   Dimensions, nominal. “Nominal dimensions” means equal to the actual dimensions plus the width of the mortar joint. Dimensions and thicknesses specified in this chapter are nominal dimensions.
   Height, wall. “Wall height” means the vertical distance from the foundation wall or other immediate support of such walls to the top of the wall.
   “Masonry” means a built-up construction or combination of building units or materials of clay, shale, concrete, glass, gypsum, stone or other approved units bonded together with mortar or monolithic concrete. Reinforced concrete is not classified as masonry.
   “Solid masonry” means masonry consisting of solid units laid contiguously with the joints between the units filled with mortar, or consisting of plain concrete.
   Masonry unit.
      (1)   “Clay” means a building unit larger in size than a brick, composed of burned clay, shale, fire clay or mixtures thereof.
      (2)   “Concrete” means a structural or decorative unit or block made of cementitious material, fine aggregates, water and other additives.
      (3)   “Hollow” means a masonry unit whose net cross-sectional area in any plane parallel to the loadbearing surface is less then 75 percent of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane.
      (4)   “Solid” means a masonry unit whose net cross-sectional area in every plane parallel to the loadbearing surface is 75 percent or more of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane.
   “Mortar” means a plastic mixture of approved cementitious materials, fine aggregates and water used to bond masonry.
   Mortar, surface-bonding. “Surface-bonding mortar” means a mixture used to bond masonry units and containing hydraulic cement, glass fiber reinforcement with or without organic modifiers, and water.
   “Tile” means a ceramic surface unit, usually relatively thin in relation to facial area, that
      (a)   Is made from clay or a mixture of clay and other ceramic materials, called the body of the tile;
      (b)   Has either a glazed or unglazed face; and
      (c)   Is fired above red heat in the course of manufacture to a temperature sufficiently high to produce specific physical properties and characteristics.
   Tile, structural clay. “Structural clay tile” means a hollow masonry unit composed of burned clay, shale, fire clay or mixtures thereof, and having parallel cells.
(Added Coun. J. 12-15-93, p. 43920; Amend Coun. J. 7-25-01, p. 64905, § 3)