1025.2.1 Steps.
A solid and continuous stripe shall be applied to the horizontal leading edge of each step and shall extend for the full length of the step. Outlining stripes shall have a minimum horizontal width of 1 inch (25.4 mm) and a maximum width of 2 inches (50.8 mm). The leading edge of the stripe shall be placed not more than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) from the leading edge of the step and the stripe shall not overlap the leading edge of the step by more than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) down the vertical face of the step. Outlining stripes on steps shall comply with Figure S101.1(2) in Appendix S.
Exception: The minimum width of 1 inch (25.4 mm) shall not apply to outlining stripes listed in accordance with UL 1994.
1025.2.2 Landings.
The leading edge of landings shall be marked with a stripe consistent with the dimensional requirements for steps. Stripes on landings shall comply with Figure S101.1(3) in Appendix S.
1025.2.3 Handrails.
Handrails and handrail extensions shall be marked with a solid and continuous stripe having a minimum width of 1 inch (25.4 mm). The stripe shall be placed on the top surface of the handrail for the entire length of the handrail, including extensions and newel post caps. Where handrails or handrail extensions bend or turn corners, the stripe shall not have a gap of more than 4 inches (101.6 mm). Stripes on handrails shall comply with Figure S101.1(4) in Appendix S.
Exception: The minimum width of 1 inch (25.4 mm) shall not apply to outlining stripes listed in accordance with UL 1994.
1025.2.4 Perimeter demarcation lines.
Stair landings and other floor areas within interior exit stairways, interior exit ramps and exit passageways, with the exception of the sides of steps, shall be provided with solid and continuous demarcation lines on the floor or on the walls or a combination of both. The stripes shall be 1 to 2 inches (25.4 mm to 50.8 mm) wide with interruptions not exceeding 4 inches (101.6 mm).
Exception: The minimum width of 1 inch (25.4 mm) shall not apply to outlining stripes listed in accordance with UL 1994.
1025.2.4.1 Floor-mounted demarcation lines.
Perimeter demarcation lines shall be placed within 4 inches (101.6 mm) of the wall and shall extend to within 2 inches (50.8 mm) of the markings on the leading edge of landings. The demarcation lines shall continue across the floor in front of all doors. Perimeter demarcation lines shall comply with Figure S101.1(5) in Appendix S.
1. Demarcation lines shall not extend in front of exit discharge doors that lead out of an exit and through which occupants must travel to complete the exit path.
2. Demarcation lines shall be continuous but need not extend into an area such as a dead end or an obstruction that is selected not to be outlined because it is not part of the egress path.
1025.2.4.2 Wall-mounted demarcation lines.
Perimeter demarcation lines shall be placed on the wall with the bottom edge of the stripe not more than 4 inches (101.6 mm) above the finished floor. At the top or bottom of the stairs, demarcation lines shall drop vertically to the floor within 2 inches (50.8 mm) of the step or landing edge. Demarcation lines on walls shall transition vertically to the floor and then extend across the floor where a line on the floor is the only practical method of outlining the path. Where the wall line is broken by a door, demarcation lines on walls shall continue across the face of the door or transition to the floor and extend across the floor in front of such door. Wall-mounted demarcation lines shall comply with Figure S101.1(8) in Appendix S.
1. Demarcation lines shall not extend in front of exit discharge doors that lead out of an exit and through which occupants must travel to complete the exit path.
2. Perimeter demarcation lines are not required on the sides of steps.
3. Perimeter demarcation lines are not required where an area such as a dead end or an obstruction is selected not to be outlined because it is not part of the egress path, the demarcation lines shall not be required in such area provided that a demarcation line is continuous across the floor.
1025.2.4.3 Transition.
Where a wall-mounted demarcation line transitions to a floor-mounted demarcation line, or vice versa, the wall-mounted demarcation line shall drop vertically to the floor to meet a complementary extension of the floor-mounted demarcation line, thus forming a continuous marking. Transitioning demarcation lines shall comply with Figure S101.1(7) in Appendix S.