1025.5 Reserved.
1025.6 General standards.
Luminous materials shall comply with the design standards of Sections 1025.6.1 and 1025.6.2.
1025.6.1 Design of door and directional signs.
Unless otherwise specified, all photoluminescent door signs and directional signs:
1. May be either positive or negative image;
2. Shall be made with the non-photoluminescent portions of the signs in safety green as per ANSI Z535.1; and
3. Shall include three components:
3.1. The word "EXIT" printed in sans serif letters at least 4 inches high (101.6 mm) with strokes no less than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm);
3.2. An emergency exit symbol at least 4 inches high (101.6 mm), complying with NFPA 170; and
3.3. An arrow at least 2 3/4 inches (69.9 mm) high, complying with NFPA 170.
Design of door and directional sign shall comply with Figures S101.1(9), S101.1(13), S101.1(14) and S101.1(15) of Appendix S.
1025.6.1.1 Additional text for sign subject to this section.
Additional descriptive text is permitted, provided such words are in sans serif letters and, where the word "EXIT" or the emergency symbol is required on such sign, such a descriptive text is no more than one-half high as any the word "EXIT" or the emergency exit symbol.
1025.6.2 Figures.
The figures in Appendix S are intended only for illustration, and where there is a conflict between the figures and this section, this section shall govern.
1025.7 Voluntary installation.
Where luminous egress path markings are not required but are voluntarily installed in the exit path, such markings shall comply with Section 1025.
1025.8 Special Inspection.
Luminous exit path markings shall be subject to special inspection in accordance with Sections 1025.8.1 through 1025.8.3.