1025. Exit discharge doors.
At doors serving as exit discharge, a sign in compliance with Section 1025. shall contain supplemental directional text such as "FINAL EXIT", "EXIT THROUGH LOBBY", or "EXIT TO STREET" in sans serif letters one-half as high as the word EXIT. Exit discharge door sign shall comply with Figure S101.1(13) in Appendix S.
1025.2.6.2 Door hardware markings.
Door hardware shall be marked with not less than 16 square inches (0.01 m
) of luminous material. This marking shall be located behind, immediately adjacent to, or on the door handle or escutcheon. Where a panic bar is installed, such material shall not be less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) wide for the entire length of the actuating bar or touchpad. Additional hardware markings may include ANSI Z 535.1 safety green graphics such as arrows indicating door handle turning directions, or emergency egress symbols as per NFPA 170, the word "EXIT," the word "PUSH," and similar egress-related symbols, provided the minimum 16 square inches (0.01 m
) of luminous materials is maintained.