The provisions of the most recently city council-adopted International Fire Code, and NFPA section 407 "Aviation Facilities," is hereby adopted as a part of this code, by reference. The International Fire Code and the NFPA Section 407 is on file in the office of the city secretary.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)
This division is designed to establish and define enforcement authority necessary to ensure the maintenance and promotion of the peace, good government and welfare of the city's aviation assets; for the performance of the functions thereof; for the order and security of its inhabitants, users and visitors; and to protect the peace, lives, health and property of such inhabitants, users and visitors.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)
(a) General. The primary responsibility for the design, establishment, promulgation and coordination of any special police, fire and health instructions and procedures effective at and upon city airfields shall rest with the director, advised and assisted by the aviation advisory board, the chief of police, the fire marshal, the director of the department of transportation and public works and such other departments and agencies of the city, as special problems and circumstances may from time to time require.
(b) Power of the director and assistants to require identification. The director and other regularly appointed employees of the aviation department specifically designated by the director shall have the right and power to request identification and require any person to give his or her true name and residence address to such director or designated employee when acting in an official capacity in matters connected with the aviation department, including the enforcement of this article (Fort Worth Airport Rules and Regulations). It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally refuse to report or give a false report of his or her name or residence address to the director or designated employee who has requested the information when acting in an official capacity in a matter connected with the aviation department including the enforcement of this article.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)
Any peace officer of the city, the director and other regularly appointed employees of the aviation department specifically designated by the director shall have the right and power to enforce any and all regulations contained in this chapter. Such persons shall have the power to issue citations for any violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)