(a) Parked aircraft. Aircraft shall be parked only in assigned, currently leased or otherwise properly designated and authorized areas. Parked and unattended aircraft shall be chocked or tied down if remaining overnight. No aircraft shall be parked in restricted areas without the permission of an Airport Official.
(b) Schedule of fees; failure to pay; violation. The director shall establish and maintain a schedule of fees to be charged for the parking of aircraft on the public-use transient apron and on other designated public parking areas. It shall be unlawful to park an aircraft on any such public parking area between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. unless the required overnight parking fees have been paid. Failure to pay the required parking fee may subject the owner or operator of the aircraft to criminal sanctions or may result in the impoundment of the aircraft as hereinafter provided. There will be no fee for the parking of military aircraft. If any aircraft is found parked in violation of this section, and the identity of the operator cannot be determined, the owner, or person in whose name such aircraft is registered, shall be held prima facie responsible for such violation.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)
Aircraft which are parked, stored or abandoned contrary to the provisions of § 3-116, may be impounded. Redemption of aircraft which have been impounded will necessitate the owner or operator paying all fees accrued against such aircraft to include towing and storage fees incident to impoundment. The city may remove such aircraft from an illegal parking place by engaging private towing services or a fixed base operator. Any charges resulting from such activities shall be charged against the registered owner of the aircraft.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)
(a) All accidents, incidents or damage of any nature involving aircraft or vehicles shall be reported to the director as soon as possible after the occurrence of same.
(b) Any damage to airport installations, equipment or property as a direct or indirect consequences of flight operations shall be, prima facie, the responsibility of the owner of the aircraft causally related to such damage. Repair of such damage shall be ordered and accomplished by the Airport Manager by sending an invoice covering the cost thereof, payable upon receipt, to the registered owner.
(c) The owner of a damaged or disabled aircraft shall promptly remove it from any portion of the movement area, unless otherwise directed by the FAA, NTSB or an airport official. Failure of the owner or operator to so remove an aircraft may result in removal by the aviation department, and all expenses of this removal will be the responsibility of the owner.
(d) Damaged or disabled aircraft parked or stored in an authorized, assigned, leased or otherwise properly designated area in excess of 30 days without undertaking repair or restoration thereof to operable condition will, in the absence of special arrangements with and permission of the Airport Manager, be deemed abandoned aircraft and subject to impoundment as illegally parked aircraft under § 3-117.
(e) Repairs to aircraft damaged while in motion or parked on the airport are the sole responsibility of the owner.
(f) No repairs to or maintenance of aircraft shall be performed on any public area of an airport, unless authorized by the director.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)
(a) The city shall have a lien on impounded aircraft for the storage and care thereof. Notification to the owner of impounded aircraft shall be conclusively presumed given if, after accrual of 60 days of unpaid storage charges or fees, the registered owner of such aircraft is advised by registered or certified letter, return receipt requested, of the fact of impoundment, delinquency in payment of charges, the city's lien for the payment of same and the contemplated public sale of such aircraft following the expiration of 30 days from the mailing of such notice unless payment or suitable arrangements for payment have been made.
(b) The owner of any aircraft which is parked, stored or abandoned contrary to the provisions of § 3-116 shall be presumed to have consented to the creation of a lien under this section.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)