The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
ACT. The Airport Zoning Act, Tex. Local Government Code Chapter 241, as amended.
AIRPORT. The area of land located within the City of Fort Worth referred to as the Fort Worth Alliance Airport which is designed and set aside for the landing and taking off of aircraft, and used or to be used in the interest of the public for such purpose. The term includes an area with installations relating to flights, including installations, facilities and bases of operations for tracking flights or acquiring data concerning flights.
AIRPORT HAZARD. A structure or object of natural growth that obstructs the airspace required for the taking off, landing and maneuvering of aircraft or that interferes with visual, radar, radio or other systems for tracking, acquiring data relating to, monitoring or controlling aircraft.
AIRPORT HEIGHT CONTROL AREA. The Fort Worth Alliance Airport height control area more particularly described on Exhibit “A” to Ord. 10121.
CITY. The City of Fort Worth, Texas.
COMPATIBLE LAND USE. A use of land adjacent to the airport that does not endanger the health, safety or welfare of the owners, occupants or users of the land because of levels of noise or vibrations or the risk of personal injury or property damage created by the operations of the airport, including the taking off and landing of aircraft.
COVERAGE. The percentage of gross lot area covered by a roof, floor or other structure.
DEVELOPMENT ZONE. The Fort Worth Alliance Airport development zone more particularly described on Exhibit “B” to Ord. 10121.
DIRECTOR. The director of the planning and development department of the city, or his or her designee.
FORT WORTH DEVELOPMENT ZONE. That portion of the development zone located within the corporate limits of the city.
FLOOR AREA RATIO. The quotient of the net floor area divided by the gross lot area.
GROSS LOT AREA. The total ground area of the site, from property line to property line, including any ground area subject to any easement or license.
NET FLOOR AREA. The area in the various floors of a building, measured between the exterior faces of the building, including mezzanines and interior balconies, but excluding:
(1) All basements, sub-basements and cellars whose ceilings are at or below grade (ground level of the finished building);
(2) All interior spaces devoted exclusively to vehicular parking and loading and all access ramps and maneuvering areas accessory thereto;
(3) All arcades which have at least a 14 foot ceiling and are open to public traverse during the normal business hours of the building;
(4) All courts;
(5) All shafts as defined in the building code of the city;
(6) All stairwells; and
(7) Customary accessory uses such as elevator penthouses or bulkheads, mechanical equipment cooling towers or tanks and ornamental cupolas and domes erected on the top of a building.
OBSTRUCTION. A structure, growth or other object, including a mobile object, that exceeds a limiting height established by federal regulations or by this division.
SITE. The total area of a lot or tract of land, from property line to property line, including any land subject to any easement or license. A SITE shall be a homogeneous parcel under single ownership or unified control.
STRUCTURE. An object constructed or installed by one or more persons and includes a building, tower, smokestack and overhead transmission line.
ZONING MAP. The “Fort Worth Alliance Airport Zoning Map.”
(Ord. 10121, § 2, passed 6-2-1988; Ord. 17522, § 5, passed 4-24-2007)
The zoning maps, including legal descriptions of the airport height control area and the airport development zone, marked Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B,” respectively, to this division, are hereby incorporated in this division and attached to this division for all purposes incident to the administration and enforcement of this division.
(Ord. 10121, § 2, passed 6-2-1988)
Editor’s note:
Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B” to Ord. 10121, the ordinance enacting this division, are not included herein but are kept on file and available for public inspection at the office of the city clerk.
(a) This division imposes airport compatible land use zoning regulations on the development zone that are in addition to existing or future use regulations, if any, applicable in the development zone because of any underlying zoning classifications enacted by any political subdivision. All uses permitted by any underlying zoning classifications shall be permitted in the development zone unless such uses are prohibited by this division or are otherwise in conflict with or are inconsistent with this division, in which case this division shall control.
(b) This division imposes airport height control area zoning regulations on the airport height control area that are in addition to existing or future height regulations, if any, applicable in the airport height control area because of any underlying zoning classifications enacted by any political subdivision. All height regulations imposed by any underlying zoning classifications shall apply in the airport height control area unless such regulations are in conflict with or are inconsistent with this division, in which case:
(1) If the conflict or inconsistency affects land in the development zone, this shall control; or
(2) If the conflict or inconsistency affects land outside the development zone, the more stringent regulations shall control.
(Ord. 10121, § 2, passed 6-2-1988)
The airport height control area zoning regulations set forth in this division shall apply to the airport height control area. The airport compatible land use zoning regulations set forth in this division shall apply to the development zone.
(Ord. 10121, § 2, passed 6-2-1988)
(a) All uses from time to time permitted by any underlying zoning classifications, if any, enacted by political subdivisions and applicable to the development zone shall be permitted in the development zone except the following uses which are prohibited in this development zone:
(1) All residential uses; provided, however, residential uses that are incidental to or ancillary to the operation of the airport or to the conduct of the aviation-related activities, including for example and without limitation, crew rest quarters and temporary housing for aviation trainees permitted by this division, shall be permitted as a matter of right in the development zone;
(2) Kindergarten through twelfth grade educational uses and child care facilities. All other educational uses, including, without limitation, colleges and universities, including courses offered by colleges and universities which serve as credit for both college degree programs and high school graduation, facilities for employee or client training, schools for flight instruction and vocational schools shall be permitted as a matter of right in the development zone; and
(3) Hospitals; nursing homes, institutions or any other facilities providing convalescent or rehabilitative care; establishments for the care, treatment or rehabilitation of alcoholic, narcotic or psychiatric patients; residence homes for the aged; and institutions, homes or rehabilitation centers for persons convicted of crimes; provided, however, notwithstanding anything contained herein in the contrary, medical, dental or optical clinics for the examination, consultation or treatment of patients, medical laboratories, establishments for the sale or rental of or industrial facilities for the manufacture of medical or optical supplies and equipment, pharmacies, veterinarian clinics and related facilities, emergency medical facilities operated by or in connection with the airport shall be permitted as a matter of right in the development zone.
(b) Heliports, helistops and any other facilities for the landing and taking off of helicopters, and accessory uses thereto, shall be permitted as a matter of right in the development zone; provided, however, no heliport, helistop or other facility for the landing and taking off of helicopters shall be located within 1,000 feet of any church, library or public park. The city council may, however, approve the location of a heliport, helistop or other facility for the landing and taking off of helicopters that is less than 1,000 feet from any church, library or public park.
(c) Hotels and motels shall be permitted as a matter of right in the development zone without the imposition of limitations or conditions.
(d) No use may be made of land or water within the development zone that will create electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communication between the airport and aircraft, or that will create interference with any internavigation facility, airport visual approach or landing aid, aircraft arresting device or meteorological device, or that will make it difficult for pilots to distinguish between airport lights and other lights, result in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport, impair visibility in the vicinity of the airport, create bird strike hazards, or otherwise in any way endanger or interfere with the landing, taking off or maneuvering of aircraft using the airport.
(e) Setback requirements applicable in the Fort Worth development zone shall be as follows.
(1) Front yard setback. If the site contains two acres or less, a minimum front yard of 30 feet shall be required; if the site contains more than two acres, a minimum front yard of 50 feet shall be required.
(2) Rear yard setback. A minimum rear yard of 25 feet shall be required.
(3) Side yard setback. A minimum side yard of 25 feet shall be required for at least one side yard. If one side yard measures at least 25 feet, the other side yard may be reduced to a minimum of ten feet.
(f) Landscaping requirements applicable in the Fort Worth development zone shall be as follows. A minimum of 5% of the aggregate gross area in required front, side and rear yards shall be landscaped in such a way as to preserve and enhance natural beauty, environment and open space.
(g) Site plan requirements applicable in the Fort Worth development zone shall be as follows. As a condition to obtaining a building permit, a property owner shall submit to the city a site plan or development plan evidencing the compliance of any proposed structure with applicable zoning code and building code requirements of the city. The city shall approve all plans that evidence compliance with applicable zoning code and building code requirements.
(h) No coverage requirements shall be applicable in the Fort Worth development zone.
(Ord. 10121, § 2, passed 6-2-1988; Ord. 18103-05-2008, § 1, passed 5-20-2008)
All structures hereafter erected, reconstructed, altered or enlarged in the airport height control area, and all objects of natural growth placed, replaced, planted, replanted or altered in the airport height control area, shall comply with height restrictions, rules and regulations from time to time promulgated by the Federal Aviation Administration (the “FAA”). The airport height control area shown on the zoning map is hereby adopted and shall be automatically amended from time to time to be in conformity with the height regulations, restrictions and rules promulgated from time to time by the FAA. Except as limited by the foregoing FAA height restrictions, rules and regulations, all structures located in the Fort Worth development zone may be erected, reconstructed, altered or enlarged to a height limited only be a floor area ratio of 12.0.
(Ord. 10121, § 2, passed 6-2-1988)