(a) The director shall have authority to designate restricted areas at the airport.
(b) It shall be unlawful, without specific authorization from the director, to enter or travel, in a vehicle or on foot, upon any area designated as a restricted area.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person who is upon any restricted area of the airport to fail or refuse to produce proper identification (driver's license, Social Security card or some similar authoritative indicia of identity) upon the request of an Airport Official, city employee, or a peace officer of the city or the county or other state or federal law enforcement officer.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)
(a) It shall be unlawful to solicit funds or anything of value for any purpose at the airport without a permit or other specific written authority from the city.
(b) It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any article or merchandise on the airport without a permit or concession from the city. This is not intended to prohibit business enterprises leasing premises on the airports from inviting salesmen, mobile lunch trucks and similar activities to their leased premises, for the convenience of customers and employees of such business enterprises only.
(c) It shall be unlawful to solicit any business or trade, including transportation of persons or baggage for hire, on the airports without a necessary permit or concession from the city as provided elsewhere in this code.
(Ord. 22838-08-2017, § 2, passed 8-15-2017)