Editor’s note:
Ord. 19416-10-2010, § 6, adopted October 26, 2010, repealed § 3-18, which pertained to “Same—Powers.” Section 20 of Ord. 24030-02-2020, adopted February 4, 2020, repealed §§ 3-16, 3-17, and 3-19. Formerly, § 3-16 pertained to “Department Established; Director”, § 3-17 pertained to “Appointment of Employees” and § 3-19 pertained to “Same—Responsibilities”. See also the Code Comparative Table.
The aviation advisory board shall have such members and purposes as defined in Chapter 2, Article III, Division 3 of the city code.
(Ord. 26353-08-2023, § 9, passed 8-8-2023)
General provisions dealing with number of members and terms of service of city boards, see § 2-83
Editor’s note:
Ord. 19416-10-2010, § 6, adopted October 26, 2010, repealed § 3-22, which pertained to removal; filling vacancies. See also the Code Comparative Table.
The aviation advisory board shall hold regular scheduled meetings quarterly throughout the year and such special meetings as the aviation director deems necessary.
(1964 Code, § 4-9) (Ord. 8840, § 1, passed 6-7-1983; Ord. 19416-10-2010, § 5, passed 10-26-2010; Ord. 24885-06-2021, § 1, passed 6-22-2021, eff. 7-2-2021)
(a) The aviation advisory board shall have the authority to review and recommend to the city manager and city council any and all plans of any extensions, improvements and additions to the airport system and master plans.
(b) The board may also:
(1) Recommend the adoption of rules and regulations for the aviation system;
(2) Review and comment on the annual operating budget and capital improvement requests;
(3) Make recommendation concerning the leasing of lands and granting of concessions or franchises for the privilege of doing business in or on the properties of the aviation system in cases where such leases, concessions or franchises might have an impact on the development of the aviation system and its master plan; and
(4) Review and recommend a schedule of rental rates and other fees and charges for tenants and other lessees of aviation property.
(1964 Code, § 4-10) (Ord. 8840, § 1, passed 6-7-1983; Ord. 10953, § 9, passed 11-12-1991; Ord. 11214, § 3, passed 12-3-1992; Ord. 19416-10-2010, § 5, passed 10-26-2010)