Schedule 2 Collection Rates effective 6/1/2023 to 5/31/2024 Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile | ||||||||
Assessment Date (as per City Code § 30-172(a)) | Final Plat Approved Before 4/1/2013 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2019 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2019 to 10/31/2022 | Final Plat Approved On or After 11/1/2022 | ||||
Service Areas | Residential 50% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 50% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 50% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 50% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 |
Schedule 2 Collection Rates effective 6/1/2023 to 5/31/2024 Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile | ||||||||
Assessment Date (as per City Code § 30-172(a)) | Final Plat Approved Before 4/1/2013 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2019 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2019 to 10/31/2022 | Final Plat Approved On or After 11/1/2022 | ||||
Service Areas | Residential 50% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 50% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 50% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 50% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 |
A | $494.50 | $395.60 | $1,079.00 | $863.20 | $1,012.50 | $810.00 | $821.00 | $656.80 |
AA* | $63.00 | $63.00 | $228.00 | $228.00 | $205.00 | $205.00 | $355.00 | $355.00 |
B | $1,007.00 | $805.60 | $1,209.50 | $967.60 | $1,658.00 | $1,326.40 | $1,564.00 | $1,251.20 |
C | $320.00 | $256.00 | $661.50 | $529.20 | $572.00 | $457.60 | $890.50 | $712.40 |
D* | $987.00 | $987.00 | $966.00 | $966.00 | $463.00 | $463.00 | $834.00 | $834.00 |
E | $484.50 | $387.60 | $1,354.00 | $1,083.20 | $1,724.60 | $1,379.60 | $1,463.50 | $1,170.80 |
F* | $387.00 | $387.00 | $998.00 | $998.00 | $675.00 | $675.00 | $743.00 | $743.00 |
G | $377.50 | $302.00 | $1,045.50 | $836.40 | $899.50 | $719.60 | $1,027.50 | $822.00 |
L** | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
M | $725.00 | $580.00 | $1,275.50 | $1,020.40 | $1,582.00 | $1,265.60 | $3,183.50 | $2,546.80 |
N | $371.00 | $296.80 | $641.50 | $513.20 | $422.50 | $338.00 | $1,371.00 | $1,096.80 |
O | $816.00 | $652.80 | $507.00 | $405.60 | $1,780.00 | $1,424.00 | $1,778.00 | $1,422.40 |
PI*** | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $2,756.00 | $2,756.00 |
S | $514.00 | $411.20 | $1,199.00 | $959.20 | $1,492.00 | $1,193.60 | $2,302.50 | $1,842.00 |
T | $363.00 | $290.40 | $1,161.00 | $928.80 | $913.00 | $730.40 | $1,863.50 | $1,490.80 |
U | $283.50 | $226.80 | $1,460.50 | $1,168.40 | $1,728.50 | $1,382.80 | $1,271.00 | $1,016.80 |
V | $1,634.50 | $1,307.60 | $1,634.50 | $1,307.60 | $1,634.50 | $1,307.60 | $2,208.00 | $1,766.40 |
W** | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
X | $499.50 | $399.60 | $1,156.00 | $924.80 | $1,903.00 | $1,522.40 | $1,647.00 | $1,317.60 |
Y | $606.50 | $485.20 | $1,185.00 | $948.00 | $1,174.00 | $939.20 | $1,294.00 | $1,035.20 |
Z | $809.00 | $647.20 | $1,481.00 | $1,184.80 | $1,853.00 | $1,482.40 | $3,050.50 | $2,440.40 |
*Service Areas AA, D and F have the lowest Schedule 1 assessment rates. Effective November 1, 2022, The collection rate in these service areas is 100% of their respective Schedule 1 amounts.
**Effective November 1, 2022, Service Areas L and W no longer have collection rates due to these areas being largely built out with minimal growth projected.
***Effective April 26, 2023, Service Area PI collection rate is 100% of its Schedule I amount.
Schedule 2 Collection Rates effective 6/1/2024 to 5/31/2025 Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile | ||||||||
Assessment Date (as per City Code § 30-172(a)) | Final Plat Approved Before 4/1/2013 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2019 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2019 to 10/31/2022 | Final Plat Approved On or After 11/1/2022 | ||||
Service Areas | Residential 55% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 55% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 55% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 55% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 |
Schedule 2 Collection Rates effective 6/1/2024 to 5/31/2025 Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile | ||||||||
Assessment Date (as per City Code § 30-172(a)) | Final Plat Approved Before 4/1/2013 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2019 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2019 to 10/31/2022 | Final Plat Approved On or After 11/1/2022 | ||||
Service Areas | Residential 55% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 55% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 55% of Sch 1 | Non- Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 55% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 |
A | $543.95 | $395.60 | $1,186.90 | $863.20 | $1,113.75 | $810.00 | $903.10 | $656.80 |
AA* | $63.00 | $63.00 | $228.00 | $228.00 | $205.00 | $205.00 | $355.00 | $355.00 |
B | $1,107.70 | $805.60 | $1,330.45 | $967.60 | $1,823.80 | $1,326.40 | $1,720.40 | $1,251.20 |
C | $352.00 | $256.00 | $727.65 | $529.20 | $629.20 | $457.60 | $979.55 | $712.40 |
D* | $987.00 | $987.00 | $966.00 | $966.00 | $463.00 | $463.00 | $834.00 | $834.00 |
E | $532.95 | $387.60 | $1,489.40 | $1,083.20 | $1,896.95 | $1,379.60 | $1,609.85 | $1,170.80 |
F* | $387.00 | $387.00 | $998.00 | $998.00 | $675.00 | $675.00 | $743.00 | $743.00 |
G | $415.25 | $302.00 | $1,150.05 | $836.40 | $989.45 | $719.60 | $1,130.25 | $822.00 |
L** | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
M | $797.50 | $580.00 | $1,403.05 | $1,020.40 | $1,740.20 | $1,265.60 | $3,501.85 | $2,546.80 |
N | $408.10 | $296.80 | $705.65 | $513.20 | $464.75 | $338.00 | $1,508.10 | $1,096.80 |
O | $897.60 | $652.80 | $557.70 | $405.60 | $1,958.00 | $1,424.00 | $1,955.80 | $1,422.40 |
PI*** | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $2,756.00 | $2,756.00 |
S | $565.40 | $411.20 | $1,318.90 | $959.20 | $1,641.20 | $1,193.60 | $2,532.75 | $1,842.00 |
T | $399.30 | $290.40 | $1,277.10 | $928.80 | $1,004.30 | $730.40 | $2,049.85 | $1,490.80 |
U | $311.85 | $226.80 | $1,606.55 | $1,168.40 | $1,901.35 | $1,382.80 | $1,398.10 | $1,016.80 |
V | $1,797.95 | $1,307.60 | $1,797.95 | $1,307.60 | $1,797.95 | $1,307.60 | $2,428.80 | $1,766.40 |
W** | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
X | $549.45 | $399.60 | $1,271.60 | $924.80 | $2,093.30 | $1,522.40 | $1,811.70 | $1,317.60 |
Y | $667.15 | $485.20 | $1,303.50 | $948.00 | $1,291.40 | $939.20 | $1,423.40 | $1,035.20 |
Z | $889.90 | $647.20 | $1,629.10 | $1,184.80 | $2,038.30 | $1,482.40 | $3,355.55 | $2,440.40 |
*Service Areas AA, D and F have the lowest Schedule 1 assessment rates. Effective November 1, 2022, The collection rate in these service areas is 100% of their respective Schedule 1 amounts.
**Effective November 1, 2022, Service Areas L and W no longer have collection rates due to these areas being largely built out with minimal growth projected.
***Effective April 26, 2023, Service Area PI collection rate is 100% of its Schedule I amount.
Schedule 2 Collection Rates effective 6/1/2025 to 5/31/2026 Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile | ||||||||
Assessment Date (as per City Code § 30-172(a)) | Final Plat Approved Before 4/1/2013 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2019 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2019 to 10/31/2022 | Final Plat Approved On or After 11/1/2022 | ||||
Service Areas | Residential 60% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 60% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 60% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 60% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 |
Schedule 2 Collection Rates effective 6/1/2025 to 5/31/2026 Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile | ||||||||
Assessment Date (as per City Code § 30-172(a)) | Final Plat Approved Before 4/1/2013 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2019 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2019 to 10/31/2022 | Final Plat Approved On or After 11/1/2022 | ||||
Service Areas | Residential 60% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 60% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 60% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 60% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 |
A | $593.40 | $395.60 | $1,294.80 | $863.20 | $1,215.00 | $810.00 | $985.20 | $656.80 |
AA* | $63.00 | $63.00 | $228.00 | $228.00 | $205.00 | $205.00 | $355.00 | $355.00 |
B | $1,208.40 | $805.60 | $1,451.40 | $967.60 | $1,989.60 | $1,326.40 | $1,876.80 | $1,251.20 |
C | $384.00 | $256.00 | $793.80 | $529.20 | $686.40 | $457.60 | $1,068.60 | $712.40 |
D* | $987.00 | $987.00 | $966.00 | $966.00 | $463.00 | $463.00 | $834.00 | $834.00 |
E | $581.40 | $387.60 | $1,624.80 | $1,083.20 | $2,069.40 | $1,379.60 | $1,756.20 | $1,170.80 |
F* | $387.00 | $387.00 | $998.00 | $998.00 | $675.00 | $675.00 | $743.00 | $743.00 |
G | $453.00 | $302.00 | $1,254.60 | $836.40 | $1,079.40 | $719.60 | $1,233.00 | $822.00 |
L** | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
M | $870.00 | $580.00 | $1,530.60 | $1,020.40 | $1,898.40 | $1,265.60 | $3,820.20 | $2,546.80 |
N | $445.20 | $296.80 | $769.80 | $513.20 | $507.00 | $338.00 | $1,645.20 | $1,096.80 |
O | $979.20 | $652.80 | $608.40 | $405.60 | $2,136.00 | $1,424.00 | $2,133.60 | $1,422.40 |
PI*** | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $2,756.00 | $2,756.00 |
S | $616.80 | $411.20 | $1,438.80 | $959.20 | $1,790.40 | $1,193.60 | $2,763.00 | $1,842.00 |
T | $435.60 | $290.40 | $1,393.20 | $928.80 | $1,095.60 | $730.40 | $2,236.20 | $1,490.80 |
U | $340.20 | $226.80 | $1,752.60 | $1,168.40 | $2,074.20 | $1,382.80 | $1,525.20 | $1,016.80 |
V | $1,961.40 | $1,307.60 | $1,961.40 | $1,307.60 | $1,961.40 | $1,307.60 | $2,649.60 | $1,766.40 |
W** | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
X | $599.40 | $399.60 | $1,387.20 | $924.80 | $2,283.60 | $1,522.40 | $1,976.40 | $1,317.60 |
Y | $727.80 | $485.20 | $1,422.00 | $948.00 | $1,408.80 | $939.20 | $1,552.80 | $1,035.20 |
Z | $970.80 | $647.20 | $1,777.20 | $1,184.80 | $2,223.60 | $1,482.40 | $3,660.60 | $2,440.40 |
*Service Areas AA, D and F have the lowest Schedule 1 assessment rates. Effective November 1, 2022, The collection rate in these service areas is 100% of their respective Schedule 1 amounts.
**Effective November 1, 2022, Service Areas L and W no longer have collection rates due to these areas being largely built out with minimal growth projected.
***Effective April 26, 2023, Service Area PI collection rate is 100% of its Schedule I amount.
Schedule 2 Collection Rates effective 6/1/2026 Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile | ||||||||
Assessment Date (as per City Code § 30-172(a)) | Final Plat Approved Before 4/1/2013 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2019 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2019 to 10/31/2022 | Final Plat Approved On or After 11/1/2022 | ||||
Service Areas | Residential 65% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 65% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 65% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 65% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 |
Schedule 2 Collection Rates effective 6/1/2026 Transportation Impact Fees Per Vehicle-Mile | ||||||||
Assessment Date (as per City Code § 30-172(a)) | Final Plat Approved Before 4/1/2013 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2019 | Final Plat Approved 4/1/2019 to 10/31/2022 | Final Plat Approved On or After 11/1/2022 | ||||
Service Areas | Residential 65% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 65% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 65% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 | Residential 65% of Sch 1 | Non-Residential 40% of Sch 1 |
A | $642.85 | $395.60 | $1,402.70 | $863.20 | $1,316.25 | $810.00 | $1,067.30 | $656.80 |
AA* | $63.00 | $63.00 | $228.00 | $228.00 | $205.00 | $205.00 | $355.00 | $355.00 |
B | $1,309.10 | $805.60 | $1,572.35 | $967.60 | $2,155.40 | $1,326.40 | $2,033.20 | $1,251.20 |
C | $416.00 | $256.00 | $859.95 | $529.20 | $743.60 | $457.60 | $1,157.65 | $712.40 |
D* | $987.00 | $987.00 | $966.00 | $966.00 | $463.00 | $463.00 | $834.00 | $834.00 |
E | $629.85 | $387.60 | $1,760.20 | $1,083.20 | $2,241.85 | $1,379.60 | $1,902.55 | $1,170.80 |
F* | $387.00 | $387.00 | $998.00 | $998.00 | $675.00 | $675.00 | $743.00 | $743.00 |
G | $490.75 | $302.00 | $1,359.15 | $836.40 | $1,169.35 | $719.60 | $1,335.75 | $822.00 |
L** | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
M | $942.50 | $580.00 | $1,658.15 | $1,020.40 | $2,056.60 | $1,265.60 | $4,138.55 | $2,546.80 |
N | $482.30 | $296.80 | $833.95 | $513.20 | $549.25 | $338.00 | $1,782.30 | $1,096.80 |
O | $1,060.80 | $652.80 | $659.10 | $405.60 | $2,314.00 | $1,424.00 | $2,311.40 | $1,422.40 |
PI*** | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $492.00 | $2,756.00 | $2,756.00 |
S | $668.20 | $411.20 | $1,558.70 | $959.20 | $1,939.60 | $1,193.60 | $2,993.25 | $1,842.00 |
T | $471.90 | $290.40 | $1,509.30 | $928.80 | $1,186.90 | $730.40 | $2,422.55 | $1,490.80 |
U | $368.55 | $226.80 | $1,898.65 | $1,168.40 | $2,247.05 | $1,382.80 | $1,652.30 | $1,016.80 |
V | $2,124.85 | $1,307.60 | $2,124.85 | $1,307.60 | $2,124.85 | $1,307.60 | $2,870.40 | $1,766.40 |
W** | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
X | $649.35 | $399.60 | $1,502.80 | $924.80 | $2,473.90 | $1,522.40 | $2,141.10 | $1,317.60 |
Y | $788.45 | $485.20 | $1,540.50 | $948.00 | $1,526.20 | $939.20 | $1,682.20 | $1,035.20 |
Z | $1,051.70 | $647.20 | $1,925.30 | $1,184.80 | $2,408.90 | $1,482.40 | $3,965.65 | $2,440.40 |
*Service Areas AA, D and F have the lowest Schedule 1 assessment rates. Effective November 1, 2022, The collection rate in these service areas is 100% of their respective Schedule 1 amounts.
**Effective November 1, 2022, Service Areas L and W no longer have collection rates due to these areas being largely built out with minimal growth projected.
***Effective April 26, 2023, Service Area PI collection rate is 100% of its Schedule I amount.
(Ord. 25889-11-2022, § 1, passed 11-29-2022, eff. 12-1-2022; Ord. 26099-04-2023, § 1, passed 4-25-2023, eff. 4-26-2023)