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   (a)   Design Manual. In accordance with Chapter 284 of the Texas Local Government Code, the installation and construction of network nodes and new node support poles in the public rights-of-way is subject to the design manual that is set out in Appendix A to this Article I and hereby incorporated into the City Code.
   (b)   Public Parks. For purposes of Chapter 284 of the Texas Local Government Code, recreational public parks within the City of Fort Worth include those areas, lands, or properties within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Fort Worth that are (1) designated as parkland by the Fort Worth City Council, (2) identified as parkland in the city's most recently adopted Comprehensive Plan, including the most recently adopted Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan, or (3) held out, used, set aside, or otherwise designated for public enjoyment and recreation, either actively or passively.
   (c)   Fees and rates. Pursuant to Chapter 284 of the Texas Local Government Code, there is hereby levied and assessed and shall be collected the application fees and public rights-of-way use rates set forth in the table below:
Application Fees
Network node
$500 per application for up to 5 network nodes, and $250 for each additional network node on a single application; up to 30 network nodes are allowed on each application.
Node support pole
$1,000 per application for each pole
Transport Facility
$500 for up to 5 network nodes and $250 for each additional network node on a single permit; up to 30 network nodes are allowed on each permit.
Annual Public Rights-of-Way Use Rates
Network node
$250 per network node site.
Node support pole
No separate rate from the network node annual fee (each support pole should have a network node attached)
Transport Facility
$28 monthly for each network node site, unless an equal or greater amount is paid the city, e.g., under Chapter 283, Tex. Loc. Gov. Code or Chapter 66, Tex. Util. Code.
Service Pole Attachment
$20 per year to collocate a network node on a service pole in the public right-of-way
(Ord. 22839-08-2017, § 1, passed 8-26-2017)