No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of cutting, removing or trimming trees on private property within the City of Flint without obtaining a license as herein provided. Any person, firm or corporation making application for the license shall furnish to the City Clerk, on a form to be prescribed by him, information concerning the name and organization of the applicant, a description of the equipment and procedures employed and the nature of operations conducted. Upon receipt of such information, and the certificates of insurance required in this article, the City Clerk shall issue a license to such applicant and such license shall be shown to any person who shall do business with the licensee and who shall request same. The issuance of a license hereunder shall not obviate the necessity of obtaining such other licenses and permits as shall be required by the ordinances of the City of Flint.
(Ord. 2026, passed 1-22-1968)
   Trees and Shrubs, see Ch. 45