In the event the incorporation as provided for in § 2-122 above does not take place within ninety (90) days after the effective date of this ordinance, then and in that event, this ordinance shall be void and of no force and effect.
(Ord. 2580, passed 1-10-1977; Ord. 2646, passed 6-12-1978)
Beginning at a point, formed by the intersection of the center lines of West Fifth Avenue and Garland Street, thence easterly along the thence northerly along the westerly line of Saginaw Street to the southerly line of Wood Street (projected); thence easterly along the southerly line of Wood Street to the westerly line of Industrial Avenue; thence southeasterly along the westerly line of Industrial Avenue to the northerly line of Cornelia Street; thence west along the northerly line of Cornelia Street to the easterly line of Saginaw Street; thence south along the easterly line of Saginaw Street, to a point which is south 03 deg. 07 min. 32 sec. west 824.62 feet from the southwest corner of Block 5 of the recorded plat of Mcfarlan and Company’s Northern Addition to the City of Flint; thence south 86 deg. 52 min. 28 seconds east 25.0 feet; thence north 48 deg. 07 min. 32 sec. east 125.0 feet; thence south 86 deg. 52 min. 28 sec. east 65 feet; thence south 41 deg. 52 min. 28 sec. east 72.0 feet; thence south 86 deg. 52 min. 28 sec. east 94.0 feet; thence south 41 deg. 52 min. 28 sec. east 45.0 feet; thence south 86 deg. 52 min. 28 sec. east 172.48 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of Martin Luther King Drive south; thence on a curve to the left, radius 137.0 feet, chord bearing and distance south 03 deg. 52 min. 33 sec. east 80.34 feet; thence continuing along said street line south 41 deg. 52 min. 33 sec. east 25.56 feet; thence south 03 deg. 07 min. 32 sec. west 375.22 feet to the centerline of Fifth Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Fifth Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Fred Tucker Drive; thence northeasterly and southeasterly along said centerline of Fred Tucker Drive to its extension to the intersection with centerline of Flint River; thence northerly along said centerline of the Flint River to its intersection with an extension of the centerline of Geneseret Street; thence easterly along said centerline of Geneseret Street to its intersection with the west boundary of the I-475 right-of-way; thence southerly along the west boundary of I-475 right-of-way to intersection with centerline of Harrison Street; thence north along the centerline of Harrison Street to its intersection with centerline of Seventh Street; thence westerly along centerline of Seventh Street to its intersection with centerline of Beach Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Beach Street to its intersection with the centerline of Court Street; thence westerly along the centerline of Court Street to intersection with centerline of Grand Traverse Street; thence northerly along centerline of Grand Traverse to intersection with centerline of Flint River; thence westerly along centerline of Flint River to intersection with an extension of the northerly line of Lot 9, Block C, Smith Stone and Turner Addition; thence easterly along said lot line to westerly right-of-way line of Stone Street; thence southerly along said right-of-way line to intersection with centerline of Water Street; thence easterly along centerline of Water Street to intersection with centerline of Grand Traverse; thence northerly along centerline of Grand Traverse to intersection with First Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of First Avenue to intersection with centerline of Lyon Street; thence northerly along centerline of Lyon Street to its intersection with centerline of Second Avenue; thence easterly along centerline of Second Avenue to intersection with centerline of Garland Street; thence northerly along centerline of Garland to point of beginning.
(Ord. 2581, passed 1-10-1977; Ord. 2792, passed 4-27-1981; Ord. 3089, passed 1-23-1989)
The Authority shall have such powers as are now or may hereafter be conferred on authorities established under Act 197 of the Public Acts of 1975, as amended.
(Ord. 2581, passed 1-10-1977)
Statutory reference:
Downtown Development Authority, see MCLA 125.1651 through 125.1657 and 125.1659 through 125.1681
The activities of the Authority shall be financed from one or more of such sources as may be authorized pursuant to Act 197 of the Public Acts of 1975, as amended.
(Ord. 2581, passed 1-10-1977)
Statutory reference:
Downtown Development Authority, see MCLA 125.1651 through 125.1657 and 125.1659 through 125.1681
That a certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Michigan Secretary of State in accordance with Section 3, paragraph (3) of Act 197 of the Public Acts of 1975, and shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Flint.
(Ord. 2581, passed 1-10-1977)
Statutory reference:
Resolution of intent to create and provide for operation of authority; public hearing on proposed ordinance creating authority and designating boundaries of downtown district; notice; exemption of taxes from capture; adoption, filing, and publication of ordinance; altering or amending boundaries; agreement with adjoining municipality; agreement with qualified township, see MCLA 125.1653
Upon completion of the purposes for which the Authority created herein was organized, said Authority shall be dissolved by ordinance. All property and assets of said Authority remaining after satisfaction of obligations of said Authority shall belong to the City of Flint.
(Ord. 2581, passed 1-10-1977)
That a bond shall be furnished in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) by any persons serving in the capacity of Director, Chairman or Treasurer of the Downtown Development Authority or any persons serving as a Treasurer’s designee, such bond being payable to the Authority for use by the Authority.
(Ord. 2653, adopted 7-24-1978)
§§ 2-132 – 2-140 RESERVED.
The purpose of this ordinance shall be the recognition, preservation, and protection of historical, architectural, and archeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, open spaces, and features, hereinafter referred to as district resources, which are organized into historic districts significant to the cultural, social, economic, political, architectural, and archaeological heritage of the City of Flint. Further, the purpose of this ordinance is to stabilize and improve property values, preserve neighborhoods, strengthen local economy, foster civic beauty and pride and promote the use of historic districts for education, pleasure, and welfare, pursuant to MCLA § 399.202.
(Ord. 2707, passed 4-23-1979)