General Provisions
   150.001   Building lines for business structures on certain streets
   150.002   Erection and use of scaffolds
   150.003   Holes, ditches, and excavations to be protected during construction work
   150.004   House numbers
   150.005   Paving permit required
Building Codes
   150.015   Building codes adopted
   150.016   Fees adopted
Mechanical Code
   150.030   Adopted
   150.031   Mechanical contractor's license, registration, and permit/inspection requirements
   150.032   Permits
   150.033   Inspection requests
Fuel Gas Code
   150.035   Adopted
Plumbing Code
   150.040   Short title
   150.041   Adopted
   150.042   Plumber's license, registration, and permit/inspection requirements
   150.043   Liability for damages
   150.044   Backflow prevention and cross-connection control
   150.045   Permits
   150.046   Inspection requests
   150.047   Minimum standards for installation of irrigation systems
   150.048   [Reserved]
   150.049   [Reserved]
International Swimming Pool and Spa Code
   150.050   Adopted
Electrical Code
   150.055   Short title
   150.056   Electrical Board — created; powers and duties; appeals
   150.057   National Electrical Code adopted
   150.058   Electrical contractor's license, registration, and permit/inspection requirements
   150.059   Commercial general liability insurance
   150.060   Information to be furnished by contractors and electricians
   150.061   Work by homeowners
   150.062 - 150.069   [Reserved.]
   150.070   Liability for damages — responsibility
   150.071   Electrical Inspector
   150.072   Conflict of interest
   150.073   Duties of Inspector
   150.074   Inspection
   150.075   Electrical contractor's and electrician's licenses
   150.076   Licensee not to permit use of name or license by another
   150.077   Unlicensed person on job; false representation
   150.078   Performing and engaging in work other than that authorized by license
   150.079   Revocation of license
   150.080   Work permits
   150.081   Reports of permits issued and fees paid; disposition of fees collected
Industrialized Housing and Buildings
   150.082   Applicability
   150.083   Reservation of authority
   150.084   Definitions
   150.085   Building codes
   150.086   On-site inspections
   150.087   Regulation of industrialized housing and buildings
   150.088   Regulation of single-family and duplex industrialized housing
Moving of Structures
   150.090   Moving structures into and within the city prohibited
   150.091   Overhead utility lines to be protected; notice to and duties of owners of overhead utility lines
   150.092   Dollies to have pneumatic tires
   150.093   Lights required for night moving or stopping
   150.094   Trees not to be damaged
   150.095   Police escort
   150.096   Permit required
   150.097   Application
   150.098.a   Registration required
   150.098.b   Issuance of permit
   150.099   Certificate of current tax status prerequisite
   150.100   Bond and insurance
   150.101   Fee
   150.102   [Reserved]
   150.103   Notice of adjacent property owners
   150.104   Route
   150.105   Inspection prior to issuing permit
Rental Housing
   150.115   Purpose
   150.116   Responsibility of owners and tenants
   150.117   Maintenance of leased/let properties
   150.118   Negligent properties
   150.119   Occupancy requirements
   150.120   Fuel gas system
   150.121   Electrical system
Property Maintenance
   150.140   Purpose
   150.141   Codes adopted
   150.142   Definitions
   150.143   Substandard property
   150.144   Commission created; membership; term of office
   150.145   Authority of Commission
   150.146   Notice of violations/public hearings
   150.147   Commission proceedings
   150.148   Findings of the Commission
   150.149   Commission orders
   150.150   Appeals
   150.999   Penalty
   Authority of city relative to building regulations, see Charter § 2.1(C)(11)
      Construction requirements in fire limits, see § 93.17
      Fire limits established, see § 93.16
      Prevention and protection in general; codes adopted, see Ch. 93
   Lake Pat Cleburne, construction of piers and boat houses, see §§ 98.125 et seq.
   Streets and sidewalks, see Ch. 99
   Subdivision and development standards, see Ch. 154
   Water and sewers, Ch. 51
   Zoning, see Ch. 155