(A)   Moving existing structures into, or from one location within the city to another location within the city, is prohibited. However, the City Council may, at a properly noticed public hearing, approve or deny the movement of a structure into the city or within the city based on testimony of adjacent property owners and/or the historic significance of the structure. The City Council shall have the sole authority to determine the historical significance of the structure. The following criteria shall be considered by the City Council when determining whether a structure is historically significant to the community:
      (1)   The structure’s significance in history, architecture, archaeology, or culture;
      (2)   Its association with events that have made a significant contribution to patterns of local, regional, state, or national history;
      (3)   Its association with an important person or historical figure;
      (4)   Its embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, style, period, or method of construction or architecture; or
      (5)   Whether it represents the work of a master designer, engineer, architect, builder, or craftsman.
   (B)   Any structures approved by the Council to be moved into or within the city shall comply with the requirements of this subchapter.
(Ord. 10-2017-65, passed 10-10-17)