General Provisions
51.001 City to install house service lines; tapping fees; maintenance of service lines
51.002 Water connections to be made by city
51.003 Water conservation and drought contingency
51.004 Water wells
Rates, Charges and Collections
51.015 Application for service, transfer or final; contents of application
51.016 New application for premises with delinquent charges
51.017 Security deposits; exemptions
51.018 Use of security deposits
51.019 Security deposit refunds
51.020 Security deposit amounts
51.021 Payments of fees; delinquency; discontinuance or refusal of service; notice of discontinuance
51.022 (Reserved)
51.023 Meters — required; read monthly; charge; water leakage
51.024 Meters — exposing to damage; notice of work affecting systems; moving
51.025 Revenue collection regulations
51.026 Joint owners or users; liability; transfer of accounts
51.027 Water lien procedure
51.028 Notice of water lien
51.029 Using another person's water; use before filing application for service
51.030 Rates for treated water service
51.031 Rates for wastewater service
51.032 Charges for use of fire hydrants
51.033 Industrial waste charge rate formula
51.034 Miscellaneous charges and provisions; rates where no charge specified
51.035 Fire hydrants
51.036 No free water
51.037 Tampering with or damaging systems; unlawful use of water; prima facie evidence
51.038 (Reserved)
51.039 City released from liability if customer cannot be present when water service is initiated
51.040 Interruption of service by Water Utilities Department; liability
51.041 Establishment and funding of Water/Wastewater Rate Mitigation and Capital Improvement Reserve
51.042 Expenditures from the Water/Wastewater Rate Mitigation Reserve; prohibited expenditures
Extension of Mains
51.050 Purpose; where front foot rule inequitable; no vested rights
51.051 Pro rata charge
51.052 Water and sewer connection charges
51.053 Extension of water and sewer lines
51.054 Connection with water mains to be made by waterworks department
51.055 Contract between city and property owner; no refunds after expiration of twenty-year period
51.056 Application forms; binding upon either party
51.057 Deposit for cost of extensions or pro rata charges; city not liable for payment of interest
51.058 Lack of funds
51.059 Charges to be credited to water sewer system fund
Industrial Wastes
51.070 Purpose and policy
51.071 Administration
51.072 Definitions; abbreviations
51.073 General sewer requirements
51.074 Pretreatment of wastewater
51.075 Wastewater discharge permit eligibility
51.076 Wastewater discharge permit issuance process
51.077 Reporting requirements
51.078 Compliance monitoring
51.079 Confidential information
51.080 Publication of industrial users in significant noncompliance
51.081 Administrative enforcement remedies
51.082 Judicial enforcement remedies
51.083 Supplemental enforcement action
51.084 Affirmative defenses to discharge violations
51.085 Surcharge costs
51.086 Pretreatment charges and fees
Waste Haulers
51.100 Definitions
51.101 Permit required
51.102 Fee; display of permit
51.103 Responsibilities of liquid waste transporter
51.104 Accumulation of liquid waste and disposal
51.105 Disposal of liquid waste
51.106 Responsibilities of POTW
51.107 Denial, suspension, and revocation of permit
51.108 Appeal
On-Site Sewage Facilities
51.120 Adopting provisions of Texas Health and Safety Code
51.121 Area of jurisdiction
51.122 On-site sewage facility rules; compliance
51.123 Design criteria for on-site sewage facilities; incorporation by reference
51.124 Development or organized disposal systems
51.125 Enforcement authority; duties and powers
51.126 License to operate
51.127 Appeals
51.128 Inspections to assure compliance
51.129 Emergency repair
51.130 Relinquishment of ordinance
51.999 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Approcval of industrial solid waste management in municipal solid waste facility, see Tex. Health and Safety Code § 361.019.
Water systems in home rule municipalities, see Tex. Loc. Gov't Code § 402.017.
Buildings and general building regulations, see Ch. 150
Lake Pat Cleburne, see §§ 98.045 et seq.
Plumbing code, see §§ 150.040 et seq.
Water and sewer requirements for subdivisions, see §§ 154.100 et seq.