General Provisions
Article 01 - Interpretation, Scope and Definitions
154-01.01 Interpretation, purpose and conformity
154-01.02 General provisions for buildings and uses
154-01.03 Enforcement
154-01.04 Building permits already issued
154-01.05 Fees and charges
(A) Zoning applications
(B) General Plan or text amendment applications
(C) Conditional use permit applications
(D) Variance or appeal applications
(E) Subdivision review applications
(F) Miscellaneous applications
(G) Continuations for any of the above processes
(H) Engineering fees
154-01.06 Repealed
154-01.07 Definitions
Article 02 - Administration
154-02.01 Planning and Zoning Commission
(A) Created
(B) Responsibilities
(C) Duties
(D) Powers
(E) Composition
(F) Terms of members
(G) Organization
(H) Removal
(I) Compensation; expenses
154-02.02 Hearing Officer
(A) Establishment
(B) Authority
(C) Variances
(D) Temporary uses
(E) Expansion of nonconforming uses or structures
(F) Conditional use permits
(G) Appeals
(H) Hearing Officer
154-02.03 Zoning Administrator
(A) Establishment
(B) Duties
154-02.04 Design and Historic Review Commission (DHRC)
(A) Establishment
(B) Organization of the DHRC
(C) Purpose
(D) Duties
(E) Appeals and variances
154-02.05 Board of Adjustment
(A) Authority
(B) Duties
154-02.06 Minor Variance Committee
(A) Purpose
(B) Duties
Article 03 - Zoning Procedures
154-03.01 Citizen review process
(A) Purpose
(B) Notification
(C) Neighborhood meetings
154-03.02 Notification for public hearings
(A) Zoning amendments (boundaries and/or regulations)
(B) Variances
(C) Appeals of the Zoning Administrator and the Minor Variance Committee
(D) Conditional use permits
154-03.03 Zoning amendments
154-03.04 Variances and appeals
(A) Purpose
(B) Applications
(C) Public hearing
(D) Zoning Board of Adjustment action
(E) Stay of proceedings
(F) Expiration and time extensions
(G) Revocation or modification of variances
(H) Minor variances
154-03.05 Conditional use permits
(A) Purpose
(B) Conditions of approval
(C) Exceptions; approval or denial
(D) Types of conditional uses
(E) Application
(F) Public hearing
(G) Planning and Zoning Commission action
(H) Expiration and time extensions
(I) Revocation or modification of conditional use permits
154-03.06 Protected development rights
154-03.07 Plan of development (PSC Zoning District)
154-03.08 Design review procedure
154-03.09 Historic designation establishment procedure
154-03.10 Land use waiver (AD Overlay Zone)
Article 04 - Zoning Districts, Maps and Annexation
154-04.01 Zoning districts established
(A) Classifications
(B) Specific plans
154-04.02 Boundaries and areas
154-04.03 Repealed
154-04.04 General Plan
154-04.05 Annexed areas
(A) Zoning classification
(B) Building permits
(C) Nonconforming uses
Article 05 - Rural and Low Density Residential Zoning Districts
154-05.01 Agriculture District (AG)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Permitted accessory uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
154-05.02 Suburban Ranch Districts (SR-1, SR-2, SR-3 and SR-4)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses02
(F) Property development standards
154-05.03 Residential Estate Districts (RE-12, RE-18 and RE-35)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses
(F) Property development standards
154-05.04 Low Density Residential Districts (R-1-6, R-1-8, R-1-12, R-1-20 and R-1-40)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses
(F) Property development standards
154-05.05 Low Density Single-Family Residential District (R-l-5)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses
(F) Property development standards
Article 06 - Manufactured Housing and Recreational Vehicle Zoning Districts
154-06.01 Residence-Manufactured Housing District (R-MH)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability and general requirements
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses
(F) Property development standards
(G) Exterior appearance criteria
(H) Plans submittal
154-06.02 Recreation Vehicle Subdivision District (RVS)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
154-06.03 Manufactured Housing Subdivision District (MHS)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Permitted accessory uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
(F) Other requirements for manufactured home subdivisions
(G) Waivers
154-06.04 Manufactured Housing Park District (MHP)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Permitted accessory uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
(F) Placement standards
(G) Waivers
Article 07 - Multiple-Family Residential Zoning Districts
154-07.01 Medium Density Residential District (R-2)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses
(F) Property development standards
154-07.02 Medium Density Single-Family Residential District (R-2-5)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses
(F) Property development standards
154-07.03 High Density Residential District (R-3)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses
(F) Property development standards
Article 08 - Commercial Zoning Districts
154-08.01 Transitional District (TR)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Permitted accessory uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
154-08.02 Planned Shopping Center District (PSC)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Procedural regulations
(D) Property development standards
154-08.03 Limited Commercial District (B-1)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Permitted accessory uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
154-08.04 General Commercial District (B-2)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Permitted accessory uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
154-08.05 Business Park District (BP)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Conditional uses
(D) Property development standards
Article 09 - Industrial Zoning Districts
154-09.01 Industrial Park District (I-P)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Permitted accessory uses3
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards85
154-09.02 Light Industrial District (L-I)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Permitted accessory uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards9
154-09.03 Heavy Industrial District (H-I)
(A) Purpose
(B) Permitted principal uses
(C) Conditional uses
(D) Property development standards
Article 10 - Old Town Zoning District
154-10.01 Old Town District (OT)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Prohibited uses
(F) Property development standards
154-10.02 Project review
(A) Applicability
(B) General requirements
154-10.03 Signage regulations
(A) General regulations
(B) Permitted sign types
(C) Prohibited signs
(D) Sign standards
(E) Sign examples
Article 11 - Historic Park District
154-11.01 Historic Park District (HP)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Conditional uses
(F) Property development standards
Article 12 - Military Reservation District
154-12.01 Military Reservation District (MR)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
Article 13 - Recreation and Open Space
154-13.01 Recreation and Open Space District (RO)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Conditional uses
(E) Property development standards
Article 14 - Overlay Zoning Districts
154-14.01 Aesthetic Overlay District (AO)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Design review procedure
(D) Property development standards
(E) Aesthetic overlay district design guidelines
(F) Building permits based upon approved project design plan
(G) Amendments to approved project design plan
(H) Minor project design plan changes
154-14.02 AutoCenter Overlay District (ACO)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Property development standards
(D) Design review procedures
154-14.03 Bed and Breakfast Overlay District (BB)
(A) Purpose and intent
(B) Property development standards
(C) Additions to the overlay district
154-14.04 Historic Overlay District (H)
(A) Purpose and intent
(B) Initiation of historic site or district
(C) Historic District criteria
(D) Historic site criteria
(E) Building and demolition permits for historic sites and structures within Historic Districts
(F) Public safety exceptions
(G) Conflicting regulations
154-14.05 Airport Overlay District (AD)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Additional height and use regulations
(E) Land use waiver
(F) Nonconforming uses
(G) Administration
(H) Amendments
(I) Variances
154-14.06 Public Overlay District (P)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Permitted principal uses
(D) Permitted accessory uses
(E) Property development standards
(F) Procedure
154-14.07 Planned Unit Developments Overlay District (PUD)
(A) Purpose
(B) Applicability
(C) Criteria for establishment
(D) Application
(E) Final approval
154-14.08 Smart Growth Overlay District (SGO)
(A) Purpose
(B) Intent
(C) Applicability
(D) Permitted principal uses and conditional uses
(E) Rezoning submittal requirements
(F) Minimum requirements
(G) Development, design and landscaping standards
(H) Density
(I) Sign standards
(J) Variations, minor deviations and major deviations
154-14.09 Infill Overlay District (IO)
(A) Purpose and intent
(B) Applicability
(C) Relationship to underlying zoning districts
(D) Use regulations
(E) Pre-development meetings
(F) Design review procedures
(G) Infill Incentive Plan
154-14.10 Planned Area Development Overlay District (PAD)
(A) Purpose and intent
(B) Applicability
(C) General requirements
(D) Use regulations
(E) Development Plan
(F) Application and Procedures
Article 15 - General Provisions
154-15.01 Purpose
154-15.02 General provisions for buildings and uses
154-15.03 Height limits
154-15.04 Projections, encroachments1
154-15.05 Swimming pools
154-15.06 Walls and fences
154-15.07 Manufactured home placement permits
154-15.07.01 Park Model Placement Permits
154-15.08 Home occupations
(A) Purpose and intent
(B) Performance standards
(C) Uses not permitted
(D) Limited use home occupation
154-15.09 Live/work space
154-15.10 Adult oriented businesses
(A) Purpose9
(B) Findings
(C) Location requirements
(D) Number in building
(E) Nonconformity
(F) Encroachment of other uses
(G) Variance to location requirements
154-15.11 Noise limitation standards for B-1 and B-2 Commercial Zones
154-15.12 4H and FFA
154-15.13 Mobile food vending
154-15.14 Transient food vending
154-15.15 Accessory buildings, uses and structures in certain residential districts
154-15.16 Accessory dwellings, carriage houses and garage apartments in residential districts
154-15.17 Corner markets in residential districts within the Infill Overlay District
154-15.18 Composting
154-15.19 Company housing complex in agriculture, residential and commercial districts
Article 16 - Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations
154-16.01 Purpose
154-16.02 General requirements
154-16.03 Parking lots
(A) Design standards
(B) Improvement of parking lots (five or more required spaces)
(C) Vehicular access required
154-16.04 Parking in residential or services districts
154-16.05 Location
154-16.06 Exempt areas
154-16.07 Parking spaces required
154-16.08 Off-street loading regulations
154-16.09 Variances from the off-street parking and loading regulations
154-16.10 Permitted reductions
Article 17 - Sign Regulations
154-17.01 Purpose1
154-17.02 Applicability and general requirements
(A) Scope
(B) Responsibility
(C) Nonconforming signage
(D) Conflict and severability
(E) Message substitution clause
(F) Sign face area
(G) Additional sign regulations
154-17.03 On-site signage
(A) Address/nameplates
(B) Freestanding signage on shared premises
(C) Standards and criteria for permanent on-site signage
(D) Temporary signage
(E) Directional signage
154-17.04 Off-site signage
(A) Required zoning districts and frontages
(B) Standards and criteria for off-site signage
(C) Prohibited locations
154-17.05 Additional requirements and provisions
(A) Construction and installation standards
(B) Sign label
(C) Maintenance
(D) Damaged or deteriorated signage
(E) Sign removal
(F) Locations within right-of-way
(G) Balloons and inflatable devices
154-17.06 Prohibited and exempt signs and restrictions
(A) Prohibited signs
(B) Exempt signage
(C) Signage for which no permits are required
154-17.07 Administration
(A) Responsibilities
(B) Issuance of building permits
(C) Fees
(D) Variances
154-17.99 Penalty
Article 18 - Outdoor Lighting Regulations
154-18.01 Purpose
154-18.02 General requirements
(A) Definitions
(B) Top-mounted 15-423
(C) Bottom-mounted 15-423
(D) Mercury vapor 15-424
(E) Searchlights 15-424
(F) Recreational facilities 15-424
(G) Outdoor advertising off-site signs 15-424
(H) Flagpoles 15-424
154-18.03 Exemptions
(A) Nonconforming fixtures
(B) Fossil fuel light5
(C) State and federal facilities
154-18.04 Submittal of plans
(A) Submittal contents
(B) Subdivision plat certification
Article 19 - Personal Wireless Communications
154-19.01 Purpose
154-19.02 General application requirements
154-19.03 General development standards
154-19.04 New and replacement freestanding monopoles and lattice towers
154-19.05 Temporary mobile personal wireless communication units
154-19.06 Roof-mounted personal wireless communication facilities
154-19.07 Wall-mounted personal wireless communication facilities
154-19.08 Concealed/disguised personal wireless communication facilities
154-19.09 Personal Wireless Communication Facilities, Wi-Fi radio equipment, microcell equipment, and small cells on public rights-of-way.
154-19.10 Illustrative examples and table of uses
154-19.11 Eligible facilities requests
Article 20 - Landscape Regulations
154-20.01 Purpose
154-20.02 Applicability
(A) Applicability in zoning districts
(B) Change of use
(C) City landscaping guidelines
(D) Conflicts with other regulations
(E) Uses prohibited; alleys
(F) De minimus standards
154-20.03 Landscape design standards
(A) Landscape design
(B) Plant and hardscape material
154-20.04 Required landscape areas
(A) Single-family residential requirements
(B) Requirements for all other zoning districts
154-20.05 Maintenance
(A) Maintenance required
(B) Irrigation system maintenance required
(C) Maintenance responsibility
(D) City maintenance responsibility
154-20.06 Administration
(A) Landscape plan submittal requirements
(B) Encroachment permits required
(C) Assurance of installation
(D) Variances
Article 21 - Nonconforming Provisions
154-21.01 Extending existing uses or structures
154-21.02 Replacing nonconforming buildings or structures
154-21.03 Nonconforming Airport District Overlay
(A) Nonconforming uses
(B) Discontinuance of legal nonconforming uses
(C) Expansion of a legal nonconforming use
(D) Change of legal nonconforming use
154-21.04 Nonconforming signage
(A) Continuance
(B) Repairs and alterations
(C) Replacement of on-site signage
Article 22 - Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Recreational Marijuana Establishments
154-22.01 Purpose
154-22.02 Definitions
154-22.03 Location Restrictions and Operating Provisions
154-999 Penalty
List of Tables
Table No. 1 AutoCenter Overlay signage
Table No. 2 Airport Overlay District land use matrix
Table No. 3 RADSA/AIOD-1/AIOD-2 land use compatibility matrix
Table No. 4 Loading space requirements
Table No. 5 Standards and criteria for permanent on-site signage
Table No. 6 Standards and criteria for temporary signage
Table No. 7 Sign area and sign height
Table No. 8 Shielding requirements
Table No. 9 Distance and output (MCAS)
Table No. 10 Personal wireless communication facilities permitted uses by zoning district
List of Illustrations
Illustrative Example 1 Old Town Zoning District; types of signs
Illustrative Example 2 Graph No. 1
Illustrative Example 3 Signage examples
Illustrative Example 4 Types of antennas
Illustrative Example 5 Use of existing vertical elements
Illustrative Example 6 Use of existing building height and wall mounting
Illustrative Example 7 Types of towers
Illustrative Example 8 Typical required screening for facilities
List of Appendices
Appendix A: Cielo Verde Specific Plan
Charter reference:
Regulation of land use, see Charter Art. III, § 12
Statutory reference:
Municipal zoning, see A.R.S. §§ 9-462 et seq.
General Provisions
(A) In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of a comprehensive plan designed to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to promote the health, safety, morals or general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other requirements. Except as herein provided to the contrary, it is not intended by this chapter to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or interfere with any existing provision of law or ordinances or any rules, regulations or permits previously adopted, except that any structures or uses of land or buildings commenced after the enactment of this chapter shall be subject to its provisions, and where there is a conflict between any previous law or ordinance, rule or regulation which might otherwise affect such structure or use, the provisions of this chapter shall control.
(B) Where any action in regard to a structure or use is regulated or controlled by more than one provision of this chapter, such action shall comply with all applicable provisions of both regulations, except that if a conflict exists the limitation or requirement which is most restrictive shall govern.
(C) The land use conformity matrix shall be used to determine consistency with the General Plan for zoning district changes. Arizona state law requires all zoning or rezoning ordinances, regulations or specific plans to be consistent with and conform to the land use element of the General Plan. The City General Plan land use element prescribes a range of land uses. This chapter prescribes a range of allowable uses and development standards for zoning districts of the city. The land use conformity matrix identifies the appropriate city zoning districts that are consistent with and conform to each land use designation identified in the General Plan land use element. The land use conformity matrix meets the purpose and intent of the General Plan to provide a guide for land use, development and on-going planning activities.
('80 Code, App. A, § 10) (Ord. 583, passed 9-16-1952; Ord. 1979, passed 1-7-1981; Ord. O2001-83, passed 10-3-2001; Ord. O2010-32, passed 7-7-2010)