§ 154-03.07 Plan of Development (PSC Zoning District).
   (A)   Filing of plan of develop. The owners or their agents shall file with the Planning Director a plan of development to be approved by the City Council upon review and report by the Planning Commission. The plan of development shall include a site plan illustrating the proposed size and location of all buildings and structures, parking areas, landscaped areas and traffic circulation, street improvement, water, sewer and drainage plans and a schedule of development. A market feasibility study, landscaping plans and architectural elevations may be required if necessary to ensure that the purpose of the PSC Zoning District will be accomplished.
   (B)   Filing fee. A nonreturnable filing fee in accordance with the fee schedule adopted by City Ordinance No. 1943, and successors, shall be required for review of a plan of development.
   (C)   Recommendations of Planning Commission. The recommendations of the Planning Commission shall include the reasons for approval or disapproval of the plan of development, and if recommended for approval, evidence demonstrating the following specific purposes of the PSC Zoning District will be accomplished:
      (1)   The completed project will function as an inter-related and coordinated whole such successfully provides interplay among individual commercial establishments and separation of vehicular and pedestrian circulation;
      (2)   Adequate and safe ingress and egress, internal traffic circulation and off-street parking will be provided;
      (3)   There will be adequate landscaping or screening, architectural unity, sign control and drainage facilities to preserve and protect surrounding residential areas and general community character; and
      (4)   Construction of the project will commence, and the entire project will be completed within a reasonable period of time.
   (D)   Approved plan of development. An approved plan of development shall be binding upon the property owner, his or her agents, their successors or assignees. No building permit shall be issued for any building or structure not in accord with the plan of development. The construction, location, use or operation of all land and structures within the site shall conform to all conditions and limitations set forth in the plan of development. No structure, use or other element of an approved plan of the development shall be eliminated, altered or provided in another manner unless an amendment is approved. Amendments shall be processed in the same manner as the initial plan of development for a shopping center.
('80 Code, App. A, § 100) (Ord. 583, passed 9-16-1952; Ord. 1627, passed 7-6-1977; Ord. 1939, passed 6-18-1980; Ord. 2687, passed 1-4-1995)
   (E)   Time limit. In the event that a plan of development is not submitted within two years from the effective date of the ordinance establishing the PSC Zoning District on a specific property, or construction of a shopping center does not commence within one year of final approval of a plan of development, the property shall revert to its former zoning district classification without further action. In such event county zoning classification existing prior to establishment of the PSC Zoning District, the property shall revert to the Residence “A” Zoning District. The Planning Commission may, upon request and for good cause, extend time limits prescribed herein for successive periods of up to six months.
('80 Code, App. A, § 100) (Ord. 583, passed 9-16-1952; Ord. 1627, passed 7-6-1977; Ord. 2687, passed 1-4-1995; Ord. O2010-32, passed 7-7-2010)