§ 154-14.06 Public Overlay District (P).
   (A)   Purpose. The principal purpose of the (P) Public Overlay District is to allow those government which are necessary to serve the public in particular locations of the city, and to distinguish them from private uses. The (P) Public Overlay District is to provide an overlay designation superimposed over existing zoning districts for those lands held in public ownership by local, state and federal agencies within the city limits. It is intended that each public use conform to the development standards required for all other uses permitted within the underlying zoning district.
('80 Code, App. A, § 123) (Ord. 583, passed 9-16-1952; Ord. 2166, passed 11-2-1983)
   (B)   Applicability.
      (1)   The (P) Public Overlay District shall not apply to publicly owned land leased to private concerns for use other than by a political subdivision nor shall this district apply to privately owned land which is leased to a government agency.
      (2)   In the event that a government agency disposes of its property for which a Public Overlay District has been granted, such designation shall automatically expire, and the underlying zoning classification shall remain in effect.
('80 Code, App. A, § 123) (Ord. 583, passed 9-16-1952; Ord. 2166, passed 11-2-1983)
   (C)   Permitted principal uses.
      (1)   Open space, parks, fine arts center, convention center and public recreational facilities;
      (2)   Public schools and playgrounds;
      (3)   Governmental office buildings and grounds, including service and maintenance facilities;
      (4)   Such public facilities as hospitals, libraries, museums and similar public facilities;
      (5)   Municipal water production and storage facilities; municipal sewage treatment plants; municipal facilities for the collection, transfer and disposal of solid wastes;
      (6)   Public safety and law enforcement facilities; and
      (7)   Airports, armories and military installations.
   (D)   Permitted accessory uses.
      (1)   Wall-mounted and concealed/disguised personal wireless communication facilities, in accordance with Article 19 herein, are permitted as an accessory use for a legally established nonresidential principal use. Wall strapping of a personal wireless communications facility is not permitted;
      (2)   Roof-mounted personal wireless communication facilities are permitted on a publicly owned nonresidential building; and
      (3)   The use of lattice tower structures for any personal wireless communication facility is not permitted.
('80 Code, App. A, § 123) (Ord. 583, passed 9-16-1952; Ord. 2166, passed 11-2-1983; Ord. O2000-35, passed 6-21-2000; Ord. O2002-09, passed 2-20-2002)
   (E)   Property development standards. To meet the purpose of the (P) Public Overlay District, all uses shall meet the minimum development standards as specified by the zoning ordinance for the underlying zoning district or districts in which they are located.
('80 Code, App. A, § 123) (Ord. 583, passed 9-16-1952; Ord. 2166, passed 11-2-1983) Penalty, see § 154-999
   (F)   Procedure. An application for the (P) Public Overlay District shall only be made by an agency of the local, state or federal government, in accordance with the procedures established under § 154-03.03 of this chapter.
('80 Code, App. A, § 123) (Ord. 583, passed 9-16-1952; Ord. 2166, passed 11-2-1983; Ord. O2010-32, passed 7-7-2010)