§ 154-02.01 Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (A)   Created. A City Planning and Zoning Commission is hereby established.
      (1)   Charter reference. Power to regulate land use for the public benefit, see Charter Art. III, § 12 and to engage in intergovernmental agreements, see Charter Art. III, § 13.
      (2)   Statutory reference. Municipal planning, see A.R.S. §§ 9-461 et seq. and open space preservation, see A.R.S. §§ 9-464 et seq.
('80 Code, § 23-16) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959)
   (B)   Responsibilities. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall be responsible for:
      (1)   Identifying and evaluating the unique factors influencing the character and location of development within the City;
      (2)   Recommending to the City Council desirable standards for guiding the development and rehabilitation of various sections of the community; and,
      (3)   Recommending to the City Council standards for adequate public services and facilities throughout the City.
('80 Code, § 23-29) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959; Ord. O2015-023, passed 4-15-2015)
   (C)   Duties. The City Planning and Zoning Commission shall:
      (1)   Review long term City planning documents and recommend to the City Council that the City adopt or amend the City Council approved General Plan;
      (2)   Recommend to the City Council subdivision platting rules and regulations and amendments thereto;
      (3)   Recommend to the City Council the adoption or amendment of zoning regulations consistent with the General Plan;
      (4)   Recommend to the City Council an official zoning map of the City and amendments thereto consistent with the General Plan; and,
      (5)   Review and evaluate proposed redevelopment plans for conformity with the General Plan and recommend to the City Council adoption of redevelopment plans consistent with the General Plan.
('80 Code, § 23-30) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959; Ord. O2015-023, passed 4-15-2015)
   (D)   Powers. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall be responsible to and act as an advisory body to the City Council on City planning and development matters. In the performance of its functions and duties the Planning and Zoning Commission shall have power to:
      (1)   Require information which shall be furnished within a reasonable time from other city departments and agencies in relation to its work; and,
      (2)   Exercise such additional powers as may be necessary to perform tasks assigned to it by the City Council.
('80 Code, § 23-31) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959; Ord. O2015-023, passed 4-15-2015)
   (E)   Composition. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of seven members, who shall be electors and real property owners of the city, who shall be appointed by the Council.
('80 Code, § 23-17, § 23-18, § 23-19) (Ord. 929, passed 3-4-1964; Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959; Ord. 1796, passed 12-6-1978)
   (F)   Terms of members. The term of office of the members of the Commission shall be for five years. Any member whose term expires shall be eligible for reappointment to another five-year term. If a vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission occurs other than by an expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. Such appointment shall be made by the Council. Beginning July 1, 2011, all terms will expire on December 31.
('80 Code, § 23-21) (Ord. 929, passed 3-4-1964)
   (G)   Organization.
      (1)   Officers. The Commission each January shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from among the appointive members. The Planning Director shall serve the Commission as executive secretary.
('80 Code, § 23-23) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959)
      (2)   Meetings. The City Planning and Zoning Commission shall meet not less than once each month. Each January, the Commission shall hold an annual meeting for the review of its activities and accomplishments.
('80 Code, § 23-24) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959)
      (3)   Quorum. Four members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall constitute a quorum for transacting business.
('80 Code, § 23-25) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959; Ord. 1540, passed 10-6-1976)
      (4)   Voting. A majority vote of those Planning and Zoning Commission members present and voting shall be required to take official action including, but not limited to, the adopting of policy or submitting recommendations. No member shall be excused from voting except on matters involving the consideration of his or her own official conduct or a conflict of interest. In all other cases a failure to vote shall be entered in the minutes as an affirmative vote.
('80 Code, § 23-26) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959; Ord. 1540, passed 10-6-1976; Ord. O2015-023, passed 4-15-2015)
      (5)   Official record. The official records of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall include its rules and regulations, minutes of meetings, resolutions and its adopted reports, which shall be deposited with the Planning Department and which shall be available for public inspection during customary office hours.
('80 Code, § 23-27) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959)
      (6)   Reports. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit to the City Council such special reports as may be requested and such other information as the City Council may desire.
('80 Code, § 23-28) (Ord. 766, passed 1-20-1959; Ord. O2015-023, passed 4-15-2015)
      (7)   Voice or video appearance. A Planning and Zoning Commissioner shall have the opportunity to participate by voice or video during a regularly scheduled meeting subject to the following rules and regulations:
         (a)   Voice or video participation shall mean the participation of the Planning and Zoning Commissioner(s) at Planning and Zoning meetings by voice or video technology where the Planning and Zoning Commissioner is not physically present at the Planning and Zoning meeting.
         (b)   Voice or video participation shall only apply to Planning and Zoning meetings held at Yuma City Hall, Yuma. Arizona.
         (c)   A Planning and Zoning Commissioner wishing to participate through voice or video technology shall contact the Director of Community Development regarding the need to participate from an off-site location. Notice shall be provided no later than two business days prior to the meeting to allow sufficient time to post the information on the agenda and to prepare the meeting room for such voice or video participation.
         (d)   No more than two Planning and Zoning Commissioners may participate by voice or video technology at any meeting. Unless approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, no Commissioner may participate by video or voice technology more than twice in any calendar year.
         (e)   When a Planning and Zoning Commissioner is participating by using voice or video technology at a meeting:
            1.   The meeting facilities shall be arranged to provide the capability of the public audience to be able to hear such participating Commissioner. Facilities shall also be provided whereby the participating Commissioner can hear any comments made by other members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, by City staff and by the audience in attendance at the meeting.
            2.   Communications shall be initiated with the Commissioner prior to the beginning of the Planning and Zoning meeting. The participating Commissioner will identify him or herself during roll call and state that he/she is attending the meeting through voice or video participation.
         (f)   The meeting agenda shall reflect that a Planning and Zoning Commissioner will be participating through voice or video technology and voting procedures will remain as required by the City of Yuma Code (§ 154-02.01).
(Ord. O2017-027, passed 8-16-2017)
   (H)   Removal. Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be removed by the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office.
('80 Code, § 23-20) (Ord. 929, passed 3-4-1964; Ord. O2015-023, passed 4-15-2015)
   (I)   Compensation; expenses. The members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall serve as such without compensation; however, the Council may allow such expenditures as are necessary for the performance of their duties.
('80 Code, § 23-22) (Ord. 929, passed 3-4-1964; Ord. O2010-32, passed 7-7-2010; Ord. O2010-66, passed 1-5-2011)
   (J)   All decisions of the Planning and Zoning Commission are appealable to the City Council.
(Ord. O2021-035, passed 11-17-2021)