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155-1 Legal Framework
   155-1.10   Official name (title)
   155-1.20   Effective date
   155-1.30   Authority
   155-1.40   Applicability and jurisdiction
   155-1.50   Exemptions
   155-1.60   Purposes
   155-1.70   Minimum requirements; compliance required
   155-1.80   Compliance required
   155-1.90   Conflicting provisions
   155-1.100   Rules of language and ordinance construction
   155-1.110   Zoning map
   155-1.120   Transitional provisions
   155-1.130   Zoning upon disconnection or dissolution
155-2 Agricultural Districts
   155-2.10   General
   155-2.20   Allowed uses
   155-2.30   Lot and building regulations
   155-2.40   Other regulations
155-3 Residential Districts
   155-3.10   General
   155-3.20   Allowed uses
   155-3.30   Lot and building regulations
   155-3.40   Other regulations
155-4 Commercial Districts
   155-4.10   General
   155-4.20   Allowed uses
   155-4.30   Lot and building regulations
   155-4.40   Other regulations
155-5 Industrial Districts
   155-5.10   General
   155-5.20   Allowed uses
   155-5.30   Lot and building regulations
   155-5.40   Other regulations
155-6 Overlay and Special Purpose Districts
   155-6.10   General
   155-6.20   SP-PO, Parks and Open Space (Special Purpose) District
155-7 Allowed Uses
   155-7.10   General
   155-7.20   Understanding the use table
   155-7.30   Use table
155-8 Use Classifications
   155-8.10   General
   155-8.20   Residential use category
   155-8.30   Public and civic use category
   155-8.40   Commercial use category
   155-8.50   Industrial use category
   155-8.60   Agricultural use category
155-9 Supplementary Use Regulations
   155-9.10   Adult entertainment facilities
   155-9.20   Animal care/boarding and veterinary clinics
   155-9.25   Exotic and wild animals; rehabilitation facilities, sanctuaries, and zoological park
   155-9.30   Bed and breakfasts
   155-9.40   Cargo container storage and maintenance facilities
   155-9.50   Community gardens
   155-9.60   Construction offices and construction-related equipment storage
   155-9.70   Fill operations
   155-9.80   Firearms dealers and (accessory) indoor shooting ranges
   155-9.90   Group living facilities
   155-9.100   Day care centers/day care homes
   155-9.110   Elder cottage housing opportunity (ECHO)
   155-9.120   Entertainment and spectator sports
   155-9.130   Intermodal terminals
   155-9.140   Auto salvage
   155-9.150   Landscape waste composting and land application of waste
   155-9.160   Leaseholds, residential
   155-9.170   Mobile homes
   155-9.180   Mining/quarrying
   155-9.190   Pipelines
   155-9.200   Planned unit developments
   155-9.210   Recycling facilities
   155-9.220   Battery energy storage facilities
   155-9.230   Residential convenience and support establishments
   155-9.240   Self-service storage facilities
   155-9.245   Commercial solar energy facilities
   155-9.250   Wholesale power generators
   155-9.260   Commercial wind energy facilities
   155-9.270   Wireless telecommunications facilities
   155-9.280    Wineries, craft brewing and distilling
   155-9.290   Cargo container dwelling units
   155-9.300   Adult-use cannabis businesses
155-10 Accessory and Temporary Uses
   155-10.10   Accessory uses
   155-10.20   Temporary uses
155-11 Parking and Loading
   155-11.10   General
   155-11.20   Calculations
   155-11.30   Parking ratios
   155-11.40   Shared parking
   155-11.50   Location of off-street parking
   155-11.60   Use of off-street parking and loading areas
   155-11.65   Parking of trucks, trailers and recreational vehicles in A-2 and residential districts
   155-11.70   Parking area design
   155-11.80   Accessible parking (for people with disabilities)
   155-11.90   Bicycle parking
   155-11.100   Motorcycle parking
   155-11.110   Drive-through facilities and vehicle stacking spaces
   155-11.120   Cross-access
   155-11.130   Off-street loading facilities
155-12 Landscaping and Screening
   155-12.10   General
   155-12.20   Removal of existing trees
   155-12.30   General site landscaping
   155-12.40   Road frontage landscaping
   155-12.50   Perimeter vehicular use area landscaping
   155-12.60   Interior vehicular use area landscaping
   155-12.70   Land use buffers
   155-12.80   Screening
   155-12.90   Landscape material and design
   155-12.100   Landscape plan
   155-12.110   Alternative compliance
155-13 Signs
   155-13.10   General
   155-13.20   Prohibited signs and sign characteristics
   155-13.30   Signs allowed without sign permits
   155-13.40   Residential uses and zoning districts
   155-13.50   Commercial and industrial zoning districts
   155-13.60   Advertising signs
   155-13.70   Dynamic displays
   155-13.80   Master sign plans
   155-13.90   Administration
   155-13.100   Temporary mobile signs
   155-13.110   Nonconforming signs
   155-13.120   Unlawful signs
   155-13.130   Rules of measurement
   155-13.140   External illumination
155-14 Miscellaneous Regulations
   155-14.10   (Reserved)
   155-14.20   Street frontage and access
   155-14.30   Traffic studies
   155-14.40   Pedestrian walkways
   155-14.50   Water supply and sewage disposal
   155-14.60   Access across property
   155-14.70   Division of lots
   155-14.80   Vision clearance
   155-14.90   Fences and walls
   155-14.100   Outdoor display and storage
   155-14.110   Outdoor lighting
   155-14.120   Floodplain development
   155-14.130   Municipal provisions
   155-14.140   Junk cars
155-15 Nonconformities
   155-15.10   General
   155-15.20   Nonconforming lots
   155-15.30   Nonconforming uses
   155-15.40   Nonconforming structures
   155-15.50   Nonconforming development features
   155-15.60   Nonconforming signs
155-16 Development Review and Approval Procedures
   155-16.10   Common provisions
   155-16.20   Zoning ordinance text amendments
   155-16.30   Zoning map amendments (rezonings)
   155-16.40   Special use permits
   155-16.50   Planned unit developments
   155-16.60   Administrative adjustments
   155-16.70   Variances
   155-16.80   Zoning certificates
   155-16.90   Temporary use permits
   155-16.100   Appeals of administrative decisions
155-17 Administration and Enforcement
   155-17.10   Review and decision-making bodies
   155-17.20   Violations, penalties and enforcement
155-18 Measurements and Definitions
   155-18.10   Measurements and exceptions (lot and building regulations)
   155-18.20   Definitions
   The official name of this chapter (Chapter 155) is the "Zoning Ordinance of Will County, Illinois." For convenience, it is referred to throughout Chapter 155 as the "zoning ordinance."
(Ord. effective 10-1-2012)