(A)   Applicability. The regulations of this division apply to signs accessory to all commercial and industrial zoning districts.
   (B)   Wall signs.
      (1)   Maximum number. A maximum of one wall sign is allowed per 100 feet of building frontage or fraction thereof. See § 155-13.130(B) for "building frontage" calculation rules.
      (2)    Maximum area. Except as expressly stated in division (B)(3) of this section, the cumulative maximum area of all allowed wall signs is determined by multiplying the applicable maximum sign area ratio by the length of the subject building frontage. Different maximum sign area ratios are established for different sign types, as follows:
Wall Sign Type
Maximum Sign Area Ratio
(sq. ft. of sign area per foot of building frontage)
Box sign
Screened box sign w/raised or recessed letters
Raceway-mounted channel letter signs
Pin-mounted channel letter sign
Distinctive materials/design sign
Other (unclassified) sign
      (3)   Alternative maximum area.
         (a)   Regardless of the maximum wall sign area allowance calculated pursuant to division (B)(2) of this section, the maximum area of a wall sign may not exceed 250 square feet.
         (b)   Conversely, all allowed wall signs may be at least 16 square feet in area, regardless of the length of the subject building frontage.
      (4)   Location. Except as otherwise expressly stated, wall signs may be placed on any wall as long as the sign does not cover more than 20% of the area of the wall or more than 70% of the building frontage to which it is attached. This provision does not apply to wall signs using the alternative maximum area allowance of division (B)(3)(b) of this section.
   (C)   Projecting signs.
      (1)   When allowed. Projecting signs may be substituted for allowed wall signs, provided that the total number of wall signs and projecting signs combined may not exceed one per 100 feet of building frontage or fraction thereof. See § 155-13.130(B) for "building frontage" calculation rules.
      (2)   Sign area calculation. In calculating the sign area of a multi-faced projecting sign, the area of the largest sign face must be counted twice.
      (3)   Maximum projection. Projecting signs may not project more than ten feet beyond the wall of the subject building.
      (4)   Vertical clearance. The bottom of a projecting sign must be at least nine feet above the ground elevation beneath the sign.
   (D)   Awning and canopy signs.
      (1)   When allowed. Non-illuminated awnings with no more than six square feet of sign (copy) area on the border of the awning may be used in addition to wall signs. Other awning signs or canopy signs may be substituted for allowed wall signs, provided that the total combined number of wall signs, projecting signs, awning signs and canopy signs may not exceed one per 100 feet of building frontage or fraction thereof. See § 155-13.130(B) for "building frontage" calculation rules.
      (2)   Maximum area. Letters, logos, and symbols on awning or canopy signs are limited to a maximum area of one square foot per one foot of awning length or 25% of the awning area, whichever is less. The total combined length of letters, logos and symbols may not exceed 70% of awning or canopy length. In calculating the length and area of an awning or canopy only the single longest plane of the awning or canopy may be counted. This generally means that the valance and sides (ends) of the awning or canopy will not be counted for purposes of measuring length or area.
   (E)   Freestanding signs.
      (1)   Maximum number. A maximum of one freestanding sign is allowed per lot. If a lot has more than 1,000 feet of street frontage, a maximum of two freestanding signs are allowed.
      (2)   Maximum area. Freestanding signs are subject to the following maximum sign area standards:
Freestanding Sign Type
Maximum Area (sq. ft.)
Box sign
Screened box sign with raised or recessed letters
Distinctive materials/ design sign
Other (unclassified) sign
Dynamic display
See § 155-13.70(C)
      (3)   Maximum height. Freestanding signs may not exceed 40 feet in height.
      (4)   Location.
         (a)   Freestanding signs must be set back at least ten feet from all public rights-of-way and from the back of curb or outer edge of all drive-ways.
         (b)   Freestanding signs must be set back at least 50 feet from all residential zoning districts.
         (c)   Freestanding signs are subject to the vision clearance provisions of § 155-14.80.
      (5)   Design.
         (a)   Poles or pylons used to support freestanding signs must be covered or concealed by a decorative cover that is architecturally compatible with the overall design of the sign and the architectural character of buildings on the site, in terms of style, colors, and materials.
         (b)   The ground area surrounding the base of all freestanding signs must be landscaped. The landscape area must be at least as large as the sign area. The landscape area must include shrubs, perennial and/or annual flowers, ornamental grasses, and/or vegetative ground cover. Landscape plans, indicating plant materials and location must be submitted with the sign permit application. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve alternative landscape or base treatments if the Zoning Administrator determines that landscaping at the base of the freestanding sign is impractical because of soil conditions, space constraints or other factors beyond the reasonable control of the applicant. Alternative landscape treatments may include additional landscaping elsewhere on the site, the use of masonry materials to conceal the base of the sign or other treatments that provide an equivalent or higher level of visual amenity than the otherwise required sign base landscaping requirements.
      (6)   Address. All freestanding signs must include the street address (number) of the subject property. Street address numbers will not be counted as part of the sign's area.
   (F)   Multi-tenant developments. Multi-tenant developments are subject to the regulations of divisions (B), (C) and (E) of this section, except as expressly modified or supplemented by the regulations of this division.
      (1)   Directory signs. In addition to other allowed signs, multi-tenant developments may have up to one directory sign for each driveway within the development. Directory signs may not exceed 15 square feet in area and, if freestanding, may not exceed six feet in height. Directory signs are intended to convey information to pedestrians and motorists within the boundaries of the development.
      (2)   Freestanding signs on outlots and outparcels. A maximum of one freestanding sign is allowed per outlot or outparcel in a multi-tenant development. Freestanding signs on outlots and outparcels are subject to the following regulations:
         (a)   Maximum area. Freestanding signs on outlots or outparcels are subject to the following maximum sign area standards:
Freestanding Sign Type
Maximum Area (sq. ft.)
Box sign
Screened box sign with raised or recessed letters
Distinctive materials/ design sign
Other (unclassified) sign
         (b)   Maximum height. Freestanding signs on outlots or outparcels may not exceed 16 feet in height.
         (c)   Location.
            1.   Freestanding signs must be set back at least ten feet from all public rights-of-way and from the back of curb or outer edge of all driveways.
            2.   Freestanding signs must be set back at least 50 feet from all residential zoning districts.
            3.   Freestanding signs are subject to the vision clearance provisions of § 155-14.80.
         (d)   Design.
            1.   Poles or pylons used to support freestanding signs on outlots or outparcels must be covered or concealed by a decorative cover that is architecturally compatible with the overall design of the sign and the architectural character of buildings on the site, in terms of style, colors, and materials.
            2.   The ground area surrounding the base of all freestanding signs on outlots or outparcels must be landscaped. The landscape area must be at least as large as the sign area. The landscape area must include shrubs, perennial and/or annual flowers, ornamental grasses, and/or vegetative ground cover. Landscape plans, indicating plant materials and location must be submitted with the sign permit application. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve alternative landscape or base treatments if the Zoning Administrator determines that landscaping at the base of the freestanding sign is impractical because of soil conditions, space constraints or other factors beyond the reasonable control of the applicant. Alternative landscape treatments may include additional landscaping elsewhere on the site, the use of masonry materials to conceal the base of the sign or other treatments that provide an equivalent or higher level of visual amenity than the otherwise required sign base landscaping requirements.
      (3)   Master sign plans. Master sign plans are required for multi-tenant developments in accordance with § 155-13.80.
   (G)   Menu board signs. Menu board signs accessory to allowed drive-through uses are permitted in addition to other allowed signs, as follows:
      (1)   Number and dimensions. One primary menu board not to exceed 36 square feet in area or eight feet in height is allowed per order station up to a maximum of two primary menu boards. One secondary menu board not to exceed 15 square feet in area or six feet in height is allowed.
      (2)   Residential separation. Menu board signs must be set back at least 75 feet from residential zoning districts.
      (3)   Visibility. Menu board signs are intended to convey information to motorists within the boundaries of the development and therefore may not be located or oriented to be visible from off site.
(Ord. effective 10-1-2012; Ord. 18-1, passed 1-18-2018)