§ 155-14.110 OUTDOOR LIGHTING.
   (A)   Applicability and exemptions. The provisions of this section apply to all outdoor lighting except the following, which are expressly exempt:
      (1)   Public street lights;
      (2)   Single-family detached houses and agricultural uses identified as exempt under § 155-1.50(A);
      (3)   Lighting in swimming pools and other water features governed by the building ordinance;
      (4)   Exit signs and other exit illumination required by the building ordinance;
      (5)   Lighting for stairs and ramps required by the building ordinance;
      (6)   Temporary holiday lighting, used fewer than 30 days in one calendar year;
      (7)   Low-voltage landscape lighting; and
      (8)   Active outdoor recreational facilities within a public park and schools, subject to the following requirements:
         (a)   The mounted height of outdoor lighting associated with such uses may not exceed 60 feet.
         (b)   Lights may not be illuminated after 11:00 p.m.
         (c)   All light sources must be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover to adjacent property and abutting rights-of-way.
   (B)   Standards. Non-exempt outdoor lighting must comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Outdoor lighting may not exceed 0.50 footcandles at any point on the abutting property if the subject property abuts a residential zoning district or a lot containing a residential use.
      (2)   Outdoor lighting may not exceed 1.00 footcandles at the right-of-way line or at any point on the abutting property if the subject property abuts a non-residential zoning district or lot containing a nonresidential use.
      (3)   All light sources must be shielded to prevent light and glare spillover to adjacent property and abutting rights-of-way.
      (4)   Flickering lights, flashing lights, search lights and laser source lights are prohibited.
      (5)   If a complaint is received by the county regarding any nonconforming outdoor lighting, said nonconforming outdoor lighting shall be brought into compliance with this ordinance no later than January 1, 2022.
   (C)   Measurements.
      (1)   Metering equipment. Lighting levels must be measured in footcandles with a direct-reading, light meter. The meter must be read within an accuracy of plus or minus 5%.
      (2)   Method of measurement. The meter sensor must be mounted or maintained not more than six inches above ground level in a horizontal position at the property line. Readings may be taken only after the cell has been exposed long enough to provide a constant reading. Measurements must be made after dark with the light sources in question on, then with the same sources off. The difference between the two readings must be compared to the maximum permitted illumination. This procedure eliminates the effects of moonlight and other ambient light.
   (D)   Photometric plan. To ensure compliance with this section, as part of the submission of building permit applications to install outdoor lighting fixtures, except for those associated with detached houses, townhouses and two-unit residential buildings, the applicant must submit a lighting plan including a photometric study and data on the types of lighting fixtures to be used which is stamped and certified by a licensed professional. The photometric plan must include all of the following unless the Zoning Administrator determines that a competent and thorough review is possible without such information:
      (1)   Scale drawing of the site with all outdoor lighting fixture locations identified;
      (2)   Fixture specifications indicating the type of fixture, height, shielding, lighting type and wattage;
      (3)   Lamp type and size; and
      (4)   A point-by-point illumination array along the property lines of the subject site. The point-by-point array must identify illumination levels at (minimum) ten-foot intervals along the property line.
(Ord. effective 10-1- 2012; Am. Ord. 15-168, passed 6- 18-2015; Ord. 18- 1, passed 1-18- 2018; Am. Ord. 18-194, passed 7-19-2018)