The City of West Jordan water distribution system is divided into 7 major pressure zones as shown in Figure 5-1. In addition to the seven major zones, Zone 3 has two sub-zones, Zone 3A and Zone 3B. Also, Zone 7 has been designated, but does not currently have any water demand. Table 5-5 lists the approximate elevations for each pressure zone along with the approximate existing peak day demand for each zone. Also included in the table is the approximate percentage of total demand associated with each zone.
Pressure Zone | Approximate Elevations (ft) | Existing Peak Day Demand (gpm) | Existing Percentage of Peak Day Demand (%) |
Pressure Zone | Approximate Elevations (ft) | Existing Peak Day Demand (gpm) | Existing Percentage of Peak Day Demand (%) |
1 | 4,260 ft - 4,476 ft | 8,723 | 29% |
2 | 4,446 ft - 4,564 ft | 4,364 | 14% |
3A | 4,518 ft - 4,571 ft | 302 | 1% |
3B | 4,523 ft - 4,621 ft | 970 | 3% |
3 | 4,543 ft - 4,772 ft | 7,247 | 24% |
4 | 4,718 ft - 4,943 ft | 4,543 | 15% |
5 | 4,883 ft - 5,080 ft | 4,426 | 15% |
6 | 5,019 ft - 5,218 ft | 1,156 | 4% |
7 | 5,141 ft - 5,406 ft | 0 | 0% |
Total | 4,260 ft - 5,406 ft | 31,731 | 100% |