10-1-1: Relationship To Contaminated Soils Provisions
10-1-2: International Building Code
10-1-3: International Mechanical Code
10-1-4: Uniform Code For The Abatement Of Dangerous Buildings
10-1-5: International Plumbing Code
10-1-6: National Electrical Code
10-1-7: International Fire Code
10-1-8: International Energy Conservation Code
10-1-9: International Fuel Gas Code
10-1-10: International Residential Code
10-1-11: International Existing Building Code
10-1-12: Violations Of Codes
1 | 1. This title has been re-enacted as a set of land use regulations by Ordinance 20-10, passed 5-13-2020. |
Title 5 of this Code contains substantive environmental compliance requirements applicable to all subjects otherwise regulated by this Code. Specifically, title 5, chapter 2 of this Code applies to all land disturbance and land development applications filed with the City. Persons considering filing applications for land disturbance or land development should consult title 5, chapter 2 of this Code, in addition to the applicable provisions of this title and titles 9, 11, 13 and 14 of this Code. (2001 Code § 18-1-101)
A. Adoption Of International Building Code: For the purpose of providing minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of the buildings and structures and certain equipment within the City, the entire 2015 edition of the International Building Code, including any amendments, is hereby adopted. As subsequent editions and amendments of this Code are enacted by the State Legislature, in Utah Code Annotated section 15A-2-101 et seq., or otherwise, said subsequent editions and amendments shall be deemed to be automatically adopted by the City. The International Building Code, as adopted above, is hereby fully incorporated as if set out at length herein, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City.
B. Adoption Of Appendices: The following appendices, or subsequent equivalent provisions, of the 2015 (or subsequent) edition of the International Building Code, are adopted and made part of this Code as though set forth in their entirety:
1. Appendix B, Board of Appeals;
2. Appendix J, grading; and
3. Appendix K, administrative provisions.
C. Substitution Of Terms: The words and phrases used in the International Building Code shall be construed to be consistent with this title.
D. Filing With City Recorder: Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated section 10-3-711, as amended, one copy of the International Building Code has been filed for use and examination by the public in the City Recorder's Office, with an additional copy available with the Development Department Secretary.
E. Jurisdiction Defined: Whenever the word "jurisdiction" is used in the International Building Code, it shall mean the City of West Jordan, Utah. (2001 Code §§ 18-2-101 and 18-2-102; amd. 2009 Code; Ord. 10-16, 6-23-2010; Ord. 13-25, 7-31-2013; Ord. 17-59, 10-25-2017; Ord. 21-11, 3-24-2021)