The City of West Jordan provides culinary water for almost all residents within the 32.3 square miles of its boundaries as shown in Figure 5-1. The main exception is 1.7 square miles in the northwest portion of the City boundaries which is served by Kearns Improvement District. The City's water service area is approximately 30.6 square miles and is bordered by the following:
Kearns Improvement District and Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District to the north
Midvale City and Murray City Water to the east/northeast
South Jordan City and Sandy City Water to the south/southeast
Oquirrh Mountain Range to the west
The topography of the City generally slopes downward from west to east such that most of the City's storage reservoirs are located west of the pressure zone that they serve by gravity.
In 2020, the City of West Jordan had a population of approximately 112,200 permanent residents with the water service area having a slightly lower population of 100,400. In addition to permanent residents, the City also serves many commercial, industrial, and institutional entities. The east side of the City is largely residential and commercial and is mostly built out. The west side of the City also includes residential and commercial areas, but also includes industrial, with some large areas still available for future development. Figure 5-2 shows a schematic of how the sources, storage reservoirs, and pump stations in the City are connected.