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West Jordan Overview
West Jordan, UT Code of Ordinances
West Jordan General Plan
West Jordan Midvale 3 Stations Plan
West Jordan Parks and Recreation Master Plan
West Jordan Sanitary Sewer Master Plan
West Jordan Storm Drainage Master Plan
West Jordan Active Transportation Plan
West Jordan Transportation Master Plan
West Jordan Water Master Plan
The City of West Jordan and Midvale City, in partnership with Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) and Utah Transit Authority (UTA) worked together to develop station area plans for three adjacent stations: City Center, Historic Gardner, and Bingham Junction. Because of the station areas' proximity, coordination was paramount to the long-term success of future development to support regional transit.
Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) that enable people to get an easy access to mixed-uses and services around public transit, are a shared goal of WFRC, UTA, West Jordan, and Midvale. This type of development prioritizes transit and pedestrian-scale development to create walkable neighborhoods with everyday amenities within safe and comfortable walking distance of transit stations. Outcomes of TOC include reduction in traffic congestion and pollution, increased bicycle and pedestrian connectivity, and a vibrant public realm that meets the needs of modern living.
A Station Area Plan (SAP) is intended to advance shared goals by maximizing development potential around transit stations through a collaborative planning approach. Per Utah House Bill 462 (HB462), cities with fixed-guideway public transit stations such as FrontRunner, TRAX, or BRT, are required to develop a SAP for that station. The goals of HB462 are to increase the availability and affordability of housing, including moderate income housing; promote sustainable environmental conditions; enhance access to opportunities; and increase transportation choices and connections.