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West Jordan Overview
West Jordan, UT Code of Ordinances
West Jordan General Plan
West Jordan Midvale 3 Stations Plan
West Jordan Parks and Recreation Master Plan
West Jordan Sanitary Sewer Master Plan
West Jordan Storm Drainage Master Plan
West Jordan Active Transportation Plan
West Jordan Transportation Master Plan
West Jordan Water Master Plan
West Jordan is becoming one of the fastest growing communities in the region. The rapidly expanding population is putting great demand on parks, recreation, trails and open space. In order to ensure facilities and programs keep pace with demand, a comprehensive Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan is required.
The existing West Jordan Comprehensive General Plan 2012 recommends that an update should take place every five years, and that a survey should be conducted to gauge resident needs on a similar schedule. The last update occurred 2012 as part of the General Plan update with the subsequent development of the West Jordan Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Handbook 2012. However, that effort did not include a needs and preference survey.
The timing of this plan helps to ensure that West Jordan parks, recreation, trails and open space remain current and up to date. This effort is particularly meaningful in light of the new and approved development of the west side and major expansions of the system anticipated in the upcoming years.
The purpose of the West Jordan Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan (2018-2028) is to provide a comprehensive update to information and recommendations along with a clear vision and priorities related to parks, recreation, trails and open space for the next 10 years and beyond.
Organization of the Plan
The West Jordan Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan (2018-2028) is organized into seven chapters, as follows:
Chapter 1 - Introduction describes the purpose of the plan, provides a summary of the coordination with other plan documents and the planning process and concludes with background, baseline data, and demographic projections.
Chapter 2 - Parks addresses existing and future parks. It begins with an analysis of the existing levels of service (LOS) and distribution of facilities to meet projected population needs in ten years (2028) and at buildout. The chapter concludes with a discussion of future needs and standards.
Chapter 3 - Recreation, Community Arts and Events addresses existing and future recreation and community arts facilities and events. The chapter begins with documentation and analysis of existing facilities and programs and concludes with strategies to meet future needs and priorities.
Chapter 4 - Trails addresses current trail needs and issues and concludes with ideas to meet needs in the future. The chapter builds upon the findings and assessments undertaken in the West Jordan Transportation Master Plan 2013.
Chapter 5 - Open Space examines the current inventory of City-owned open space and other natural lands within the community, building upon ideas contained in the General Plan and Handbook for providing additional strategies for acquiring open space.
Chapter 6 - Priorities and Acquisition and Construction Costs estimates and prioritizes probable costs to acquire, upgrade and construct new park, recreation, open space and trails amenities in West Jordan.
Chapter 7 - Goals and Policies provides specific goals, policies and implementation strategies to help ensure parks, recreation, trails and open space needs are met as the City continues to grow and expand.
While the plan addresses each of these elements separately, they often overlap, requiring a unified understanding of systemic needs in order to achieve a comprehensive recreation system that meets the needs of the community and contributes to the overall quality of life of City residents.
West Jordan Comprehensive General Plan 2012
The General Plan 2012 provides strong support for parks, recreation, trails and open space, highlighting their contribution to the quality of life for residents of the community. This is summarized by the eight General Goals in Chapter 6: Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Lands, which follow.
Parks, Recreation, Trails, and Open Space Handbook 2012
Serving as an update to the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan 2003 in conjunction with the Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Lands chapter of the General Plan 2012, the handbook provides detailed information on existing parks, recreation facilities, trails and open spaces, in addition to information on park deficiencies and recommendations for future park standards, locations, and maintenance requirements.
West Jordan Transportation Master Plan 2013
The Transportation Plan 2013 evaluates the City's existing transportation system and includes a comprehensive list of improvements that are required to meet needs to the year 2040. The plan addresses alternative modes of transportation, with specific recommendations for bicycles and pedestrians.
These are coordinated with the similar principles contained in the General Plan 2012 and the 2012 Handbook.
The Transportation Plan emphasizes the importance of providing a complete trail system that is connected to key destinations and facilities as well as surrounding community. Accordingly, the trail system should serve the widest range of users and be feasibly constructed by the City, phased over time and implemented in a manner that avoids undesirable impacts to on-street parking and traffic lanes on critical roadways. The plan also provides guidelines for planning and constructing additional trails, including recommendations on the types of street crossings with specific criteria for crossing locations.