The City of West Jordan (City) is one of the largest cities in the State of Utah and is continuing to grow. The City desires to develop an updated master plan for its water system in order to adequately plan for the future. This water master plan identifies recommended improvements that resolve existing and projected future deficiencies in the water system throughout the City's service area. An implementation plan is then presented to complete the most pressing projects over the next ten years.
The primary previous master planning documents addressing the needs of the water system are:
• West Jordan City Drinking Water Master Plan Update - Prepared by Hansen, Allen & Luce, Inc. in November 2015
• Comprehensive General Plan - Prepared by West Jordan City in 2012 (Adopted March 14, 2012)
Those documents have been used as a starting point for this analysis. However, they have been augmented by additional data and new information collected by the City over the last several years. All analysis contained in this master plan supersedes the information contained in the previous master plan document.
The scope of the work documented in this report includes eight primary tasks: Task 1 - Project Water Demands
Task 2 - Evaluate Available Water Supply
Task 3 - Evaluate the Adequacy of the Projected Supply to Meet Projected Demands Task 4 - Update the City's Hydraulic Model
Task 5 - Evaluate Storage Needs
Task 6 - Assess Transmission and Distribution System Performance Task 7 - Update the City's Capital Facilities Plan
Task 8 - Review the City's existing water engineering standards