Landscape Architecture
Urban Design
Strategic Services
120 East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611
To: Project Team
From: Design Workshop
Date: May 3, 2023
Project Name: West Jordan Station Area Plan
Project #: 7024
Subject: Survey Results
This memorandum provides an overview of the results from both the English and Spanish surveys administered for the Bingham Junction, Historic Gardner, and City Center Station area plans.
∙ Majority of respondents were in the 35-44 age group (31.6% of respondents)
∙ Majority of respondents were female (56.1% of respondents)
∙ Majority of respondents were white (80.1% of respondents)
∙ Majority of respondents lived within the Bingham Junction Station and West Jordan City Center Station areas
∙ Five (5) people participated in the Spanish survey
∙ The total combined number of Hispanic/Latinos and Spanish respondents was 32

4. Click on the map where you live

Bingham Junction Station
∙ Q1 Which statements best represent your connection to the Bingham Junction station area? Top responses:
o I live within the station area (14.3%)
o I shop in the station area (16.4%)
o I go out to eat in the station area (14.0%)

1. Q2 Which of these are the greatest opportunities in the Bingham Junction station area? (Select up to 3)
o Restaurants, cafes, retail (22.7%)
o Pedestrian and bike connections to trails and amenities (18.8%)
o Plaza and/or green space (14.3%)

∙ Q3 Which of these are the greatest challenges in the Bingham Junction station area? (Select up to 3)
o Non-walkable environment (19.56%)
o Lack of connections to Midvale Main Street (19.19%)
o Lack of connections to residential areas (16.97%)
o Pedestrian crossings along Bingham Junction Blvd (16.97%)
o Parking (12.18%)
o Lack of connections to the Jordan River and trail (9.23%)
o Other (5.90%)

∙ Q4 How important are the following concepts for future planning for the Bingham Junction station area? Click and drag your selection in order of priority. (1 being extremely important and 7 being not important)
o Create a sense of place
o Safe and comfortable access to transit

∙ Q5 What concerns do you have for future planning at the Bingham Junction station area?
Major concerns for the station area included: traffic, parking (producing too little/too much), safety, pedestrian-friendly, affordable housing, increase in property taxes, increased crime from transients.

∙ Q6 What are your hopes for future planning at the Bingham Junction station area? Major hopes for future planning for the station area:
o Connections to surrounding places and historic Midvale
o Retail and open space/trail opportunities
o Dog parks
o Safety measurements like more lighting at night, security, cameras, etc.
o Better accessibility/ADA
o Accessible bathrooms (multiple comments on this)
o Increased transit on the weekends
o Making it a true gathering space

Historic Gardner Station
1. Q1 Which statements best represent your connection to the Historic Gardner station area? (Select all that apply)
o I shop in the station area (17.2%)
o I visit the station area for entertainment or cultural activities (15.1%
o I go out to eat in the station area (13.9%)

∙ Q2 Which of these are the greatest opportunities in the Historic Gardner station area? (Select up to 3):
o Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian connections with Gardner Village (34.8%)
o Expanded Park space on the Jordan River Trail (30.6%)
o More transit parking (14.2%)

∙ Q3 Which of these are the greatest challenges in the Historic Gardner station area? (Select up to 3)
o Pedestrian crossings of 7800 S (30.79%)
o Non-walkable environment (17.89%)
o Parking (13.49%)
o Pedestrian and bike connections to Gardner Village (12.90%)
o Pedestrian and bike connections to the Jordan River Trail (12.02%)
o Lack of amenities/retail (10.26%)
o Other (2.64%)

Q4 How important are the following concepts for future planning for the Historic Gardner station area? Click and drag your selection in order of priority. (1 being extremely important and 7 being not important)
∙ Top concepts for future planning for the station area:
o Create a sense of place
o Enhanced pedestrian connections to nearby destinations

∙ Q5 What concerns do you have for future planning at the Historic Gardner station area
Major concerns for the station area included: traffic congestion, affordable housing, limited land availability and being able to beautify the area, ADA, safety and pedestrian safety to access Gardner Village

∙ Q6 What are your hopes for future planning at the Historic Gardner station area? Major hopes for future planning for the station area:
o Better parking and parking access
o Better accessibility for pedestrians
[] Crosswalks and pedestrian walkways needed across 7800 to go over to Gardner Village
o More TOD
o Affordable housing
o Trail access and dog parks
o Make it a destination

City Center Station
∙ Q1 Which statements best represent your connection to the City Center station area? (Select all that apply)
o I commute through the station area by car (16.6%)
o I live within the station area (12.6%)
o I shop in the station area (12.6%)

∙ Q2 Which of these are the greatest opportunities in the City Center station area? (Select up to 3)
o Restaurants, cafes, retail (25.8%)
o Plaza and/or green space (17.6%)
o Pedestrian and bike connections to trails and amenities (12.3%)

∙ Q3 Which of these are the greatest challenges in the City Center station area? (Select up to 3)
o Difficulty crossing Redwood Rd (28.23%)
o Lack of amenities/retail (24.83%)
o Non-walkable environment (19.39%)
o Lack of destinations (18.71%)
o Parking (4.76%)
o Other (4.08%)

Q4 How important are the following concepts for future planning for the City Center station area? Click and drag your selection in order of priority. (1 being extremely important and 7 being not important)
o Create a sense of place
o Safe and comfortable access to transit

∙ Q5 What concerns do you have for future planning at the City Center station area
Major concerns for the station area included: unwalkable, safety, ADA, not attractive, too much parking, affordable housing

∙ Q6 What are your hopes for future planning at the City Center station area? Major hopes for future planning for the station area:
o City Center be the heart of the community
o Increased walkability
o More trees
o More retail
o Community involvement in planning process

Spanish Respondents
From the five respondents that participated in the Spanish survey, there were no significant differences on most responses. Some unique aspects that came up with this demographic group are listed below:
- Bingham Junction Station Area
o Most Spanish respondents said their main connection to the station areas was to access the Jordan River Parkway, while a smaller group either lived close to the station or passed by. They did not list visiting for dinning, shopping or entertainment as an option.
o The most important planning concepts to incorporate in the future of the Bingham Junction station area where better pedestrian connections and to incorporate more housing options.
- Historic Gardner
o Most people either work in the station area or visit for recreation or accessing the Jordan River Parkway. Eating out was also listed as a preferred option.
o Key opportunities for the Historic Gardner area where more multifamily housing and more green spaces along the Jordan River, which differs from the top responses in the English survey.
- The biggest concerns for all stations were related to wait times and time needed to get to their destinations.
- The major hopes listed where better connections to other stations and less wait times.
- City Center
o Most respondents either live, pass by or shop in the area. From the heat map we can see that many respondents live in the neighborhood south of the station area.