West Jordan's parks are a vital component of the City, enhancing the quality of life in the community, providing a welcome respite from the hectic flow of daily life, and creating a complete city and environment. Parks are places to play, relax and reconnect with ourselves, our families and friends, and our community.
As summarized in Chapter 1, West Jordan City recognizes the critical role parks play in the well-being of residents through existing policy expressed in the General Plan and other official directives, which support the equitable provision of high quality parks to meet the needs of the community.
This chapter examines the state of the existing parks in the City, including the number, area, amenities and quality of parks that serve the current population, and the distribution of and access to parks within the community today. We also peer into the future, projecting population growth, to help determine short and long-term needs and distribution requirements to meet needs now and into the future.