A. Purpose
The purpose of the transportation network analysis is to identify existing and future deficiencies in the roadway network that may occur due to increased vehicular traffic associated with land development and population growth. Traffic conditions are examined for the base year (2023) and two future years (2033 and 2050), and recommendations for future improvements are discussed.

B. Roadway Functional Classification
Roads are categorized into a hierarchal system based on roadway attributes such as speed, access and right-of-way (ROW) width. The higher a street classification, the more vehicular mobility it provides with limited access. Lower street classifications have less mobility, but more access. The functional classification of a roadway indicates the road’s role within the transportation system, which in turn helps determine when increased travel demand or change in the road’s use could lead to negative impacts on its intended function in terms of speed, capacity, and relationship to existing and future land use (FHWA, 2013).
The functional classifications of West Jordan roadways used in this TMP are major arterial, minor arterial, major collector, minor collector, and residential. Key cross sectional elements for each of these classifications are summarized in Table 3 and are shown in the figures below. The existing and future functional classification maps for West Jordan are shown below in Figures 14
and 15
