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West Jordan Overview
West Jordan, UT Code of Ordinances
West Jordan General Plan
West Jordan Midvale 3 Stations Plan
West Jordan Parks and Recreation Master Plan
West Jordan Sanitary Sewer Master Plan
West Jordan Storm Drainage Master Plan
West Jordan Active Transportation Plan
West Jordan Transportation Master Plan
West Jordan Water Master Plan
Appendix A  Potential Local Street Connectivity Examples
Appendix B – Traffic Impact Study Requirements
Traffic Impact Study Requirements
When a Traffic Impact Study is required the study must be prepared according to the appropriate TIS level as shown below. The traffic study shall, at a minimum, incorporate West Jordan City principles and standards and national practices. Additional requirements and investigation may be imposed upon the applicant as necessary.
Traffic Study level I
Project ADT < 100 trips
No proposed modifications to traffic signals or roadway elements or geometry.
1.   Study Area.
The study area, depending on the size and intensity of the development and surrounding development, may be identified by parcel boundary, area of immediate influence or reasonable travel time boundary.
The study area may be limited to or include property frontage and include neighboring and adjacent parcels. Identify site, cross, and next adjacent up and down stream access points within access category distance of property boundaries.
2.   Design year.
Opening day of project
3.   Analysis Conditions and Period
Identify site traffic volumes and characteristics.
Identify adjacent street(s) traffic volume and characteristics.
4.   Identify right-of-way, geometric boundaries and physical conflicts.
Investigate existence of federal or state, no access or limited access control line.
5.   Generate access point capacity analysis as necessary.
Analyze site and adjacent road traffic for the following time periods: weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours including Saturday peak hours if required by the City Engineer. Identify special event peak hour as necessary (per roadway peak and site peak).
6.   Design and Mitigation.
Identify operational concerns and mitigation measures to ensure safe and efficient operation pursuant to appropriate state highway access category.
Traffic Study Level II
Project ADT 100 to 500 trips
1.   Study Area.
The study area, depending on the size and intensity of the development and surrounding development, may be identified by parcel boundary, area of immediate influence or reasonable travel time boundary. Intersection of site access drives with state highways and any signalized and unsignalized intersection within access category distance of property line. Include any identified queuing distance at site and study intersections
2.   Design Year
Opening day of project
3.   Analysis Period
Identify site and adjacent road traffic for weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours (Saturdays if required by the City Engineer).
4.   Data Collection
Identify site and adjacent street roadway and intersection geometries.
Identify adjacent street(s) traffic volume and characteristics.
5.   Conflict / Capacity Analysis
Diagram flow of traffic at access point(s) for site and adjacent development. Perform capacity analysis as determined by the City Engineer.
6.   Right-of-Way Access
Identify right-of-way, geometric boundaries and physical conflicts.
Investigate existence of federal or state, no access or limited access control line.
7.   Design and Mitigation
Determine and document safe and efficient operational design needs based on site and study area data. Identify operational concerns and mitigation measures to ensure safe and efficient operation pursuant to appropriate state highway access category.
Project ADT 500 to 3,000 trips or peak hour < 500 trips.
1.   Study Area
The study area, depending on the size and intensity of the development and surrounding development, may be identified by parcel boundary, area of immediate influence or reasonable travel time boundary. An acceptable traffic study boundary is 1/4-1/2 mile on each side of the project site per the City Engineer.
Intersection of site access drives with state highways and any signalized and unsignalized intersection within access category distance of property line. Include any identified queuing distance at site and study intersections.
2.   Design Year
Opening day of project and five year after project completion.
Document and include all phases of development (includes out pad parcels).
3.   Analysis Period
Analyze site and adjacent road traffic for weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours including Saturday peak hours if identified as a high Saturday use.. Identify special event peak hour as necessary (adjacent roadway peak and site peak).
4.   Data Collection
   a.   Daily and Turning Movement counts.
   b.   Identify site and adjacent street roadway and intersection geometries.
   c.   Traffic control devices including traffic signals and regulatory signs.
   d.   Traffic accident data
5.   Trip Generation
Use equations or rates available in latest edition of ITE Trip Generation. Where developed equations are unavailable for intended land use, perform trip rate study and estimation following ITE procedures or develop justified trip rate agreed to by the Department.
6.   Trip Distribution and Assignment
Document distribution and assignment of existing, site, background, and future traffic volumes on surrounding network of study area.
7.   Conflict / Capacity Analysis
Diagram flow of traffic at access point(s) for site and adjacent development.
Perform capacity analysis for daily and peak hour volumes
8.   Traffic Signal Impacts
   For modified and proposed traffic signals:
   a.   Traffic Signal Warrants as identified.
   b.   Traffic Signal drawings as identified.
   c.   Queuing Analysis
9.   Design and Mitigation.
Determine and document safe and efficient operational design needs based on site and study area data. Identify operational concerns and mitigation measures to ensure safe and efficient operation pursuant to appropriate state highway access category.
Traffic Study Level III
Project ADT 3,000 to10,000 trips or peak hour traffic 500 to 1,200 trips.
1.   Study Area
The study area, depending on the size and intensity of the development and surrounding development, may be identified by parcel boundary, area of immediate influence or reasonable travel time boundary.
An acceptable traffic study boundary should be based on travel time or by market area influence. Intersection of site access drives with state highways and any intersection within 1/2 mile of property line on each side of project site.
2.   Design Year
Opening day of project, five years and twenty years after opening.
Document and include all phases of development (includes out pad parcels).
3.   Analysis period
For each design year analyze site and adjacent road traffic for weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours including Saturday peak hours if identified as needed per the City Engineer. Identify special event peak hour as necessary (adjacent roadway peak and site peak).
4.   Data Collection
   a.   Daily and Turning movement counts.
   b.   Identify site and adjacent street roadway and intersection geometries.
   c.   Traffic control devices including traffic signals and regulatory signs.
   d.   Automatic continuous traffic counts for at least 48 hours.
   e.   Traffic accident data.
5.   Trip Generation
Use equations or rates available in latest edition of ITE Trip Generation. Where developed equations are unavailable for intended land use, perform trip rate study and estimation following ITE procedures or develop justified trip rate agreed to by the Department.
6.   Trip Distributions and Assignment
Document distribution and assignment of existing, site, background, and future traffic volumes on surrounding network of study area.
7.   Capacity Analysis
   a.   Level of Service (LOS) for all intersections.
   b.   LOS for existing conditions, design year without project, design year with project.
8.   Traffic Signal Impacts. For proposed Traffic Signals:
   a.   Traffic Signal Warrants as identified.
   b.   Traffic Signal drawings as identified.
   c.   Queuing Analysis.
   d.   Traffic Systems Analysis. Includes acceleration, deceleration and weaving.
   e.   Traffic Coordination Analysis
10.   Accident and Traffic Safety Analysis
Existing vs. as proposed development.
11.   Design and Mitigation
Determine and document safe and efficient operational design needs based on site and study area data. Identify operational concerns and mitigation measures to ensure safe and efficient operation pursuant to appropriate state highway access category.
Traffic Study Level IV
Project ADT greater than 10,000 trips or peak hour traffic > 1,200 vehicles per hour.
1.   Study Area
The study area, depending on the size and intensity of the development, will include the surrounding roadways ½ mile from the parcel boundary or reasonable travel time boundary.
2.   Design Year
Opening day of project, five years and twenty years after opening. Document and include all phases of development (includes out pad parcels).
3.   Analysis period
For each design year analyze site and adjacent road traffic for weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours including Saturday peak hours as needed per the City Engineer. Identify special event peak hour as necessary (adjacent roadway peak and site peak).
4.   Data Collection
   a.   Daily and Turning movement counts.
   b.   Identify site and adjacent street roadway and intersection geometries.
   c.   Traffic control devices including traffic signals and regulatory signs.
   d.   Automatic continuous traffic counts for at least 24 hours or obtain ADT from local or state agencies
   e.   Traffic accident data.
5.   Trip Generation
Use equations or rates available in latest edition of ITE Trip Generation. Where developed equations are unavailable for intended land use, perform trip rate study and estimation following ITE procedures or develop justified trip rate agreed to by the Department.
6.   Trip Distributions and Assignment
Document distribution and assignment of existing, site, background, and future traffic volumes on surrounding network of study area.
7.   Capacity Analysis
   a.   Level of Service (LOS) for all intersections.
   b.   LOS for existing conditions, design year without project, design year with project.
8.   Traffic Signal Impacts. For proposed traffic signals:
   a.   Traffic Signal Warrants as identified.
   b.   Traffic Signal drawings as identified.
   c.   Queuing Analysis.
   d.   Traffic Systems Analysis. Includes acceleration, deceleration and weaving.
   e.   Traffic Coordination Analysis.
9.   Accident and Traffic Safety Analysis. Existing vs. as proposed develop
10.   Design and Mitigation
Determine and document safe and efficient operational design needs based on site and study area data. Identify operational concerns and mitigation measures to ensure safe and efficient operation pursuant to appropriate state highway access category.