How We Get There

How projects get constructed often comes down to them receiving funding. This section identifies available funding resources to pay for active transportation projects in West Jordan and to conclude the plan.
Active transportation routes often span multiple jurisdictions and provide regional significance to the transportation network. As a result, other government jurisdictions or agencies often help pay for such regional benefits and projects. Those jurisdictions and agencies could include the Federal Government, the State or (UDOT), the County, and the local metropolitan planning organization (WFRC). West Jordan will need to continue to partner and work with these other jurisdictions to ensure adequate funds are available for these projects. West Jordan will also need to partner with South Jordan and other adjacent communities to ensure corridor continuity across jurisdictional boundaries.
Federal Funding
Federal funds are available to cities and counties through the federal-aid program. UDOT administers the funds. In order to be eligible, a project must be listed on the five-year Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds can be used for transportation enhancements in twelve categories including bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The Joint Highway Committee programs a portion of the STP funds for projects around the state in urban areas. This is a 5-year funding tool and the STIP projects are updated regularly to maintain a 5-year list of projects. Adding AT projects and other projects in West Jordan to UDOT Region 2's transportation plan is an important early step.