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West Jordan Overview
West Jordan, UT Code of Ordinances
West Jordan General Plan
West Jordan Midvale 3 Stations Plan
West Jordan Parks and Recreation Master Plan
West Jordan Sanitary Sewer Master Plan
West Jordan Storm Drainage Master Plan
West Jordan Active Transportation Plan
West Jordan Transportation Master Plan
West Jordan Water Master Plan
Goal 1.0:   Provide Adequate Access to Parks and Park Facilities for Residents of West Jordan
Policy 1.1: Meet the recommended Level of Service (LOS) for parks of 2.8 acres per 1,000 population in the future.
   a.   Implementation Measure: Develop phases III and IV of Ron Wood Park.
   b.   Implementation Measure: Develop phases I and II of Maples East Park.
   c.   Implementation Measure: Acquire and develop 13.2 acres of proposed park land to fill existing gaps.
   d.   Implementation Measure: Develop the remaining 11.6 acres in the southwest corner of Veterans Memorial Park.
   e.   Implementation Measure: Develop West Airport Park.
   f.   Implementation Measure: Develop Railroad Park and Ascent Academies detention basins as parks.
   g.   Implementation Measure: Acquire 59.1 additional park acres required to meet demand by buildout. Assume these will be provided through developer contributions.
   h.   Implementation Measure: Develop 62.2 additional park acres by buildout. Assume these will be provided through developer contributions.
   i.   Implementation Measure: As the community grows ensure that the recommended LOS is maintained.
   j.   Implementation Measure: Pursue neighborhood and community parks in the future to meet the needs of the community while minimizing the maintenance demands associated with smaller parks.
   k.   Implementation Measure: Adopt a City Policy that independent sports teams will be provided with the same access to fields as larger club teams to ensure fair access.
Policy 1.2: Upgrade existing parks to meet minimum park standards and amenity levels of service requirements and develop new parks with at least the minimum required amenities.
   a.   Implementation Measure: Upgrade existing parks to meet the minimum requirements for amenities and features, as possible.
   b.   Implementation Measure: Adopt the minimum development standards for parks detailed in this plan as a City policy.
   c.   Implementation Measure: Design and develop all new parks with amenities and features that meet the established standards, and allow and encourage public input on the design.
Goal 2.0:   Increase the Standard of Maintenance for West Jordan's Parks in the Future
Policy 2.1: Improve the best management and maintenance procedures to protect the City's park and recreation investments.
   a.   Implementation Measure: Raise parks maintenance staffing FTE to level recommended in Parks Department Five-Year Plan.
   b.   Implementation Measure: Raise maintenance level of regional parks, cemeteries and administration buildings to Level 1.5.
   c.   Implementation Measure: Raise maintenance level of community parks, trails and open space to Level 2.
   d.   Implementation Measure: Establish annual budget for deferred maintenance and park upgrades.
   e.   Implementation Measure: Protect the City's investment in sports fields by resting fields on a regular basis to prevent damage by overuse.
   f.   Implementation Measure: Update annual budgets to ensure funding for operation and maintenance of City parks and other land the City maintains is sufficient to meet needs.
   g.   Implementation Measure: Modify zoning as needed to require developer participation in the provision of parks, recreation and trails amenities.
   h.   Implementation Measure: Continue to maintain an up-to-date inventory of all parks, park facilities and parkways, documenting and implementing improvements according to a feasible schedule.
   i.   Implementation Measure: Apply design standards for all parks in a way that helps reduce maintenance requirements while promoting better long-term use of public parks and recreation amenities.
   j.   Implementation Measure: Increase the variety of amenities in parks to promote better long-term use of parks.
   k.   Implementation Measure: Provide amenities and facilities to help residents "self-maintain" their parks and park facilities (trash receptacles, animal waste containers, hose bibs, pet clean-up stations, etc.)
   l.   Implementation Measure: Develop and implement a signage and wayfinding system for the City.
   m.   Implementation Measure: Develop a feasibility study to examine the possibility of lighting specific park fields and amenities to extend the hours of use.
Goal 3.0   Provide Acess to High Quality Recreation and Arts Facilities and Programs for Residents of West Jordan
Policy 3.1: Continue to partner with Salt Lake County to provide a diverse range of programs at the Gene Fullmer Fitness Center.
   a.   Implementation Measure: Work with Salt Lake County to survey residents and fitness center users on a regular basis to make sure programs and facilities are meeting needs.
   b.   Implementation Measure: Partner with other public and private agencies, facilities, organizations and groups to provide additional facilities and programs, including the Jordan School District.
   c.   Implementation Measure: Continue to support the Arts Council and non-profits to provide high quality arts events and activities.
   d.   Implementation Measure: Develop the Community/Arts Center that is currently in the design phase.
Policy 3.2: Continue to partner with Salt Lake County to serve seniors in the community at the West Jordan Senior Center with a variety of classes and activities.
   a.   Implementation Measure: Work with Salt Lake County to survey seniors in the community on a regular basis to make sure programs and facilities are meeting needs.