Executive Summary
The Active Transportation (AT) Plan allowed the City of West Jordan to take a detailed look at bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the city. The plan represents the next step from the Transportation Master Plan to the specifics needed to plan for sidewalk, trail, and bike lane projects. Residents in West Jordan have expressed a desire to see more trails and more and more Utahns are saying that active transportation facilities are important to their quality of life.
This plan is designed to lay the groundwork for enhancing active transportation in the community by presenting a vision for future AT projects and how to see them realized. This plan is organized into five sections that illustrate the journey from Where We Are (section 2), to What We Heard (section 3), Where We're Going (section 4), Planned Projects (section 5), and How We Get There (section 6). Throughout this study there were regular meetings and interaction with City staff and officials and well as a focus on collaborating with residents and key community stakeholders about what they would like to see in West Jordan.
Figure 1-1: