Sec. 10-32. Administration of plan.
   (a)   Under the direction and supervision of the city manager, the human resources director shall administer the annual position-compensation plan which is predicated on performance and skill based components and principles. A skill based pay component of the position-compensation for any department will not be implemented or administered without prior approval of a department proposal by the human resource director. Consideration and implementation of a proposal for a skill based component requires:
   (1)   That a comprehensive review of departmental work practices has been undertaken. This review shall include the evaluation of work practices, the identification of potential improvements that integrate organization change, new work practices and use of new technologies and,
   (2)   That benefits and cost savings which will result from the utilization of a skill based pay component for the department have been identified and quantified.
   (3)   That there has been a job analysis identifying skill, job description, skill objectives, training program supporting the acquisition of identified skills, and skill based compensation structure.
   (4)   That the human resources is satisfied with and approves the proposed skill based component to be appropriate for the classification involved.
   (b)   In no event shall a skill based pay component for a department be approved if the proposal results in the compensation of positions in a city classification both under the performance and skill based component of the compensation plan.
(1953 Code, ch. 10, § 21; Ord. No. 7369, § 18, 3-12-90; Ord. No. 10003, § 3, 6-28-04)
   Cross references – Duties of director of personnel pertaining to pensions, § 22-23; duties pertaining to group insurance, § 22-84.