Art. I. In General, §§ 2-1--2-25.1
Art. II. Mayor and Council, §§ 2-26--2-44
Art. III. Public Communication, Community Engagement, and Integrated Planning, §§ 2-45--2-80
Art. IV. Reserved, §§ 2-81--2-87
Art. V. Bonds of Officers and Employees, §§ 2-88--2-100
Art. VI. City Clerk Records Management, §§ 2-101--2-119
Art. VII. Reserve Police Officer Program, §§ 2-120--2-129
Art. VIII. Special Duty Police Services Program, §§ 2-130--2-139
Art. IX. Disposition of Property and Money by the Police Department, §§ 2-140 – 2-141
Article I. In General
Sec. 2-1. City office hours.
Sec. 2-2. Absences of appointive officers and heads of office and vacancies in appointive officers and heads of office positions.
Sec. 2-3. Compensation of senior officers acting as department heads.
Sec. 2-4. Residency requirement for specified city officers and employees.
Sec. 2-5. Building safety division; chief inspector.
Sec. 2-6. Sale of property for nonpayment of district assessments.
Sec. 2-7. Statute of limitations on unpaid warrants.
Sec. 2-8. Mayor's expense account.
Sec. 2-9. Reserved.
Sec. 2-9.1. Reserved.
Sec. 2-10. Civil liability of city; notice of defective condition required.
Sec. 2-11. Reserved.
Sec. 2-12. Reserved.
Sec. 2-13. Salary of employee during injury or sickness; salary paid to supplement workers' compensation; lien.
Sec. 2-14. Reserved.
Sec. 2-15. County health officer to enforce health, sanitation, food regulations; obstructing, resisting health officer.
Sec. 2-16. Authority of city manager to execute certain utility rights-of-way.
Sec. 2-16.1. Authority of city manager to administer the city real estate program.
Sec. 2-17. Acceptance of dedications.
Sec. 2-18. City fixed route, regularly scheduled bus system called Sun Tran and modern streetcar system called Sun Link; fares; eligibility and prohibited activity.
Sec. 2-19. City curb-to-curb barrier-free transportation service called Sun Van, the complementary paratransit service; fares; eligibility and prohibited activity.
Sec. 2-20. Transit system rules and regulations.
Sec. 2-21. Promotional discount fare program for the Sun Tran fixed route bus and Sun Link modern streetcar systems.
Sec. 2-22. City Sun Tran, Sun Link and paratransit service systems fare subsidy program for low-income individuals; fare subsidies; eligibility and prohibited activity.
Sec. 2-22.1. False information or refusal to provide information to obtain or retain low income assistance.
Sec. 2-23. Permits for use of community center.
Sec. 2-24. Fees chargeable for background check before transfer of handguns.
Sec. 2-25. Authorization.
Sec. 2-25.1. Fingerprint clearance and criminal history check.
Sec. 2-25.2. Parks and recreation department.
Sec. 2-25.3. Housing and community development department.
Sec. 2-25.4. Public safety communications and fire department.
Sec. 2-25.5. Information technology.
Sec. 2-25.6. Public resources and emergency management.
Article II. Mayor and Council
Sec. 2-26. Date, time, and place of meetings; to be public.
Secs. 2-27--2-29. Reserved.
Sec. 2-30. City officers and employees to attend meetings.
Secs. 2-31--2-44. Reserved.
Article III. Public Communication, Community Engagement, and Integrated Planning
Sec. 2-45. Policy.
Sec. 2-46. Implementation and administration of Plan Tucson.
Sec. 2-47. Designated planning agency.
Secs. 2-48--2-80. Reserved.
Article IV. Reserved
Secs. 2-81--2-87. Reserved.
Article V. Bonds of Officers and Employees
Sec. 2-88. Required; amounts.
Sec. 2-89. Bonding of new employees.
Sec. 2-90. Conditions, signing, approval.
Sec. 2-91. City to pay premiums.
Secs. 2-92--2-100. Reserved.
Article VI. City Clerk Records Management
Sec. 2-101. Preservation of records in compliance with state law.
Sec. 2-102. Reproductions from public records; certified copies.
Sec. 2-103. Preservation of essential records.
Secs. 2-104--2-119. Reserved.
Article VII. Reserve Police Officer Program
Sec. 2-120. Appointment of reserve police officers.
Sec. 2-121. Purpose and functions of reserve police officers.
Sec. 2-122. Status of reserve police officers; compensation.
Sec. 2-123. Qualifications for appointment; applications.
Sec. 2-124. Oath of office.
Sec. 2-125. Preassignment training.
Sec. 2-126. Dismissal.
Sec. 2-127. Relation to other police officers.
Secs. 2-128, 2-129. Reserved.
Article VIII. Special Duty Police Services Program
Sec. 2-130. Definitions.
Sec. 2-131. Special duty police services; authorizing police chief to execute agreements with employers that set forth the wages and conditions for special duty police services; authorizing use of city resources for billing, accounting, and payment; authorizing police chief to charge an administrative fee; and permitting use of city vehicles.
Secs. 2-132--2-139. Reserved.
Article IX. Disposition of Property and Money by the Police Department
Sec. 2-140. Disposition of property obtained by the police department.
Sec. 2-141. Disposition of unclaimed money by the police department.
(a) Except on holidays and other days specifically designated by the mayor and council, and except on days or during hours as provided in subsection (b) below, the city manager and the various city departments shall keep their offices open for the transaction of business from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. each day on Monday through Friday.
(b) The city manager may, by administrative order, require or authorize any of the offices of the city to be open or closed at a different or for an additional time than provided in subsection (a) above.
(c) Except where otherwise specifically provided in this Code, when a holiday that is enumerated as a fixed date in Tucson Code Section 22-91(a)(6):
(1) falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday;
(2) falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday shall be observed as a holiday.
(1953 Code, ch. 2, § 9; Ord. No. 3280, § 1, 6-23-69; Ord. No. 10691, § 1, 7-7-09, eff. 8-9-09; Ord. No. 10758, § 1, 2-9-10; Ord. No. 11598, § 1, 11-14-18)
Charter References: Authority to fix office hours, see ch. VII, § 1(35).