* Editors Note: Ord. No. 4207, § 1, adopted July 8, 1974, amended this Code by repealing former ch. 24, §§ 24-1--24-4, 24-7 and 24-8, and enacting in lieu thereof new ch. 24, §§ 24-1--24-8, pertaining to the same general subject matter. Former ch. 24 was derived from 1953 Code, ch. 23, § 7; Ord. No. 2139, §§ 1--3, adopted Mar. 6, 1961; Ord. No. 3456, § 1, adopted May 25, 1970; and Ord. No. 3488, § 1, adopted July 21, 1970.
Editors Note: Resolution No. 10860, adopted June 26, 1979, approved the execution of the Intergovernmental Agreement with Pima County, Arizona, that transferred all of the ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the City of Tucson sewer system to Pima County, Arizona, and superseded the provisions of this Chapter for the duration of the Intergovernmental Agreement.
Art. I. General and Administrative, §§ 24-1--24-3
Art. II. Connection Fees, §§ 24-4--24-19
Art. III. User Fees, §§ 24-20--24-39
Art. IV. Industrial Waste Control and Industrial Cost Recovery Program, §§ 24-40--24-53
Article I. General and Administrative
Sec. 24-1. Definition of terms.
Sec. 24-2. General considerations.
Sec. 24-3. Application for approval to construct sewerage systems, extensions or waste treatment works.
Article II. Connection Fees
Sec. 24-4. Fees for connection to sanitary sewers.
Sec. 24-5. Construction of sewer systems under private contract authorized.
Sec. 24-6. Provision for refund of cost of sewers installed by private contract under certain conditions authorized.
Sec. 24-7. Permits for temporary installations for areas not contiguous to sewers.
Sec. 24-8. Failure to obtain permits and approvals as required.
Secs. 24-9--24-19. Reserved.
Article III. User Fees
Sec. 24-20. Definition of terms.
Sec. 24-21. User fees.
Sec. 2422. Review of established fees; powers of the director.
Sec. 24-23. Minimum and maximum sewer user fees.
Sec. 24-24. Setting of fee.
Sec. 24-25. Private wells and private water companies.
Sec. 24-26. Sales taxes; business privilege taxes; in-lieu-of-franchise taxes.
Sec. 24-27. Billing.
Sec. 24-28. Deposits.
Sec. 24-29. Use of fund revenues.
Sec. 24-30. When and where bills are due and payable.
Sec. 24-31. User fees and water charges; application of payment.
Sec. 24-32. Enforcement.
Secs. 24-33--24-39. Reserved.
Article IV. Industrial Waste Control and Industrial Cost Recovery Program
Sec. 24-40. Definitions of terms.
Sec. 24-41. Rules and regulations.
Sec. 24-42. Permit for industrial wastewater discharge.
Sec. 24-43. Industrial wastewater permit requirements; restrictions and conditions.
Sec. 24-44. Truckers' discharge permit.
Sec. 24-45. Prohibition of specific substances.
Sec. 24-46. Industrial cost recovery.
Sec. 24-47 Power and authority of inspectors.
Sec. 24-48. Enforcement.
Sec. 24-49. Appeal procedure.
Sec. 24-50. Billing.
Sec. 24-51. Deposits.
Sec. 24-52. Use of funds.
Sec. 24-53. Effective date.
Acre shall mean forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet of land, excluding easements or rights-of-way and any other unusable portions of land.
Applicant for development shall be defined as an applicant for sewer service for an area under development for marketing purposes.
Applicant for service shall be defined as an applicant for sewer service for personal use requiring the extension of an existing sewer.
Area under development refers to an area in which sanitary sewer improvements are being constructed and may include single-family and multiple-family residential subdivisions, mobile home subdivisions or parks, improvement districts, plats or development plans with intent of developing land for residential, commercial or industrial use. Generally the category includes all development in which "on-site" sewerage improvements have been provided by the applicant by improvement district or contract.
Director of water and sewers refers to the administrator of the city department of water and sewers and is hereafter referred to as "director."
Improvement district shall mean a district formed under the provisions of A.R.S. title 18, chapter 4, article 2, as amended, or formed by the city for the purpose of installation of sanitary sewers, which district shall be considered as an area under development
Industrial wastes shall mean the liquid, gaseous or solid wastes produced as a result of any industrial operation.
Multifamily residence shall mean a residential complex under single or corporate ownership, designed for use by more than one (1) family unit, including apartments, mobile home parks, hotels, motels, school dormitories, guest ranches and churches, but excluding townhouses and condominium projects, excepting those fixtures to which the public has general access such as restaurants, bars, laundromats, etc., which should be continued under the commercial classification.
Nonparticipating property shall mean any property either residential, commercial or industrial that has not participated directly in the construction cost of a sanitary sewer providing service to that property.
Off-site sewerage improvements shall include all sewerage construction necessary to connect "on-site" facilities to an existing system as required by the director of water and sewers.
On-site sewerage improvements shall mean all sewage facilities within any plat, improvement plan, development plan or other improvement but shall exclude capacities in excess of capacities necessary to serve the development as may be required by the director.
Participating property shall mean any property, either residential, commercial or industrial, that has participated directly in the construction cost of a sanitary sewer providing service to that property.
Person shall mean the state, a municipality, county or other political subdivision, a cooperative, institution, corporation, company, firm, partnership or individual person.
Pollution shall mean contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of any waters in the city, discharge of any liquid, gaseous or solid substance into any waters, onto or under any land within the city that creates a nuisance or renders such waters or land harmful or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other lawful beneficial uses, or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish or other aquatic life.
Residential shall mean an area under development where a family unit normally resides.
Sewage shall mean the wastes from toilets, baths, sinks, lavatories, laundries and other plumbing fixtures in residences, institutions, public and business buildings, mobile homes, and other places of human habitation, employment or recreation.
Sewerage system shall mean pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains and all other devices, appurtenances, and facilities used for collecting and conducting wastes to a point of treatment and disposal.
Subdivision shall mean any tract of land which is hereafter divided into five (5) or more parcels along an existing or proposed street, highway, easement or right-of-way for sale, lease or rent as residential, industrial or commercial building plots regardless of whether the lots or plots are described by metes and bounds, by reference to a map or survey of the property, or by any other method.
Waste treatment works shall mean any plant, disposal field, lagoon, pumping station, incinerator or other works used for the purpose of treating or stabilizing sewage and industrial wastes.
Waters of the city shall mean all streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourses, waterways, wells, springs, irrigation systems, drainage systems, and all other bodies or accumulations of water, surface and underground, natural or artificial, public or private, which are contained within, flow through the border upon the corporate limits of the city or any portion thereof.
(Ord. No. 4207, § 1, 7-8-74; Ord. No. 4340, § 1, 4-7-75; Ord. No. 4594, § 1, 11-22-76; Ord. No. 4672, § 1, 6-20-77)