The mayor shall, within ten (10) days of the submission of the position-compensation plan by the human resources director to the mayor and council by authority of chapter XXX, section 2(2) of this Charter, as amended, hold a public hearing affording all interested parties reasonable time to discuss the proposed plan. If a dispute is raised by the employees or their representatives concerning the proposed plan, the mayor and council shall meet with such employees of their representatives in good faith to resolve the dispute. Should such dispute fail to be resolved within fifteen (15) days after consideration by the parties, the mayor shall forthwith appoint an advisory arbitration committee to study the merits of such dispute. Such committee shall consist of a member of the city council, and a representative of the employee group that raised the dispute. Within three (3) days thereafter a member not connected with the city shall be chosen to constitute the full committee. If the representatives fall to agree upon such third member, they shall jointly request the federal mediation and conciliation service to furnish a list of five (5) persons qualified to act as such arbitrator. Upon receipt of said list, the representatives will attempt to select one (1) of the five (5) persons satisfactory to both. Falling to agree, they shall alternately strike one (1) name from the list (the right to strike the first name having been determined by lot) until only one (1) name remains and that person shall thereupon be accepted as the arbitrator. The cost of arbitration shall be borne half by the city and half by the employees of the employee group.
The advisory arbitration committee shall render to the mayor and council its recommendations concerning the merits of the dispute, in writing, no later than the first of April next preceding the fiscal year. The mayor and council may consider such recommendations concerning the merits of the position-compensation plan submitted by the advisory arbitration committee. The mayor and council may adopt such recommendations, in whole or in part, and shall enact such recommendations into law, modify in whole or in part the position-compensation plan originally submitted by the human resources director, and shall enact such into law, next preceding the fiscal year.
(Ord. No. 3706, eff. 11-26-71)
Editors Note: Ord. No. 3706, § 1, adopted by the mayor and council Aug. 25, 1971, approved by a referendum election Nov. 2, 1971, certified by the mayor Nov. 17, 1971, and approved by the governor Nov. 26, 1971, amended ch. VII by adding § 2 to read as hereinabove set out.
Proposition 105 of an election called by Ord. No. 7274 on Nov. 7, 1989, approved by the governor Dec. 11, 1989, instructed the replacement of references regarding the civil service commission with references to the human resources director created by new ch. of the Charter. The actual text of this § 2 was not included in Proposition 105; the editor has made the proposed change in this section.