* Editors Note: See editor's footnotes, articles I, II and III. Ordinance No. 8727, ยง 3, adopted September 9, 1996, repealed division 1--3 titles.
Art. I. Repairs and Improvements in Public Rights-of-way, ยงยง 25-1--25-44
Art. II. Duties and Prohibitions, ยงยง 25-45--25-62
Art. III. Address Numbering, ยงยง 25-63--25-79
Art. IV. Underground Utility Districts, ยงยง 25-80--25-100
Art. V. Temporary Work Zone Traffic Management, ยงยง 25-101--25-105
Article I. Repairs and Improvements in Public Rights-of-way
Sec. 25-1. Permits required.
Sec. 25-2. Application forms.
Sec. 25-3. Conditions for obtaining permit.
Sec. 25-4. Public right-of-way improvement permit fees.
Sec. 25-5. Permit expiration.
Sec. 25-6. Grade and alignment standards.
Sec. 25-7. Variance from standards.
Sec. 25-8. Grade and line required.
Sec. 25-9. Construction standards.
Sec. 25-10. Inspection of work.
Sec. 25-11. Conformance to rules and regulations.
Sec. 25-12. Repair of sidewalk by abutting owners; failure to repair; no permit fee required.
Sec. 25-13. Permit required.
Sec. 25-14. Unimproved portions of public right-of-way may be improved.
Sec. 25-15. Guards required separating private property from improved right-of-way.
Sec. 25-16. Additional requirements for improved portions of right-of-way.
Sec. 25-17. Exceptions to permit requirement.
Sec. 25-18. Application forms.
Sec. 25-19. Reserved.
Sec. 25-20. Conditions for obtaining permit.
Sec. 25-21. Permits required from other city departments or governmental agencies.
Sec. 25-22. Conformance to rules and regulations.
Sec. 25-23. Inspection of work.
Sec. 25-24. Barricades; notice.
Sec. 25-25. Resurfacing.
Sec. 25-26. Permit expiration.
Sec. 25-27. Backfilling and filling.
Sec. 25-28. Variance from standards.
Sec. 25-29. "Driveway" defined.
Sec. 25-30. Permit required.
Sec. 25-31. Application forms.
Sec. 25-32. Reserved.
Sec. 25-33. Conditions for obtaining permit.
Sec. 25-34. Variance from standards.
Sec. 25-35. Permit expiration.
Sec. 25-36. Conformance to rules and regulations.
Sec. 25-37. Inspection of work.
Sec. 25-38. Special requirements in residential districts.
Sec. 25-39. Special requirements in business districts.
Sec. 25-40. Special requirements in industrial districts.
Sec. 25-41. Variances from curb cuts and driveway requirements.
Sec. 25-42. Driveways may be denied.
Sec. 25-43. Curb cut replacements.
Sec. 25-44. Permit and fee curb cut replacements.
Article II. Duties and Prohibitions
Sec. 25-45. Destroying grade or line stakes; trespassing on closed streets.
Sec. 25-45.1. Violation declared civil infraction.
Sec. 25-46. Obstructing streets prohibited.
Sec. 25-47. Duty to remove street obstruction after notice.
Sec. 25-48. Injuring, tearing up pavement or sidewalks.
Sec. 25-49. Digging, removing earth from streets, public places.
Sec. 25-50. Selling, displaying merchandise on streets near schools.
Sec. 25-51. Obstructing sidewalks prohibited; placing benches on sidewalks.
Sec. 25-52. Obstructing water flow in streets, gutters, conduits.
Sec. 25-52.1. Planting within pedestrian area right-of-way.
Sec. 25-53. Duty to trim.
Sec. 25-54. Notice to trim.
Sec. 25-55. Notice to remove; duty to keep area between curb and property line free from grass and weeds.
Sec. 25-56. Owners, occupants of building to keep gutters and sidewalks clean.
Sec. 25-57. Placing flower pots, tree pots, planters on sidewalks.
Sec. 25-57.1. Attaching newspaper vending machines to public right-of-way.
Sec. 25-58. Under-sidewalk elevators--Where permitted.
Sec. 25-59. Same--Permit required; application; insurance.
Sec. 25-60. Same--Issuance of permit; terms and conditions.
Sec. 25-61. Sale of abandoned streets, alleys; cost of moving nonconforming improvements; installing conforming improvements.
Sec. 25-62. Changes in street names.
Article III. Address Numbering
Sec. 25-63. System established; compliance required.
Sec. 25-64. East-west base line.
Sec. 25-65. North-south base line.
Sec. 25-66. Assignment of numbers--Generally.
Sec. 25-67. Same--Ways not extending through to base line.
Sec. 25-68. Display of numbers; size, material.
Sec. 25-69. Plat book required; public inspection; assignment of numbers.
Sec. 25-70. Numbers to be furnished upon application; determination of proper number in case of conflict; appeal.
Sec. 25-71. Duty to procure and display numbers; violation; withholding of permit or approval.
Sec. 25-72. Address numbering code.
Secs. 25-73--25-79. Reserved.
Article IV. Underground Utility Districts
Sec. 25-80. Establishment of districts.
Sec. 25-81. Definitions.
Sec. 25-82. Procedure to establish district.
Sec. 25-83. Notice.
Sec. 25-84. Findings required.
Sec. 25-85. Provisions of ordinance.
Sec. 25-86. Exceptions.
Sec. 25-87. Publicly owned equipment.
Article V. Temporary Work Zone Traffic Management
Sec. 25-88. Temporary work zone traffic management program established.
Sec. 25-89. Definitions.
Sec. 25-90. Temporary work zone traffic management.
Sec. 25-91. Fee schedule.
Sec. 25-92. Violations and civil sanctions.
* Editors Note: Ord. No. 2657, ยงยง 1--4, adopted Oct. 29, 1964, amended ch. 24 of the 1953 Code in its entirety. The editor has codified this ordinance as ch. 25 of this Code which is the comparable chapter. Sections 1 and 2 of this ordinance repealed ยงยง 1, 11, 18--22 of the 1953 Code and assigned all sections saved from repeal to article II of this chapter (see footnote, article II), and substituted the present ยงยง 25-1--25-44 as article I. Article II was redesignated as article III by ยง 3 of this ordinance (see note, article III). Section 4 of that ordinance created an article IV, dealing with change of street names, the provisions of which appear in ยง 25-62, a designation made by the editors to simplify amendments to the Code (see footnote, that section). The subject matter of those sections repealed by Ord. No. 2657, ยง 1, is restated and expanded upon in the present ยงยง 25-1--25-44.
(a) Application for a sidewalk repair or installation permit shall be made on forms furnished by the city.
(b) Applications may be made by mail or telephone. Such applicants must have a cash deposit with the city sufficient to cover fees, or include fees with the mailed application.
(Ord. No. 2657, ยง 1, 10-19-64)