Sec. 14-1. Purpose.
Sec. 14-2. Requirement of good faith.
Sec. 14-3. Definitions.
Sec. 14-4. Labor organizations.
Sec. 14-5. Employees ineligible for representation by a labor organization.
Sec. 14-6. Petitioning for election to determine representation by labor organizations.
Sec. 14-7. Employee associations.
Sec. 14-8. Employees ineligible for representation by an employee association.
Sec. 14-9. Petitioning for election to determine representation by employee associations.
Sec. 14-10. Eligibility.
Sec. 14-11. Application, form of petition and petition process.
Sec. 14-12. Election procedures.
Sec. 14-13. Recognition of labor organizations and employee associations.
Sec. 14-14. Meet and confer.
Sec. 14-15. Meet and discuss.
Sec. 14-16. Meet and consult.
Sec. 14-17. Monthly management-labor meetings.
Sec. 14-18. City management rights.
Sec. 14-19. City employee rights.
Sec. 14-20. Prohibited activity.
Sec. 14-21. No strike / lockout provisions.
Sec. 14-22. Labor organization business.
*Editor’s note – Ord. No. 4382, § 1, adopted Aug. 4, 1975, amended the Code by repealing arts. I – III, V of ch. 14, which pertained to food and food handlers. Said chapter was derived from the Code of 1953, ch. 13, §§ 1-3.1, 9, 10, 21 – 32, 35 – 62; Ord. No. 1802, §§ 1 – 4, 1-6-58; Ord. No. 1804, § 4, 1-6-58; Ord. No. 2077, § 2, 8-1-60 and Ord. No. 3220, § 1, 2-24-69. Article IV of former ch. 14 was redesignated, pursuant to city instructions as art. VIII of ch. 7.
Current ch. 14 was enacted by Ord. No. 10880, §§ 1 and 2, 3-8-11.
The purpose of this chapter is to improve and maintain relations between city employees and city management. This chapter establishes procedures for the designation of labor organizations to represent certain employee groups, and an orderly process to allow regular employees and their representatives, who have been certified as the exclusive representative of a particular employee group, to meet and confer with the city manager relating to wages, hours, benefits and other conditions of employment to establish recommendations in the form of labor agreements to be submitted to the mayor and council and labor organization memberships for consideration and approval.
This chapter also establishes procedures for the recognition of employee associations that represent professional or supervisory employees and an orderly process to allow the employee associations to meet with the city manager and participate in the formulation of policies effecting annual salaries and benefits.
This chapter also establishes procedures for an orderly process to allow the labor organizations to (1) meet with the city manager or designee outside of the meet and confer process and consult regarding new or modified conditions of employment being considered by management or by mayor and council that are not addressed in approved labor agreements; and (2) meet with the city manager or designee on a regularly scheduled basis to discuss any employment policy matters of concern that any of them might have.
This chapter will be interpreted and implemented consistent with the city's authority under the Arizona Constitution and statutes, City Charter, ordinances, resolutions and civil service rules and regulations.
(Ord. No. 10880, § 2, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 12069, § 2, 1-23-24)
When the city manager or designee and the representatives of the labor organizations meet and confer under Section 14-14, meet and discuss under Section 14-15, meet and consult under Section 14-16, and hold labor-management meetings under Section 14-17 of this chapter, they will do so in good faith.
(Ord. No. 12069, § 2, 1-23-24)